TRANSFORMERS ALIENS IN DISGUISE - BOOK IV Wolf immediately sent for backup ordering Simon Simian and Zephyr to come immediately while leaving Al Negator to help Fiona keep watch over the Crystal of Power which infuriated Fiona even more since she was not used to standing on the sideline, on the bench so to speak while the rest of the team played without her. No sooner had the two Decepticons disappeared then MewTwo showed up on-site and at first attempted to sneak up on his ex-friends when they did not sense his presence. Unfortunately it was Al who caught the alien warrior at gunpoint threatening to zap him thinking his leader would like that but then Fiona would take all the credit instead. When he decided to let MewTwo have fun wrecking the super weapon thinking Wolf would blame Fiona making him feel happy about it...the vixen in black retaliated by striking out with force lightning from her hands missing Al but stinging MewTwo sending him falling back to the ground at the base of the pyramid temple. FIONA: So much for my ex-bodyguard. And as for you, will do exactly what this sneaky StarWolf tells you or I report your treachery to Wolf and have him destroy you personally! That shut up Negator really quick. A few seconds later the StarWolf gang were back with more stolen steel beams taken from the village town far away from the ruins. O'Donnell Senior watched as War Claws assembled the new barrel frame onto the turbo cannon then satisfied it would not malfunction again prepared to test it out on his enemy if or when they would strike. But first when his 2nd in Command reported about MewTwo's unexpected appearance and his plans of wrecking the turbo cannon, no thanks to Al Negator's idea of course, Wolf had his minions carry the unconscious alien into the temple's main chamber then laid him unceremoniously before the alter. WOLF: I believe MewTwo will still serve our cause once we've convinced him to come back to the dark-magic again. LIEN-DA: You really think he will turn back to our side after what happened? WOLF: That is up to him to decide his destiny whether to join us or continue to serve McCloud instead. KALE: Hmmph! As if... ZEPHYR: That remains to be seen. ROMERO: Who knows if Team StarFox will try to stop us from using the Crystal. SLYLY: Ha, let them try if they dare. WOLF: StarWolf, back on top so we can prepare for our so called friends arrival, he-he-he... And at that same time making their way through a secret passageway inside the temple were Hiro Hamada, BayMax, a villager girl who offered to take them to view the Crystal of Power and Miriam LeFleur in her vehicle disguise of Datsun Fairlady 240Z Police Cruiser. Not far behind in close pursuit was Ravage sent by Kate O'Donnell to finish off the enemy forces. HIRO: Is this the way to the crystal? VILLAGER: Yes, I've come here many times before. BAYMAX: Do you have that funny feeling like we are not alone, that we are being followed? HIRO: Huh, we are? BAYMAX: Affirmative, my sensors detect another presence shadowing us although I cannot physically tell who it is. MIRIAM: Oops, not good. Soon after they emerged into the main chamber and stopped in shocked disbelief! Before them stood the alter with a greenish-yellow pillar of flame rising into the air like a glowing beacon of sorts. But what caught their eyes was the unconscious form of... HIRO: Captain, it's MewTwo! He's hurt! MIRIAM: Oh my god! It is MewTwo. BAYMAX: Oh no...I must help him get well again. He and Hiro piled out of the Fairlady and hurried to the side of the alien as Miriam transformed back to mutant self taking in the sight before her eyes. MIRIAM: Holy cow! I've never seen anything like it before. VILLAGER: My ancestors built this temple centuries ago. The crystal is said to have come from outer space but I do not know if that is true or not. BAYMAX: I find no injuries on MewTwo's person except for laser burns caused by being exposed to electricity. HIRO: Whoa, this type of work is way beyond me. I could use Willy's assistance right about now. All of a sudden a growling snarl caught his attention making him glance up and around to see the crouching form of Ravage standing in the open archway. HIRO: Just what we need! Ravage the saboteur. BAYMAX: Oh dear, what is he doing here? MIRIAM: I'll keep him busy, it is my honor to protect your life Hiro. Without warning Ravage sprang towards the Captain who struck out with a force shove knocking it away from her friends. Ravage recovered and charged again dropping low to avoid being thrown backwards by another blast of Miriam's magic then pounced onto the Captain knocking her onto her back-side trying to bite and scratch while Miriam wrestled fiercely keeping it at bay. VILLAGER: Be careful! Atop the roof of the temple...O'Donnell Senior stood behind the controls of the turbo cannon watching as McCloud and gang approached the ruins cautiously in vehicle forms. WOLF: That's it, come a little closer fools. I have a surprise for you. Then he punched the firing controls releasing a burst of laser beams down at his rivals that exploded in front of the cars and trucks making them hit their brakes. Fox in disguise of Western Stars 4900 shouted to his troops. FOX: StarFox prepare for battle! WOLF: I'll give you a battle you won't forget! The seconds barrage was strong enough to topple the Autobots like knocking down tenpins in bowling. Wolf laughed evilly. WOLF: Such is the fate of all who dare oppose me. FOX: Not so fast, Wolf! Bullies like you cannot win by cheating. WOLF: StarWolf, kill them! That was the signal as the entire Decepticon gang let go with firepower and dark magic as the Autobots retaliated in kind with the same weapons at their disposal. While back inside the temple chamber... MIRIAM: Hiro! I can't hold out any longer... HIRO: There, got it! MIRIAM: I hope so, cause...I'm about to get it! Ravage was shoved aside briefly as Miriam finally dislodged the alien feline off her - but this time it launched an attack at the frightened villager girl who froze with eyes wide and mouth open. All of a sudden it was struck by a powerful force of magic and held suspended in the air kicking & thrashing madly to break free. MewTwo now awake again had caught Ravage in a force choke using its mind powers as its purple eyes narrowed in anger. MEWTWO: Oh no you don't...I won't let you harm that girl. BAYMAX: MewTwo is alive, we saved him. HIRO: Yes, he's alive again! MEWTWO: Be gone, you evil creature before I punish you more, GO! It released Ravage from its grip and the Decepticon feline scrambled away disappearing into the darkness of the tunnel leading into the chamber. MewTwo regained its feet then nodded to Hiro and BayMax. MEWTWO: I am in your debt Hiro Hamada for saving my life, thank you. HIRO: You're welcome, ex-StarWolf terrorist and now StarFox defender of the universe. MIRIAM: Hey, there's a skirmish going on out there! StarFox needs our assistance. MEWTWO: Then let's get involved! BAYMAX: Aye, time to teach those bullies a lesson. The alien bodyguard zoomed into the air emerging into sight surprising the Autobots and Decepticons alike. BUCKY: All right, MewTwo's back! DEAD-EYE: Arr, mates! JENNY: Make them walk the plank! FRED: Awesome! Can't wait to see the looks on the enemy's faces. GOGO: Time for super speed. She kick-started her maglev wheels and sprinted towards the temple weaving side to side avoiding laser fire thrown at her while throwing her discs like TRON of course. Wasabi engaged his glowing blades then with Ninjara at his side they too rushed the opposition. WASABI: Time to take out the trash. NINJARA: Yeah...especially if it smells like Decepticons. HONEY: Hey, you butt-heads! Get ready to be splatted with my chem-balls. The chemist physician also rushed forth activating her chem-purse to create the formula balls which ejected via opening on one side of her purse that she caught in her gloved hands ready to use. At the same time the other Autobots also stormed the temple on both sides of stone steps leading to the roof. TO BE CONTINUED...