TRANSFORMERS THE NEXT GENERATION AL: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching Corneria. Unfortunately there's too much weight onboard so we'll have to lighten the load please. This announcement surprised the Decepticons who looked at one another with nervous-worried looks on their faces. FIONA: You heard him. All in favor of leaving say Aye. All in favor of staying say Nay. The Nay's stand. All at once the injured-wounded StarWolf mutants were exiled-banished so to speak out the hatch into outer space one by one, alias Simon Simian, Tai Lung, Panther Caruso, Sleuth Dog, Drago Wolf. Now Fiona stood in the hatch holding the body of Wolf in her arms pretending to look grief stricken at what she was about to do. FIONA: Oh how it pains me to do this. WOLF: Wait, I still live. FIONA: Want to bet? Asta-la-vista, baby. Suddenly she tossed him out of the shuttle like taking out the trash. Wolf screamed "FIONA!" as he went hurtling out into the void. FIONA: Now that Wolf has finally met his destiny so to speak, I proclaim myself as new leader of Team StarWolf. KATE: The hell you are... how dare you exile my father like that. FIONA: Oh? Perhaps you wish to join him too, eh? KATE: Vengeance will be mine. AL: Attention, we are now descending into Corneria's atmosphere. Next stop the dark castle of Belladonna. A few moments later the remaining Decepticons disembarked as Negator regained his normal form seconds later then he and Slyly Zod also accompanied them into the fortress. After informing the witch of the victory over the StarFox Autobots then regretting to say that Wolf did not make it back with the horde. Belladonna appeared shocked at first to learn the fate of her apprentice. BELLADONNA: Oh no! Poor Wolf, lost forever in space. Who shall now lead his troops. FIONA: I, boss will gladly accept the offer of leader within the StarWolf empire. BELLADONNA: And what makes you believe you can prove yourself worthy? FIONA: I will prove to you that I will obey your will, do your bidding without questions or arguments from me. BELLADONNA: Very well, so be it. I shall see to it the coronation ceremony takes place soon enough, you may go now. But no sooner had they left then the witch searched via her crystal ball for signs of O'Donnell Senior until locating his unconscious form floating lifelessly. BELLADONNA: Wolf?!! I must rescue him, I will save his life! Immediately she went out into space onboard her personal transport and retrieved Wolf's body then secretly returned to sickbay inside the fortress where she instructed the med-bots to begin reviving O'Donnell to life. Unable to save his mutant form due to the injuries he sustained from Fox the witch instead recreated him into a new form. Thus Wolf now took on the robotic form of Zurg! (similar to Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith) BELLADONNA: Zurg, can you hear me? ZURG: W-where am I, what happened to me? BELLADONNA: Everything's all right my friend. I brought you back to life again. ZURG: Something's not right here, why do I feel strange all over? It was then after the witch explained what she did to save his life that Wolf noticed for the first time he was now wearing a robotic body armor suit from boots and pants, utility belt around his waist with his light-saber attached, suit and cape down the back, gloves and facemask helmet covering his normal features with two curved horns on either side of the helmet. ZURG: What have you done to me! I am a monster! BELLADONNA: No, correction my apprentice. It was the only way to save you from death because there was no chance of restoring your normal form to life due to the injuries you suffered. ZURG: I can't let my daughter see me like this, she will never recognize me. BELLADONNA: Relax, everything will be explained. Now the first thing is to payback somebody for betraying you, for doing this to you of course. Wolf suddenly remembered...Fiona tossing him out into space flashed through his mind and anger roiled within his body like volcanic lava. ZURG: I will make her pay, I will see to it she suffers for this humiliation to me. BELLADONNA: Exactly my apprentice. Now the next step is to provide for you a bodyguard protector. Of course I do not mean your daughter Kate since that is her position, instead this new protector will also serve as your personal bounty hunter to track down and capture enemy forces that would dare oppose you...behold, Anubis the Jackal! She waved her paw hands in the air. There came a flash of light and puff of purple smoke so to speak...and in an instant there now stood a mutant jackal 6-ft tall, brown color fur with black halter and amulet around neck, yellow eyes, black shorts, gold bracelets on wrists, ankles, forearm bands. Wolf as Zurg stared in stun disbelief. ZURG: Who is that? BELLADONNA: This is Anubis the Jackal who is a powerful god of great magic. You could say he's sort of a genie. He can grant whatever wish you desire. ANUBIS: It is my destiny to serve and protect you my lord. No harm will befall you. ZURG: Very interesting, I like it already. BELLADONNA: I thought you would, hm-hmm-hmmm... now, let's make plans for your revenge against Fiona. And while that was taking place in the meantime it was Fiona visualizing her dream come true at last when she would reign supreme throughout the universe. Little did she know however that fate was about to strike her down in a matter of speaking. Not even Lien-Da, Slyly, Negator, Kale, Zephyr, Romero knew of another dark force about to show itself in more ways than one! Simultaneously it was Ninjara who sensed something terrible about to happen to another one of her siblings and went as quickly as she could to save her life! Back at the dark castle on Corneria with the StarWolf warriors present it was Fiona Fox attired in tiara crown & cape down back as she addressed everyone in her presence. FIONA: StarWolf Decepticons, as your new leader, I... what the heck?!! All of a sudden a familiar looking MI-24 Hind gunship came zooming into view accompanied by another powerful looking fighter-bomber the B1-R missle truck that is. Angered at being interrupted Fiona demanded to know... FIONA: Who dares disrupt my coronation?!! The Hind magically changed back into Lord Zurg. ZURG: Coronation, Fiona? This is bad company. FIONA: Who-the! ZURG: What's wrong, don't recognize me by my voice, eh? How do you like my new looks, duh? FIONA: Wolf, is that you?!! ZURG: Here's a hint... Suddenly he reached out a gloved hand then closed in a half fist. At the same time Fiona gasped, clutched at her neck as if invisible hands were choking her. She felt herself lifted into the air by the dark-arts as she struggled to break free. Lien-Da, Zephyr, Kale, Romero, Slyly, Al watched in shock and disbelief. Nearby stood Anubis with arms folded across his massive chest a smirk expression on his face. ZURG: Time to make you regret your actions for what you did to me, wench. Exiling me into space then thinking you could replace me as leader, I think not. He next ignited his red light-saber and still trapping Fiona in his force choke prepared to stab the 2nd in Command through the chest when without warning...another figure rushed to the rescue. NINJARA: NO! It was Ninjara! She cannon-balled into Zurg staggering him off balance and making him lose his control of dark-magic while at the same time battering his saber out of his hand that it deactivated to clatter to the ground. Anubis stared in wide-eyed disbelief at this assault on his leader then glared fiercely to retaliate with laser beams from his eyes. ANUBIS: Destroy! NINJARA: Not so fast, whoever you are. I won't let you kill my sister. Eat this! The jackal was rocked by the light-magic and sent crashing onto his butt. Zurg whirled to face his former Decepticon warrior his own saber activated again. ZURG: So we meet again Ninjara. For the last time that is. NINJARA: I don't know who you are or where you come from but I will not let you kill Fiona. I'm taking her with me, now. Try and stop me if you dare. ZURG: Then you shall join her in death too! Suddenly he was upon her in an instant! Ninjara parried skillfully the death blows then struck back with blows against Zurg who blocked them with ease. Fortunately the duel was brief as Ninjara again disarmed Zurg of his weapon then stepped back to lift her sister into her strong arms, glaring fiercely at the emperor and others. NINJARA: Death to StarWolf, let the light shine forever! Then transformed into MIG-29 fighter jet form she took off racing into the night sky over Corneria as everyone watched her depart. Anubis on his feet was about to go after her but Zurg stopped him. ZURG: No, let her go. They are of no concern to us anymore. Anyone else care to fill her shoes? No one said anything. Satisfied he had their full attention the emperor explained how his boss rescued him from certain death and restored him as a new leader to the clan. KATE: Is it really you, daddy? ZURG: Yes, it is I, Kate. Sorry if my looks make you afraid at first. But it is Wolf O'Donnell...returned to lead his army as always. For now anyway you shall refer to me as Lord Zurg. ANUBIS: Hail Lord Zurg! ALL STARWOLF: Hail Lord Zurg! At the same time Ninjara made it back to Earth in record time then with help from Bucky, Jenny, Dead-Eye, Sally, Ken, Miriam, Buzz, Sonia, Fara they restored Fiona to full strength and magic by replacing her dark magic with light magic instead. Fiona was grateful for Ninjara rescuing her and was even happy to see Miriam too as the three sisters were reunited at last. Ninjara then told about Lord Zurg becoming the new leader of Team StarWolf but had no idea who he was. BUCKY: This sounds scary. This Zurg character leading StarWolf spells doom. JENNY: Agreed, who knows what he intends on doing. DEAD-EYE: Looks like we have our work cut out for us. KEN: You got that right. SALLY: As if things could not get bad enough. SONIA & FARA: Uh-huh... BUZZ: Let's not worry about that, Rangers. If or when Zurg attacks we will be ready to stand against him. MIRIAM-NINJARA-FIONA: Aye! END OF CHAPTER 1