TRANSFORMERS ALIENS IN DISGUISE - BOOK IV CHAPTER 2 One day Bucky Hare and William DuWitt were cruising the California highways on a friendly jaunt so to speak. The weather was nice, about 70-80 degrees with clear skies and few clouds. Both were reliving the events of the day before when a mysterious alien MewTwo first tried destroying the StarFox Autobots but then had a change of heart when he refused to execute POWs on orders from Fiona Fox who then zapped him for disobeying her commands calling him a traitor to the StarWolf Decepticon cause. Afterwards he turned against Wolf O'Donnell when he ordered him to crush all of StarFox once and for all and instead allied himself to the Autobot cause. This was followed by Fiona attempting to destroy her so-called bodyguard but was wounded in the process - then MewTwo sacrificed itself in the end. WILLY: Still can't believe he would kill himself after he turned against StarWolf. BUCKY: I can't believe it either. However he did save your planet from freezing completely. WILLY: Yes, Earth is now back to normal weather again so to speak. The heat energy is restored at its core. BUCKY: So how come there's snow still everywhere? WILLY: Because it's winter so there is snow everywhere creating a white scenery. It goes from November all the way into March before melting away as Spring begins. BUCKY: Ah...still taking a long time getting used to this humanoid world of yours. All of a sudden a radio bulletin came over the speakers surprising them both. RADIO: We interrupt your radio program with a special news bulletin. Government officials today have confirmed that airline passenger planes have mysteriously vanished from airports across the nation. These planes, either B-747s, L-1011s, B-757s, B-767s, B-737s, B-727s, were last seen at abruptly 33,000 feet above the airports, when...according to one official, the planes seem to disappear without a trace and cannot be detected on radar. Experts from the NTSB and FAA suggest that the technology necessary to make these planes disappear is far too advanced for ordinary terrorists. Repeat, this has been a special news bulletin. We return you to your regularly radio show. William gasped in astonishment. Even Bucky in Camaro form seemed surprised too. WILLY: No way...airline planes vanishing without a trace? BUCKY: What kind of alien technology is this? Just then Bucky noticed a terran person lying unconscious by the side of the road and screeched to a stop. BUCKY: Hey, excuse me, sir. Are you all right? WILLY: Mister... The man only moaned in response but did not move. William opened the driver's door and got out to inspect the figure checking for vital signs as Bucky looked on in vehicle disguise. BUCKY: Is he... WILLY: He's okay, his pulse is steady but appears to be unconscious. BUCKY: Here, I'll use my magic to get him inside me. Calling upon the magic within himself...Bucky Hare levitated the person through the air as William helped guide him into the open passenger door then buckled the safety restraints into place, went back around to the driver's side and got back into the Camaro again. WILLY: Perhaps Dr Lupe can examine this man for injuries but I don't see anything on him. BUCKY: Good idea, partner. In a daze the man heard Bucky's voice, briefly opened his eyes to look around but saw no one in the car except for a 10-yr old boy behind the steering wheel. CHARLIE: Wait a minute, who said that? Where are you? BUCKY: You're sitting inside me dude. CHARLIE: Aaaaaaugh! Let me out of here! A talking car? WILLY: It's cool, no need to be afraid sir. CHARLIE: Who are you, kid? You're with them, aren't you. WILLY: I don't know what you're talking about mister. CHARLIE: First a fighter jet spoke to me...then I was placed under a hypnotic spell or something like it. And now a talking car...the world's gone crazy, let me out of here! All of a sudden the man passed out again. WILLY: Uh-oh... BUCKY: Talking fighter planes? Team StarWolf Decepticons! WILLY: Aye, back to base pronto! It did not take long when William DuWitt and Bucky Hare made it back to StarFox headquarters. Both described everything about the news report of disappearing airline planes and the short conversation with the stranger. BUCKY: I don't know, boss but I think this mortal encountered our enemy the StarWolf Decepticons. WILLY: I bet they are behind the disappearances of airliner planes too. FOX: You did well, both of you. See if you can revive this stranger whoever he is. Any victim of StarWolf is a friend to us. We must help him and perhaps he can help us too. LUPE: I'll do my best although I don't know what's wrong with him. JENNY: He must be dehydrated from being out in the middle of nowhere without liquids or fluids to keep him alive. Give him some water. Nodding the she-wolf medical officer got out her canteen and poured water into the man's mouth. Seconds later the man blinked, then fully opened his eyes and stared around in confusion. CHARLIE: My god, I must have died and gone to heaven. I don't remember it being full of mutant beings who don't look like angels. DEAD-EYE: Pardon me, mate. I have no idea what you're talking about. ARIES: I don't remember seeing you before. CHARLIE: Who are you, where do you come from? BRUISER: I thought we were asking the questions, duh! FOX: Never mind, Bruiser. We are the StarFox Autobots. Many light-years away in another galaxy our home planet Corneria was ravaged by war, between us and our enemies the StarWolf Decepticons. I, Fox McCloud led a mission in search of energy resources to save my planet but was ambushed by my adversary Wolf O'Donnell and his horde. We crashed onto this planet called Earth. Nicole our advanced computer was able to scan disguise forms that would enable us to blend in with our new surroundings known as transformation...observe. As Charlie Baker looked on with shock disbelief, Bucky Hare magically changed into a Chevrolet Camaro. CHARLIE: Holy BLEEP! Is that the car that picked me up? BUCKY: Affirmative. CHARLIE: Whoa...I don't believe it. Oh, by the way my name is Captain Charlie Baker, former astronaut space explorer of NASA. SALLY: Pleased to meet you Charles. KEN: What is NASA? CHARLIE: The National Aeronautics Space Administration that trains people like myself, men and women how to live and work in outer space where there's no gravity and everything floats freely. FOX: Excuse me, do you know anything about disappearing passenger planes. That is when Baker told about how he as an airliner mechanic would inspect airliner planes to make sure they were safe and nothing went wrong with the jetliners as passengers & crew flew from city to city all around the globe. CHARLIE: So while I was checking over a B-777 the newest jumbo jet in the fleet this fighter jet suddenly comes out of nowhere, an F-22 Raptor stealth plane but I could not see who was inside the cockpit because the canopy was tinted from the outside. It threatened me in an evil sinister voice that startled me momentarily since I never heard of a fighter jet that could speak. Anyway, next thing that happened is that I was zapped by something that felt like bee stings then paralyzing sensation, I could not move a muscle...everything tingled all over me. He went onto explain how an evil mutant with dreadlock hairstyle placed him under a hypnotic trance saying he would remember nothing that happened that it would seem like a harmless dream or nightmare of sorts before everything went black after that. CHARLIE: Next thing I knew when I briefly regained consciousness I was on the side of a highway in the ditch with no idea how I got there either. Sorry, guess that doesn't help much. FOX: No, it does help. Now I know that Wolf and the Decepticons are behind this kidnapping plot of making airliner planes disappear. ROCKET: Why, what could he gain from that? KRYSTAL: I bet I know... O'Donnell and horde are holding innocent passengers & crew hostage. TIGRESS: Aye! They'll probably make death threat demands that the government give them all the energy resources they need in exchange for freeing their POWs. SALLY: Oooooooooh! FOX: They must and will be stopped. WILLY: I wonder where they will hit next? CHARLIE: The only airport in this state is SFO or San Francisco International and that one hasn't had any disappearences. DEAD-EYE: It's probably their next target. But this time they'll answer to Team StarFox. WILLY: CHARLIE: And me too! I want payback for what they did to me. Back inside the fortress of StarWolf...O'Donnell Senior was gloating over the success of his task so far. WOLF: It's so very simple. We capture those airliners without putting up a fight. FIONA: You are to be congratulated for your brilliant scheme. Now it's my turn to prove my worthiness to the cause, allow me to lead the next mission. KATE: You really think she's up to this, dad? WOLF: If she says she can do it then I believe she can. KATE: Well, okay I guess. WOLF: Who are you planning on taking with you as backup? FIONA: Lien-Da and the War Claws will be my reinforcements. WOLF: Our hostages are only a few miles from today's target, this should be the easiest of all missions. It's not a bad idea, Fiona...but remember I do not tolerate failure. FIONA: I know nothing of that word sir! KATE: Right... WOLF: Go prepare yourself, make sure you disguise yourself as an ordinary passenger airliner. Once Fiona has completed the mission, you will transmit a message to whoever is in charge of this planet so to speak. It won't be long before we have all the energy resources we need! In the meantime Fiona was being helped into her disguise in a matter of Simian, Drago, Sleuth, Tai, Slyly, Al, Panther pitched in to transform the vixen in black attire into that of a passenger airliner a Boeing 777 the newest in the fleet. Once that was done the Decepticons made their way towards SFO to carry out Wolf's instructions to the letter. TO BE CONTINUED...