TRANSFORMERS ALIENS IN DISGUISE - BOOK II WOLF: Finally I've located the anti-matter formula. Sure enough O'Donnell Senior tracked down the formula to its location. He contacted his 2nd in Command with the following news. WOLF: Fiona, an outside computer now holds the formula we seek. I will transmit the coordinates to you. Get the formula, bring it here immediately. Within seconds the trio of Simian, Kate and Fiona arrived at the site of the coordinates, alias the Robotnik residence to be exact. KATE: Ravage, capture the formula and bring it here. Immediately the alien feline broke down the front door of the house, bounding inside as it searched for its prey. In their bedroom at the rear of the house both girls heard the crashing sound of the door being forced open. HOPE: Oh, no. Burgulars broke into our house? Why didn't the alarm sound. MARIA: It's got to be the Decepticons after our fathers formula. HOPE: No way. I've memorized it so once I destroy this... there's no way Team StarWolf can learn to make the formula themselves. Suddenly Ravage appeared in the open doorway snarling menacingly as it crouched low, one eye sensor glowing ominously. HOPE: You're too late whoever you are! The information's already been destroyed. MARIA: Get out of here or we call the cops! Unfortunately Ravage did not feel threatened by this gesture of defiance. Moments later it crashed through the back window with both unconscious girls, one clasped gently in its mouth, the other sprawled atop its back as it rounded the house back to the front yard where its mistress and others waited. SIMIAN: Whoa, hope it didn't kill them. KATE: No, it's trained not to harm innocent lives. Good work, Ravage, well done. FIONA: Right, back to the lab where big boss awaits us. Put one of those hostages inside the cockpit. Kate obliged...and soon the trio flew back to the Robotnik research complex. Fortunately this was detected by Nicole who saw everything taking place and alerted her friends to the crisis. In the blink of an eye the StarFox Autobots and Big Hero 6 were racing top speed to rescue the Robotnik family and stop the StarWolf Decepticons from destroying Earth and the universe too. BayMax in its red body-armor suit flew through the sky with Hiro Hamada astride its back in his purple-black body armor suit staying in contact with his teammates. GoGo Tomago in her yellow-black body armor suit skated along on her maglev wheels like Eric Heiden at the 1980 Winter Olympics, Honey Lemon in her pink body armor suit rode inside the cab of Fox's PeterBilt 379 disguise with Wasabi in his green body armor suit & goggles. Fred attired in the Alien Xenomorph costume bounded along actually keeping pace with the Autobots in their vehicle forms. FRED the ALIEN: It's time to rescue the hostages as always man! WASABI: And to enjoy slicing and dicing the opposition. HONEY: Watch out for my exploding ChemBalls. GOGO: When will those alien bullies ever learn...crime does not pay. BAYMAX: There it is, the Robotnik solar research institute... HIRO: I thought we'd never make it in time. FOX: Hold up, I sense danger ahead. As the convoy approached the perimeter fence-line surrounding the complex it was BayMax whose sensors first saw trouble. Standing atop the main building above the single door was Fiona and Tai Lung but the scariest part was there was both Robotnik twins held between the Decepticons like human shields. BAYMAX: Oh's Maria and Hope Robotnik. HIRO: They're using them as human shields! TAI: Try anything stupid, your friends are doomed! FIONA: And if they don't, you're doomed...he-he-he-he! FOX: Autobots, transform! Now here's my plan. Back inside the main building it was Kate who used mind-melding skills to probe the hostages minds to extract what her father sought as O'Donnell Senior looked on with a smirk like grin on his face. WOLF: Foolish mortals. Did you really think you could hide the formula from me, inside your brains? COLIN: Leave her alone, butt-head! How dare you harm my daughter! KATE: Formula extracted daddy. GERALD: Oh dear...there goes the universe. HOPE: But you can't use our research for chaos and destruction,'s wrong! WOLF: Thank you for reminding me of that my dear. Release her. Hope ran to her father who hugged her glad to know she was not harmed while glaring angrily at his captors who ignored him for the moment. Maria was also released as she was embraced by her father who calmed her down saying it was not her fault and that of her sister but they were going to be all right, that someone would come save them soon enough. Meanwhile back outside... FOX: Where's Ninjara? NINJARA: Here I am, sorry but I was getting ready. ROCKET: And so was we, uh, that is I mean myself and my holographic twins. FOX: Fine. Now let's begin Operation Anti-Matter and be careful. Ninjara and Rocket nodded then disappeared as their magic rendered them invisible to the naked eye. Moments later both Autobot and ex-Decepticon were making their way towards the complex. With them was Honey and GoGo as backup. Tai Lung stood atop the building's roof scanning for signs of StarFox anywhere but could see nothing at first. That is when... TAI: Hey, what's that? NINJARA: Good question, sucker. TAI: Who said that?!! The kung fu-wushu expert spun around searching for the source of the voice but as he did so it was Honey and GoGo who dashed past him, unseen towards the single building. They were soon joined by Rocket and Ninjara still invisible as well as Bucky Hare who tagged along at the last second. Tai again saw nothing. TAI: There's no one there. I must be imagining that I heard someone speak to me. ROCKET: Now that's the smartest thing you said all day. TAI: Really? Hey what's going on! Back inside the laboratory Wolf instructed Kate to activate the computers which she complied and seconds later glowing liquid substances began flowing into nearby vat containers. WOLF: Amazing, I've generated anti-matter. The key to our conquest of the universe! Bring the ENERGON cubes. HOPE: No, I won't let you! Without warning she was knocked down by Ravage who snarled at her defiantly but was ordered to back off by Kate who did not want her pet to harm the terran girl. Wolf scowled at this so called brave act. WOLF: Foolish can't stop me or my clan from ruling the universe. NINJARA: Stop! Hold it right there! WOLF: Who said that? No way, it can't be... impossible. ROCKET: We said it! We said it...we said it! This shocked the StarWolf warriors briefly at the sight of three Rocket Raccoon bounty hunters all aiming their pulse rifles at them. WOLF: Blast them! However the beams passed through the two fake Raccoons who vanish instantly leaving the real one standing there who returns fire forcing Wolf to block the bolts with his dark-shield. HONEY: Leave them alone you bullies! Here, let me give you a taste of my technology so to speak. A pink chemball popped into sight, she caught it then lobbed it at the alarmed Decepticons like a pitcher throwing a strike to home plate. It exploded on contact covering some of the mutants in sticky glue substance making them gasp in shock and try to get the stuff off them. GoGo zoomed into sight. GOGO: Hope, Maria! You okay? BUCKY: All aboard for the Bucky O'Hare Express now leaving nonstop for headquarters. MARIA: Am I glad to see you Tomago. FIONA: Your reunion will be short-lived. NINJARA: Not so fast, former sister of mine! WOLF: The traitor Ninjara... get her! NINJARA: Never! The blast-waves hurled the Decepticons off their feet at the same time Fiona herself came under assault by the same powers and went down hard. GOGO: Let's vacate the premesis. HONEY: Roger that, we're out of here. HOPE: Dad, grandpa...come on! GERALD: Wait for us! COLIN: Let's roll! NINJARA: I got your 6:00 covered. WOLF: Stop them, they must not escape! The rest of his clan responded by also firing their laser guns and power rings but it was too late as GoGo, Honey, Bucky, Rocket and Ninjara fled the complex with the rescued Robotnik family. However they were spotted by Tai Lung who gasped in wide eyed astonishment. TAI: Hey, where did they come from? In moments they reached the spot where Fox, Sally, Monkey Kahn, Aries, Lupe, Jenny, Dead-Eye, Falco, Miriam, Krystal, Hiro, BayMax, Fred and Wasabi waited for their safe return. Bucky pulled up and reported to his leader. BUCKY: The Robotnik's are safe, boss. It's your game now. FOX: Let's go teach those bullies a good lesson. He then barreled full tilt through the main gate disabling the mechanism and short circuiting the electrified fence as well accompanied by the rest of his gang. Changing back to normal forms they burst into the building. SALLY: Come on! We got to get those anti-matter cubes before it's too late! Unfortunately as they entered the main workplace they froze with shock and horror on their faces! There stood Wolf a sneering smirk on his face as he juggled one of the cubes in his palm. WOLF: It is too late. Catch! Suddenly a powerful explosion rocked the complex as O'Donnell's evil laughter rang out all around. A few seconds afterwards the stunned-battered StarFox warriors stumbled into the fresh air, coughing and hacking up the poison fumes in the air. FOX: Autobots, we've suffered losses but we've not lost the war. For the moment we shall return to base for medical treatment. Transform and roll out! Soon the heroes of Corneria together with Big Hero 6 made their retreat to their base as their rivals watched them disappear into the distance. WOLF: The death of Team StarFox is now at hand. Powered by anti-matter I will seal their fate personally. TO BE CONTINUED...