“The Mysterious Enigma” Time-Travelling One Last Time By Andrew Norris Starring Rowan Atkinson as the Doctor SCENE ONE - The Toad Mothership, somewhere in space In a small office, TOAD AIR MARSHAL is speaking to THE GODTURTLE, who is leaning back in his chair which creaks loudly under his weight. TOAD AIR MARSHAL looks at THE GODTURTLE firmly. AIR MARSHAL: Are you sure you've now got it? GODTURTLE: (Via translator) Hey, it's no problem, huh? I can take care of that pesky rabbit for you. That is, of course, if I get my first payment in advance. AIR MARSHAL: I told you, you'd be paid fully on completion of the mission! GODTURTLE: No money, no Bucky O'Hare. TOAD AIR MARSHAL groans angrily, admitting defeat, and pulls a small purse of money from a drawer in his desk and throws the purse in the GODTURTLE'S lap. The GODTURTLE empties some simoleons from the purse and toys with them in his flipper. GODTURTLE: This had better be worth it, Air Marshal, or you'll wish you'd never crossed the GodTurtle! He clambers out of his chair, which creaks violently, and makes his way out. Once the door is closed, TOAD AIR MARSHAL slumps back in his chair, groaning to himself. AIR MARSHAL: He may be one of the best crimelords in the Aniverse, but he sure needs to lose weight! SCENE TWO - The Righteous Indignation, Orwell Station, over Genus DEADEYE and WILLY are going over the ship from top-to-bottom. DEADEYE is cleaning the ship, whilst WILLY is repairing it. Judging by the burn marks and the soot on the hull, it seems clear that the Righteous Indignation has been in a heavy battle. WILLY: Boy, those Toads sure gave us a good beating! It'll take ages to have this all patched up. DEADEYE: Aye, but I'm curious, Willy lad. Why would them Toadies be so interested in Ateo? Everybody knows that them Bats moved outta there years ago! WILLY: Maybe they thought there was some kinda buried treasure or something. He turns his head as BUCKY returns from his break. He is looking down on a sheet of paper with a puzzled look on his face. Immediately, WILLY and DEADEYE stop work to speak to him. DEADEYE: What be the trouble, cap'n? Yer face be pretty low. BUCKY: (Mumbling) It's these readings we took back on Ateo. As it turns out, the Bats were living on one of the largest deposits of radioactive ore in the Aniverse and they never even realised it. WILLY: So the Toads wanted the ore so they could use it as an extra power source! BUCKY nods silently, and then folds up the paper to put it in his pocket. BUCKY: I guess once we put in the report back on Genus, we can consider that case closed. A small gust of wind envelops them from out of nowhere, and DEADEYE overreacts by clinging onto his cap. DEADEYE: Hey, what slimeball opened the airlock without depressurizin' first? There follows a whooshing sound, and the trio look out into the corridor connecting the Righteous to Orwell Station, as a dark-blue police box materialises from out of nowhere. Once it has appeared fully, the wind dies away, and DEADEYE slaps his beak in disgust. DEADEYE: (Whines) Oh, frell! Not that weirdo baboon again! The door of the Police Box opens, and from within steps a tall man in a long, brown coat that conceals a red shirt underneath. The man (who is, in fact, THE DOCTOR) bears more than a passing resemblance to Rowan Atkinson, and speaks with Refined Pronounciation. DOCTOR: (English accent, to Bucky and friends) Good evening, is this Orwell Station? SCENE THREE - Control Room, Genus Control Centre, Genus CORPORAL RICHARD NASS is at his control desk with the headphones plugged into the console. As he works quietly, he doesn't hear or notice KATAR, his Atlantean girlfriend, arrive in the elevator and walk over to him. Smiling, she places her hands over his eyes and purrs into his ear. KATAR: Guess who? NASS: (Grins) Sophia La Wren. KATAR and NASS both laugh together as KATAR moves her arms so that they're wrapped around NASS'S arms. NASS moves his free hand to stroke one of KATAR'S own as he half-looks at the monitor and half-looks at KATAR. KATAR: I guess things must be pretty quiet if you're in a good mood. NASS: Well, there was one huge attack nearby a few days ago. We only just beat them Toads off, but I think they'll back down until their factories can get a few more cruisers up in space. KATAR moves onto a chair beside NASS as they speak. Neither one of them notices on the scanners that a passenger ship is coming in to land, and that it has given the satellite clearance codes to allow it to pass safely onto Genus. KATAR: I've just come back from the office. They told me about your decision over the Mammal Meteor. (looks at Nass earnestly) Are you sure you want to go through with it? NASS: (Nods) It's not because I've grown tired of it, Katar, it's just that I have to choose between Genus Control or the racetrack. I only joined up to get some extra money, and now that I have it, I'm going to retire once this season is out. The elevator opens again, and BANQUO, the steam-powered robot, glides into the Control Room. BANQUO: Beg pardon, corporal, but the Righteous Indignation is about to touch down. They say they want to see whatever Admiral is available. NASS silently nods as BANQUO leaves. NASS looks up at KATAR, but KATAR appears to understand his meaning, and pecks NASS on the cheek before leaving herself. SCENE FOUR - Spaceport, Genus Control Centre, Genus The passenger ship has landed, and the GODTURTLE is present, disguised in a white suit, a straw hat and dark glasses. As they approach the Customs checkpoint, THE GODTURTLE silently hands the CLERK a forged passport which identifies the GODTURTLE as "Martin Banjo". CLERK: How long is your stay here, Mr. Banjo? GODTURTLE: (Disguised voice) Only for two days. I'm here on business. The CLERK silently accepts this and stamps the forged passport. As the GODTURTLE passes through the terminal building and out into the street, he notices the Righteous Indignation touching down at Genus Control. He smiles as he watches the frigate land, before moving away to plan his next move. AT GENUS CONTROL... Once the ship has landed, BUCKY and JENNY disembark, speaking to THE DOCTOR as he explains the situation to them both. Behind he group, BRUISER has the TARDIS draped over one arm and is carrying it like a crate. Behind BRUISER come DEADEYE and WILLY, keeping their distance from THE DOCTOR. DOCTOR: ...and so I felt it only natural to come here and rectify that problem. JENNY: (Skeptically) But how do you know that all that is going to happen? DOCTOR: A simple case of time-travel, Jenny. We Time Lords can see the possibilities that might occur in time if something is or isn't affected. BUCKY: OK, Doctor, I'll buy the fact that you've got the TARDIS and the know-how, but you haven't got the looks. How can we be certain you're not just some imposter? DOCTOR: (Sighs) It's a little hard to explain, but my race can regenerate into another incarnation as a means of cheating death. Right now, though, my main concern is keeping the balance between Mammal and Toads in the Aniverse perfectly even. Behind the group, DEADEYE and WILLY talk to one another in hushed tones. DEADEYE: I don't like it, Willy me lad. What's some hairless baboon like him wanna help us for? WILLY: He's just trying to help, Deadeye. I mean, I'm a hairless baboon, and I wanna help you! DEADEYE: (crosses arms) Aye. I trust you, Willy me lad, but if this guy really be the Doctor, then this bilgewash'd better be good! WILLY says nothing, and continues to walk behind the group, mulling things over in his mind. SCENE FIVE - Genus Control Centre, Genus BANQUO arrives back on the control deck via the elevator, and looks around, finding the floor empty. BANQUO: Corporal Nass? There is a thump from the broom cupboard, and BANQUO cautiously approaches. He opens the door, only to find NASS and KATAR making out inside. NASS' uniform is ruffled and half undone, whilst KATAR'S hair is in a complete mess. Both smarten themselves up as BANQUO listens to NASS. NASS: (Nervously) Sorry, Banquo, but before you make any reports to higher up, this is still my lunch break! BANQUO: (Under his breath) Yeah, and I'm really Rouge the Bat. (normal voice) There's a technician downstairs who says he's here to check the electronics on this level. Shall I let him up? NASS: Give us a minute to smarten up first, then let him up. BANQUO bows, and clanks back into the elevator. Once he's gone, KATAR makes her way to the stairs. KATAR: (to Nass) I'd better go, too. Don't want people getting the wrong idea, do we? NASS: (Laughs slightly) Give my regards to everyone back home, huh? KATAR nods, and the two hug one another before departing. Once KATAR is gone, the elevator returns, carrying BANQUO and the GODTURTLE, now disguised as a caretaker and attempting to speak with an Australian accent, which seems to come across more as Norweigan. BANQUO: Corporal, this is Engineer Merlin Dando, the electrician. NASS: What's the reason for the check-up? We've had no faults recently. GODTURTLE: (In disguised accent) Oh, good on you, mate. It's them drongos who write the regulations who sent me. Crikey, what a hullabaloo! BANQUO rolls his eye-sensors in disbelief at this voice, as does NASS. BANQUO: When you've finished, Mr. Dando, perhaps I can adjust your translator. It sounds a little out-of-tune. GODTURTLE: Good on you, mate, but right now, let's get down to it. Whilst NASS and BANQUO slowly return to their work, THE GODTURTLE sneaks over to the main fusebox and sets to work on his plan. SCENE SIX - Rygar's Office, UAC Admiralty, Genus FLEET-ADMIRAL RYGAR BLADE is sitting at his desk, as BUCKY, JENNY and THE DOCTOR deliver their story. Like DEADEYE and WILLY, who are not present, RYGAR appears skeptical. RYGAR: Are you telling me that this man is the Doctor, but his face changes at will? DOCTOR: Not at will, Admiral, but just as a means of cheating death. BUCKY: I know it sounds crazy, sir, but every word of it is true. RYGAR: (leans back in his chair) There is one way of proving that you're the Doctor. DOCTOR: (raises and eyebrow) Yes, Admiral? RYGAR: Simply tell us what you did the last time you were on Genus. DOCTOR: Well, my previous visit to this planet was a little under two years ago, when with the help of Captain O'Hare and the rest of the Mammalian officers present, an invasion by a small force of Cyber-Toads was defeated. (pause) Is that what you meant? RYGAR does not answer, but rubs his forehead as a headache comes on. After a moment, he sits up and looks at THE DOCTOR. BUCKY and JENNY stay where they are, but exchange nervous glances in silence. RYGAR: Very well, Doctor, what is it you want? DOCTOR: To keep the opposing sides of the Toad Wars fair, or at least as fair as warring factions can be, Admiral. There is a Toad spy somewhere on Genus, and if he is not found, then the S.P.A.C.E. will collapse as fast as you can blink. Now RYGAR exchanges nervous glances with BUCKY and JENNY, whilst THE DOCTOR remains motionless, caught in the invisible triangle of nervous stares. RYGAR: Then, if you would be so kind, you could explain to us how you came by this information. DOCTOR: (Nods) Certainly. There was a point in the future where the Toads sent a sort of Trojan horse into Genus and helped to bring down it's planetary security systems, allowing KOMPLEX to seize control. Of course this hasn't yet, because I have come back in time to the moment before the trap can be set, you see? RYGAR pulls a bottle of pills from his desk drawer as the headache evolves into a migraine. After swallowing two, he looks again at BUCKY. RYGAR: Captain O'Hare, I'd be much obliged if you went with the Doctor. At the first sight of trouble, do your duty as an officer and arrest whoever or whatever is causing the grief around here, understand? BUCKY: (Salutes) Yes, sir. They march out, with THE DOCTOR in tow, whilst RYGAR leans back in his chair, muttering to himself. RYGAR: I knew I should've taken up window-dressing instead of the navy. SCENE SEVEN - Control Room, Genus Control Centre, Genus THE GODTURTLE has finished his work, and turns his back so that he can see NASS and BANQUO, both of whom are brooding over a computer readout. THE GODTURTLE moves out of their earshot, and activates a miniature videophone built into his toolbox. TOAD AIR MARSHAL appears on the screen. AIR MARSHAL: Is it done? GODTURTLE: (quietly in his normal voice) All ready, Air Marshal. Captain O'Hare should be back on duty in five minutes. I'll wait until then to strike. AIR MARSHAL: See that you do. (pause) What do you plan to do? GODTURTLE: When he gets in the elevator, I'll cut the power and trigger the emergency air supply. I've rigged the ventilation systems so that the whole tower will be filled with cyanide gas once I've triggered it. AIR MARSHAL: Good. Fail this and you'll pay, Air Marshal out. THe screen goes blank, and THE GODTURTLE constantly looks over his shoulder as NASS and BANQUO still try to make sense of the monitors. THE GODTURTLE puts on a breathing mask, and prepares to throw the switch... DOWNSTAIRS... BUCKY, JENNY, WILLY, DEADEYE and THE DOCTOR all step into the elevator on the ground-floor and push the button for the top floor, where the control room is located. WILLY: But how exactly do you plan to stop this spy from killing us, Doctor? You still haven't explained that, yet! DOCTOR: Patience, Willy. I haven't explained yet because I'm waiting for the right moment. Once you see what I've already done, then you'll find out. The doors close, and the elevator slowly ascends. UPSTAIRS... THE GODTURTLE counts the seconds on his wristwatch, and once the time is up, he throws the switch. But instead of destroying the Tower and everyone inside, THE GODTURTLE is electrocuted in a cacophony of electronic fizzing and agonising screams. NASS and BANQUO jump up in surprise at this, but keep their distance for fear of being electrocuted themselves. THE GODTURTLE finally lets go of the switch, and collapses to the floor, still writhing as the last ounces of life leave his crippled body. BANQUO: (shocked) What in the name of George Stephenson was all that about? NASS: No idea, but I've got a funny feeling we'll soon find out. He moves over to a videophone and calls the RECEPTIONIST on the ground- floor. NASS: (to Videophone) Get me the Military Police! We have a saboteur and a murder inquiry to deal with! Just then, the elevator slides open, and THE DOCTOR glides into the room, with BUCKY, JENNY ETC. in tow. THE DOCTOR keeps calm as he explains everything to NASS and BANQUO. DOCTOR: Perhaps I can explain, Corporal. (pause) You see, that man who has just been electrocuted is The GodTurtle, who was sent to try and kill off Bucky O'Hare and his colleagues. JENNY: So you went back in time, altered the damages The GodTurtle had made, and then disappeared before we arrived! DOCTOR: Err, no. If I had done that, not only would Corporal Nass and his robot friend here had seen me, but I couldn't hide anywhere. The elevator is the only way down, and the stairs have a security lock at the bottom. BUCKY: So how did you do it, Doctor? DOCTOR: I went back even further in time to when the Genus Control Centre was first built, and met the architect responsible. I convinced him about the fear of sabotage, and so he relocated the main fusebox on the ground-floor, and this fusebox was just a trap that would electrocute anyone trying to tamper with it. WILLY: (finishes his sentence) And the GodTurtle, who was posing as an electrician, fell into the trap and accidentally killed himself! The group look down at the smouldering remains of THE GODTURTLE, as it steams quietly to itself. SCENE EIGHT - Toad Mothership, somewhere in space TOAD AIR MARSHAL is looking over a STORMTOAD who is spying on the Mammalian frequencies. On it is a news report given by a NEWSREADER who is a Golden Retriever in a suit. NEWSREADER: ...but Sophia La Wren refused to comment on the matter. (pause) The crimelord known as The GodTurtle was posthumously arrested yesterday, after he accidentally electrocuted himself to death. The criminal, responsible for some of the biggest crimewaves in the Aniverse, was posing as an electrician in the hope of destroying the Genus Control Centre, the spaceport for the S.P.A.C.E., but fell into a booby-trap, and was killed... AIR MARSHAL: (Mumbles) He can murder hundreds of lives, blackmail hundreds of leading statesmen, and gamble in hundreds of casinos...but he can't sabotage a simple fusebox! STORMTOAD #1: Will you want a full report, Air Marshal? AIR MARSHAL: Why would I want a report on a failure, soldier? He marches away, grumbling incoherently to himself. THE STORMTOAD looks on with his brow furrowed in doubt. SCENE NINE - The TARDIS, leaving the Aniverse THE DOCTOR is back at the controls, and he looks over at the monitor as he leaves the planet Genus far behind. He smiles at the knowledge of a job well-done. DOCTOR: So long, Captain O'Hare. A pleasant future, I hope. (claps hands) Now, what's next on my "To Do" list? He pulls out a lengthy "To Do" list from his pocket, along with a black biro pen. At the very top of the list, there are already three tasks crossed out: 1) DEFEAT THE SHEEPSQUEEZERS OF SPLATTICAN V 2) PICK UP DRY-CLEANING FROM SVARTOS 3) HALT MOVELLAN CONQUEST OF PLANET SARN THE DOCTOR takes his pen and crosses out the fourth task on his list: 4) SAVE PLANET GENUS FROM TOAD DOMINATION (ANIVERSE) He then looks down the list to the fifth task on the list, and looks at it with particular interest. 5) VISIT PROF. EMMA SAWALHA AT ST. CEDD'S COLLEGE DOCTOR: Right, off to St. Cedd's once again. He flicks a few switches on the console, and the TARDIS disappears into the blackness of space. THE END