Closing Darkness Author Psykorabbit2000 Scene 1 Aldebaran, past A group of males and females are gathered in the woods of a quiet mountain valley. They are dressed differently than other Aldebarns. None of them were the Spell Gems or symbols of the Sister Hood. Male #1 (worried) ”And what are we to do if the Sister Hood finds out about us? We are in defiance of the traditions.” Female #1 (worried) ”He is right. If we are found out, we are all going to be executed.” The oldest Female there is quietly listening as others speak their concerns. After a little bit, she stands and the group falls quiet. Elder Female (gently) ”We are in defiance and we are all risking execution by our actions and being here. We knew that when we made the choice to be here, but we are all here, and for the same reasons.” Female #1 (lowering her head) ”We all feel that the traditions are wrong.” Elder Female (nodding) ”That is right. We have found the proof of it as well.” (pulls a scroll out of her sleeve) ”This scroll speaks of when there was still a king on the Throne with the Queen. It says that times were good and strong during those times, but because of one King, that strength was taken away. We have come here and prayed to which ever diety may listen for guidance and salvation. It is not time to doubt our choice and decisions.” Female voice (gentle and soothing) ”You are right. We have listened and chosen now to speak with you.” The group turns and sees two Females walk out of the trees. They are exact opposites of each other. One is snow white with black eyes and the other is obsidian black with white eyes. Elder Female (raising a hand to focus a spell) ”Who are you and how did you find us?” White Female (smiling gently) ”At ease. We are the Twin Goddesses Ashika and Akihsa. We have listened to your prayers. We are here to give you your request.” The group looks around nervously and mill around in the places. The Elder Female lowers her arm and slowly walks forward. Elder Female (quietly) ”You know our problem then?” Ahsika (smiling) ”Yes, you are hunted for your thoughts are considered treason.” Akisha (crossing her arms, slightly impatient) ”Look, we can take you from here and help you start over. No Sisterhood to hunt you. That’s what you want, right?” The group whispers excitedly among themselves. They look at the Elder Sister with hope in their eyes. She looks at them and turns back to the other two. Elder Sister (quietly) ”It is all we seek.” Akisha (nodding) ”Then we can supply it for you, but know that is has a price.” Male #1 (swallowing nervously) ”What price?” Akihsa (eyes narrowing) ”It will not last forever. A day will come when it will be taken from you by an outside force. Your descendants will be forced to make a choice that will destroy your world that you create. We can not say when. Just that it will.” Elder Female (after a moment of thinking) ”You say our descendants? So it will not happen in our lifetime then?” Ashika (nodding) ”We can at least tell you that is true and that several generations will pass before it happes.” Female #1 (stepping forward) ”I say lets go! If we stay here we will die for sure before our time! If we go with them, then we are guaranteed peace for our lives at least!” Male #1 (stepping forward as well) ”But what of our descendants? You heard what they said! A choice that will destroy the world!” Elder Female (quietly) ”You are both right. This is a painful choice, because both choices end with destruction. Just one is sooner than the other.” (she looked at the two Goddesses) ”We have nothing to loose. We wish to go with you.” Ashika (smiling gently) ”Life is never a simple choice. With your decision, you have given up your Aldebaran heritage and magic, but as out children you will not be helpless.” She points to the male and female who had spoken out. They feel their bodies move forward as if being pulled by another force. The female stops in front of Akihsa and the male in front of Ashika. Ashika (gently) ”From now one, there will be a lineage among your race. It will be as prominent as the magical abilities of Aldebaran. It will be a rare and special gift. Those who receive my gift shall be called Tenchis.” She placed her hand on the male’s head and white energy flowed into his being. Akihsa (placing her hand on the female’s head) “And those who receive my gift shall be known as Onis.” Black energy flowed from her hand and into the female. Both the female and male slowly stood up after the Goddesses removed their hands. Energy was crackling over their body. They looked at the two females and bowed deeply. Akisha (smiling) ”Come our children. It is time to go home.” The others gathered around and they vanished in a flash of white light. Scene 2 Atlantis, Present day Sirens were blaring all around the Palace. KING HWANG was running down the halls towards the command center. Guards were rushing everywhere, some with helmets and others with weapons. King Hwang barged through the control center door and the guards saluted immediately. King Hwang (taking a seat) ”What is the situation?” Tech #1 (reading a screen) ”Toad invasion fleet approaching from heading zero-nine-zero-five, your Majesty! ETA is five hours, twenty minutes, and forty-five seconds!” King Hwang (looking to opposite side of room) ”What is our defense status?!” Tech #2 (tapping headset) ”Squadrons One through Fifteen are preparing as we speak. Orbital Platform Circa and Sira are at one hundred percent and Platform Sora and Cani are at forty percent! Estimated time left for them is twenty- five minutes!” King Hwang nodded and turned to a communication tech. King Hwang (grim faced) ”Send out transmissions stating that Chosen who can travel under their own powers are to return. Everyone else is to stay where they are.” Comm. Tech (looking up) ”What of your wife, your Majesty?” King Hwang (lowering his head) ”Where is she currently?” Comm. Tech (looking at a screen) ”She just left Aldebaran and is preparing to head here.” (slowly turns to King Hwang) ”Her ETA is six hours.” King Hwang took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He knew she wouldn’t make it back before the force struck. King Hwang (quietly) ”Inform her to return to Aldebaran. Send my apologies to her and the Queen of Aldebaran for this.” The Comm. Tech nodded and began transmitting the message. Scene 3 Aldebaran Royal Palace QUEEN KATRINA is standing beside the landing pad as the Atlantean Transport ship slowly landed. QUEEN MEI LIN stepped out and walked up to Queen Katrina. Queen Katrina (smiling slightly) ”It looks like you will be a guest a bit longer Mei Lin. I wasn’t given details of what is going on. Did you?” Queen Mei Lin (nodding slowly) ”Yes and I’m afraid it isn’t good either.” Queen Katrina (nodding) ”I expected as much. Shortly before I received the message, Kinjite vanished in a pillar of flames. He had a saddened look to his face. Can you share what is wrong?” Mei Lin patted Katrina on the shoulder. Queen Mei Lin (quietly) ”Let’s go inside and I will tell you everything.” They turned and walked into the Palace. Scene 4 UAC HQ,Genus CAPTIAN BUCKY O’HARE stared in disbelief at what he had just heard. Bucky O’Hare (stunned) ”You can’t be serious!” OLDER ALLURA and YOUNGER ALLURA both nod to him. Older Allura (quietly) ”It is true, Bucky. The order was only Chosen who can travel under their own power.” Younger Allura (quietly) ”We aren’t Chosen of the Twin Goddesses. If we go, we would be in direct violation of King Hwang’s orders.” FIRST MATE JENNY is there and just as stunned as Bucky is. Jenny (shaking her head) ”But your own dad has defied the King. Why not you two?” Older Allura (lowering her head) ”Dad is a Chosen. Probably the strongest of the Chosen ever. The rules are different when you are a Chosen. If a non Chosen defies the King in times of war, the punishment is execution.” Bucky (whispering) ”So much for Atlantis being a paradise.” Voice (from behind) ”Tell me about it.” Everyone turns and sees FRITZ WARNER approaching. Bucky looks up hopeful. Fritz (shaking his head) ”Sorry Bucky. Just received orders from King Hwang that the UAC Fleet is to stay out of this battle. This is an Atlantean problem. It appears to be a serious one to, because all non CHosens who are off planet are being ordered to stay away from the planet as well.” (looks at Older Allura and smiles grimly) ”Looks like you picked the right time to bring your children to Genus for a visit.” Older Allura doesn’t reply and shakes her head as if trying to clear it. Younger Allura (touching Older Allura’s arm) ”What’s wrong?” Older Allura (quietly) ”It is the coming end that the First scroll spoke of.” Younger Allura’s jaw dropped and she dropped to her knees in shock. Jenny (confused) ”What is that?” Older Allura looks up and there are tears in her eyes. Older Allura (barely above a whisper) ”Atlantis is dying.” Scene 5 Atlantis, ancient times The Elder Sister is older and is using a staff to lean against. Beside her are the First Chosen of the Twin Goddesses. Before them is a small castle being built. Oni Female (gruffily) ”Finally, a place to show our strength and hearts. It has been several years since our arrival.” Tenchi Male (gently) ”That is true, but I am still worried of the destruction we were told of back then.” Elder Sister nodded and held out a Scroll. Elder Sister (quietly) ”I have written it all done, just as the Goddesses told me. I won’t last much longer. We need to write everything that happens and keep the best records we can.” Both of the Chosen nodded and the male gently puts an arm around the Elder Sister. Tenchi Male (gently) ”You should get rest, Sensa. We can tend to the duties of the building.” The Elder Female nodded gently and turned. She slipped the scroll into the Tenchi Male’s hand. Sensa (quietly) ”Place this in the Archives. In the morning, we shall pick the first King and Queen of Atlantis, as well the High Priestess to replace me as keeper of the Archives.” With that, she headed towards the small houses at a slow rate. The Tenchi Male watched her go and lowered his head. The Oni Female stepped up and patted him on the arm. Oni Female (quietly) ”She is old and has seen more than both of us. She has had many kittens since we arrived here. Just try to make her pains lessen until it is time for her passing.” The male nodded quietly and handed the scroll to the female. Tenchi Male (walking after Sensa) ”Please put that in the Archives. I have duties to attend to with our High Priestess.” He walked off and the Oni Female nodded as she turned to the Castle. Scene 6 Atlantis, modern day The toads had landed and a savage fire fight had erupted over the once peaceful grounds of Atlantis. The Castle was an armored fortress with plasma missiles shooting into toad troop squadrons and ion missiles taking down Double Bubbles. In orbit around the planet, Double Bubbles and Mother Ships had engaged battle platforms and streaks of maser fire and missile trials shot across the vast emptiness of space. In the Castle King Hwang looked up as KINJITE walked in, with scorch marks on his fur and bandages over wounds. Kinjite (quietly) ”It doesn’t look good, Hwang. The toads brought an exceptionally large fleet this time. The Battle Platforms in space are taking a severe beating and our troops are barely holding the lines.” (he pointed to a holographic map, along a coastline) ”The toads have landed here and I deployed Night and Ember squads there. Their barely holding the line. We’re surrounded on all fronts and suffering heavy losses.” King Hwang (nodding quietly) ”I know. We lost Sirus Point and Onyx point already. Half of our defenses are down and the other half is struggling. Any suggestions old cat?” Kinjite stands there quietly for several moments studying the map. He lowered his head and sighed. Kinjite (quietly) ”I fear it is the End that the First Scroll speaks of.” King Hwang (barely above a whisper) ”I have thought the same myself.” Kinjite (putting a hand on Hwang’s shoulder) ”Not all of us are here. So if this is the End, not all of us will die.” (Hwang nodded quietly. Kinjite squeezed his shoulder) ”Give the call to pull back to the Catacombs for the Final Prayer. That is all I can suggest.” King Hwang looked up shocked. King Hwang (stunned) ”Are you serious?!” Kinjite (quietly) ”I’m afraid so. There have even been Chosen that say they no longer have their powers. I seem to be among the last and it is going to take more than just me to save this planet. I say we prepare for our final rest. Our lineage is still out there and there will be other Chosen born. Our home is dying and we can’t save it.” King Hwang lowered his head and a tear rolled down his cheek. Kinjite gently drew him into a hug and held the King as he cried. A tear rolled down Kinjite’s cheek as well. The room fell silent as the news sunk into every Tech and Guard in the room. Atlantis was dying and they couldn’t save her. Scene 7 Genus, Officer Apartments NASS is sitting at a computer terminal, staring at news reports and his hands are clasped together tightly. He had been watching the report for a long time. His eyes were red from tears and worry. His love was on Atlantis and it was tearing at him not knowing her condition. Nass (quietly) ”Please let Katar be able to pull through.” There is a knock on the door and he gets up. He slowly walks over and opens it. DEAD EYE is standing there with a depressed look. Nass (quietly) ”Something you need?” Dead Eye (quietly) ”Sorry to bother ye mate, but we were called to help escort Atlanteans to ALdebarran. The Queen’s orders and the UAC wants us to assist.” Nass (quietly) ”Why me?” Dead Eye (shrugging) ”Ye came with high comments of your skill for traffic control with shuttles.” Nass nodded and grabbed his coat. Nass (quietly) ”Fine, let’s go then.” Scene 8 Atlantis, Catacombs Kinjite watches as the last Atlantean makes their way into the catacombs. He pulls the door shut and it seals. He turns and walks through the crowd, towards the center pedestial. Hwang is standing there with Katar and Masa beside him. In his hands is the First Scroll. It is carefully wrapped in a silk cloth that is made from black and white threads woven together. He looks up at Kinjite. Kinjite (quietly) ”Everyone who is left alive is in here.” Hwang nods and turns to the two statues floating in the air above the pedestail. One is snow white and the other is onyx black. Hwang (quietly) ”Ironic, the tool to deal with our worlds death is in the shape of the ones who gave it to our ancestors.” Katar (quietly) ”We knew it would come sooner or later. We await your orders, your Majesty.” Hwang nodded quietly and began to turn. Suddenly the door exploded and storm toads began pouring in. Maser fire erupted all over the place as Guards returned fire. Kinjite grabbed Hwang and dove to the side as Maser fire poured over the pedestal. Katar went with them, but Masa was struck through the chest and was dead before hitting the ground. Hwang (gasping in pain) ”I was hit!” (he moved his hand and revealed a nasty wound in the side of his chest) ”Can’t perform the ceremony with them in here!” Kinjite was lying beside him and nodded. He had a wound in his stomach and was holding it closed. Kinjite (gasping in pain) ”Well…I guess this is good news! The ritual was interrupted!” Hwang looked at him and nodded. Hwang (grimacing) ”That means we need to get the Scroll out of here!” (he handed the scroll to Katar) ”Its your duty now! Get it out of here!” Katar (taking the scroll) ”How am I suppose to pull that off! The only exit is full of Toads!” A blaster fell from an Atlantean Guard near them and Hwang grabbed it. He looked at Kinjite. Hwang (lifting the blaster) ”Can you do it?” Kinjite (nodding) ”By me some time then!” Hwang nodded and rose up to the edge of the small wall. He opened fire on the toads. Kinjite pulled Katar aside. Kinjite (quietly) ”Trust me with this Katar.” (he pulled her in close and kissed her on the forehead) ”Tell my daughters I love them both.” It suddenly dawned on Katar what was going on and tears began to form. Katar (whispering) ”Master Oni Lance, you can’t die here! You’re the strongest Chosen!” Kinjite (smiling) ”Everyone dies. The First Chosen knew and accepted it. Live and give our people their history.” With that, Kinjite grabbed a hold of Katar’s uniform and focused. A black swirling vortex formed behind her and a tendril reached through and gently wrapped around her waist. Kinjite slowly opened his eye and smiled one last time at Katar. Kinjite (gently) ”Tell Nass he is a lucky bastard. If it wasn’t for him, I would have been with you.” Katar’s jaw dropped in shock and the tendril yanked her through. Kinjite turned around in time to see Hwang get shot through the throat and fall backwards. Kinjite ran up to him and held him as Hwang gasped for air. Hwang (gasping) ”Don’t…let them…ruin our…home!” Kinjite nodded and held the Atlantean that was the closest cat to being his brother. When Hwang finally stopped breathing, there were tears flowing out of Kinjite’s eye. HE looked across the pedestal and saw the switch. He knew his final duty, even though he could feel his powers fading. He took a deep breath and ran for the pedestal. Maser fire tore up the ground as he ran. He could feel the bolts that tore through his flesh and scorched his fur. He kept his eye focused on the switch. He was just a few steps away and a bolt hit him squarely in the back and he fell forward. He could feel his life draining away with his blood. He slowly crawled towards the switch. He felt the cold marble stone of the column that the switch was on, about the same time he lost feeling in his legs. He slowly reached up and pulled himself up. As soon as his eyes cleared the top, he found a maser rifle aimed right at his forehead. The toad holding it smiled cruelly, as his finger tightened on the trigger. Kinjite closed his eye and slapped his hand down, just as the maser rifle fired. Kinjite (thinking) >Ayami, I’m coming back to you< The energy field around the statues suddenly flickered and fell away. The statues pitched forward and slammed into the ground. The moment they came in contact with a solid object, the explosion was deafening, as anti matter collided with matter. Scene 9 Aldebaran Royal Palace Jenny and Bucky were taking roll listing of Atlanteans as they stepped off of transports. Jenny (after punching in one of the last names) ”That puts us about eight thousand.” Bucky (nodding) ”At least Aldebarran was willing to let them come here. I can’t-“ He was cut off as the entire sky was lit up as if a sun just came on right next to the planet. The light lasted for about thirty seconds. All the Atlanteans fell quiet as it happened and remained quiet after it was done. Nass came running out from a nearby tower. Nass (yelling) ”Bucky! Atlantis is…” Suddenly Nass was cut of as a wail started and steadily grew louder. Bucky and Jenny looked around in shock, as they both realized the wail was really Antlanteans beginning to cry. Bucky looked at Nass with a questioning look on his stunned face. Nass (quietly) ”Atlantis just exploded in an antimatter explosion.” Bucky (stunned) ”The Toads?” Nass (shaking his head) ”No, its signature matched the same signature of Atlantean ships.” Jenny (as tears began to form) ”They killed themselves?!” Suddenly a black vortex appeared. All three turned in hopes of seeing a familiar cat. A cat came through, but she was only familiar to Nass. Nass (shocked) ”Katar!” Katar staggered to her feet and looked around at all the crying Atlanteans. She spun at the sound of Nass’s voice. She quickly clung to him as tears flowed from her eyes. They slowly sank to the ground, Nass holding Katar as she clutched to him and sobbing in his shirt. Later… Katar was standing before Queen Katrina and Queen Mei Lin. Bucky, Jenny, and Nass were standing there as well. Katar (quietly) ”King Hwang gave me the order to get the First Scroll somewhere safe. Master Oni Lance pulled me aside and began to use his magic to open the vortex that brought me here. The last thing I saw was King Hwang being shot through the head and the vortex closed. We were beginning to perform the Final Prayer ritual when the Toads attacked the Catacombs.” Queen Mie Lin fell silent as Katar gave her report. Queen Katrina looked at her then at Katar. Queen Katrina (confused) ”Final Prayer? First Scroll?” Queen Mei Lin (quietly) ”The Final Prayer Ritual is the prayer for the planet. It meant that the planet was dying and that Atlantis was to be removed. Everyone on the planet is dead. The planet is dead and destroyed.” (she looked at Katar) ”Do you have the First Scroll?” Katar nodded and gently pulled the scroll from within her uniform shirt. She walked up and offered it to Queen Mei Lin. Mei Lin nodded and took it. She slowly opened the wrapping and looked at the seal. Queen Mei Lin (quietly) ”Our people’s entire history is in this scroll. From our origins to the present. It is all that is left of Atlantis.” Queen Katrina looked over and her eyes widened in shock at the sight of the seal. Queen Katrina (stunned) ”That is the seal of the last honorable king of Aldebaran!” Scene 10 Aldebaran, a couple of days later Queen Mei Lin and Queen Katrina were sitting in a small room. Queen Mei Lin had just finished explaining the origins of Atlantis to Queen Katrina. Queen Katrina (amazed) ”So our worlds were actually of the same descendants, just different paths. To think, we have waged a war for how long?” Queen Mai Lin (nodding) ”It is true, but at least peace was obtained before Atlantis had to die.” A tear formed in her eye and Queen Katrina gently took her hand. Queen Katrina (gently) ”Its alright, Mei Lin. Your people are still alive and they still have a home. We will help you find a new Atlantis and help you start again. I promise you that.” Mei Lin nodded as she felt tears sliding down her cheek. At the launch site… Nass looked at Katar. Nass (quietly) ”Are you sure? Won’t they need you here?” Katar (shaking her head) ”Nass, I watched in horror as hundreds of my people were mowed down. I saw the King of our race get shot through the head. I know the strongest Atlantean and Chosen is now dead. I’m tired of war. I just want to get away from it. You’re all that I have left in this universe.” Nass nodded and gently held Katar as she began crying again, as memories flowed back. Jenny and Bucky were standing nearby. Jenny (quietly) ”She saw so much in just a short time. I don’t think we ever saw so much of a massacre in our entire time fighting this war.” Bucky (nodding) ”I know what you mean.” (He gently took Jenny’s hand and looked at her) ”Jenny, I want you to promise me something. If I ever stop crying for the dead, kill me.” Jenny (quietly) ”Only if you promise the same to me.” They both nod and watch as Nass leads Katar into a transport back to Genus. To Be continued in Righteous Fury