The Unleashing (continued from New Allies) Author Psykorabbit2000 Scene 1 Toad Radar station, Genus A toad storm trooper is sitting at the radar screen watching it, bored. AIR MARSHAL walks up behind him. Air Marshal (ordering) ”Is there any sightings yet?” Toad Storm Trooper (shaking his head) ”No sir. Not a trace.” Air Marshal (nodding) ”I want you to keep a closer eye on the screen! Remember those Atlantean fighters have a cloaking device.” The Air Marshal turns to leave. Suddenly there is a ping on the Radar. Outside A toad storm trooper yawns and stretches. He looks around as he hears a whistling sound. He looks up in time to see a bright yellow missile come flying out of the sky and slam into the missile battery he is sitting at. The explosion tears apart a couple of other batteries. Alarms begin blaring as several ships decloak in the upper atmosphere. Maser fire and warheads are exchanged fiercely, as drop ships of Atlantean design, as well as Aldebaran and Warren begin their run to drop troops As the Atlantean drop ships lead the way, drop hatches open and armored troops and power armor leap out, to the ground. The toad troopers rush forward to meet them. There is a savage clash of weapons and arms as both sides begin tearing into each other. Warren troops and Aldebaran troops begin dropping into the fray. The toads quickly begin releasing Void Droids. In retaliation, the Atlantean troops release the Heavy Assault Units and Battle Platforms. Overhead, UAC Frigates, Aldebaran fighters, and Atlantean fighters savagely engage Toad Double bubbles and mother ships. Even higher up, Atlantean battle cruisers are slowly moving into position, weapons primed and picking targets. On board the Quasar A female soldier runs up to the bridge. Standing on the bridge is KING HWANG, QUEEN MEI LIN, FRITZ WARNER, and QUEEN KATRINA. The soldier quickly kneels before King Hwang and hands him a report. He nods and quickly scans it. He looks at the others and nods. King Hwang (nodding) ”Just as expected. The toads are trying to dig in and hold off the ground forces. That probably means that they have already contacted their home world and are calling for back up.” Suddenly the cruiser rocks from an explosion. Queen Mei Lin (fiercely) ”What the frell was that!?” Pilot (pushing buttons) ”Sorry ma’am. A missile slipped through our defense grid. Damage contained to lower decks. Nothing serious. Repair crews are already on site.” Queen Mei Lin (growling) ”Don’t let it happen again! Where did it come from?!” Pilot “Toad Mother Ship off the starboard side! It must have been hiding behind the moon and is trying to attack us from what they thought was a blind side.” Queen Mei Lin storms up behind the pilot and looks at the screen. She sees a toad mother ship and several smaller double bubbles. Queen Mei Lin (hissing) ”Show them how we treat acts of dishonor!” Maser Cannon and plasma missiles quickly tear the Mother ship apart. Fritz (whispering in King Hwang’s ear) ”Geez, I thought you were going to be the ruthless one.” King Hwang (shaking his head) ”She is in command of our assault forces. I just command the defense forces.” Queen Katrina smiles as she hears the two males whispering. She stands up beside Queen Mei Lin and they both watch the battle before them on the screen. Down on the ground Alexander is standing before several toads, providing a defense for a male hare that is pinned under a large chunk of rock. The hare watches amazed as the leopard deflects maser fire back towards the attacking toads with his sword. A couple of Atlantean soldiers run over and begin lifting the rock. Suddenly a power armor stomps over. It reaches down and grabs the large rock with a giant three pronged claw. It lifts it up and flings it at the attacking toads, crushing them. It steps up beside Alexander and he looks at it, seeing a female pilot inside. She smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up. Alexander watches as the power armor stomps off into the fire fight. He smiles and quickly follows her in, taking the head off of a toad that crawls out of the rubble of the rock, in the process. Off a distance, OLDER ALLURA is fighting beside her love, ANDREW, as they make their way towards the prison area. Andrew is pulling up shards of rock and hurling them at toads, or making the ground explode under them and shooting shards through their bodies. Older Allura is slicing toads down where they stand with her sword. She has blood all over her armor and body. She stops long enough to wipe the blood from her eye cover and then runs a toad through with her sword, ripping it out the side of his rib cage. They both can see their destination. Unseen by most of the fighters, JUNO and a small part of his team is watching. They seem to be waiting for something to happen, other than the fighting. Juno nods his head and then the earthquake starts. Juno (quietly) ”Prepare yourselves. The gate is beginning to open.” The two females and the other male pull out their weapons and prepare as the ground begins to split. Scene 2 The Battlefield, Genus Andrew and Allura both look up as the ground splits along in front of them. Allura (stumbling) ”What is going on? A toad weapon?” Andrew (catching her arm) ”No, the energies are wrong! This is bad, real bad!” They both back up and then they hear it. The quiet wailing sound that slowly increases in volume. Several of the fighters hear it and stop in their tracks as it grows louder. Everyone who hears it feels the air around their body and hearts grow freezing. Several Aldebaran sisters take a step back in fear as they hear it. A few of them make a quick motion in front of them as they utter a quick prayer. The wailing continues to grow louder. It becomes a screech, then a scream, and finally reaches a point where it is equal to a banshee. Alexander steps up and nods. He holds his sword at the ready as he approaches the gap in the ground. Several toads slowly back away from the gap, as do several mammals. Allura looks over and sees Alexander. Allura (yelling over the scream) ”Alexander! What is that?!” Alexander (yelling back) ”I don’t know what it is, but I know what it means! Death is here!” Suddenly, as he says the last part, the first demon shoots up out of the gap and is quickly followed by several others. Alexander’s eyes widen and he tightens his grip on the sword handle. He screams a battle cry, shocking those who know him with the sudden change in personality, and lunges at the demon as it lands. His sword glides through the demon and severs the creature completely in half. Allura quickly shakes her head and follows him, shortly followed by Andrew. A short distance away Juno nods and points to the demons. Juno (quietly) ”Their here! I don’t see the Kinjite anywhere though.” A female beside him nods and looks around as she extends her wrist blades. Female (concerned) ”Are you sure that the Elder was right, Captain?” Juno (nodding) ”He wouldn’t have sent us here if he doubted it, Zoe.” (turns to the other female and male) ”Emerald, Azreel, prepare yourself. If we don’t see him soon, we will have to go down there.” They both nod and ready themselves. Suddenly Zoe taps Juno on the arm and points into the battlefield. There is a silvery flash and Kinjite and Younger Allura appear. Juno (pulling his helmet on) ”That’s our cue!” They jump to their feet and race down the hill. In the battlefield Kinjite quickly looks around, as Younger Allura quickly clings to his leg. They are looking around them at the bodies lying around. Their feet sink a little in the mud made from toad and mammal blood mixed with the dirt. There is the smell of death all around them. Kinjite (stunned) ”They are already fighting?” (he picks up Allura) ”We need to go help. How much combat training have you gotten?” Younger Allura (scared) ”Not any real training. It was all simulated with safeties.” Kinjite nods as he begins wading through the muck. Kinjite (as he moves) ”This isn’t a simulation, honey. They will kill you here.” (he sets her on a nearby rock) ”I want you to either fight them or stay here and defend yourself. Understand?” Younger Allura nods quickly and holds onto his arm as he leaves. He stops and looks back at her. Younger Allura (quietly) ”What about mom?” Kinjite (smiling) ”We will help her after we get done here.” (he points to the gap) ”That heads back to where we were and mom is.” Voice (from behind) ”So, you plan on going back to your master then?” Kinjite whirls around and sees Juno standing there with his long sword out, flanked by Emerald, Zoe, and Azreel. Kinjite (growling) ”I don’t know who the hell you are, cat, but stay out of my frelling way! I have a damn war to stop!” Juno (coldly) ”Is that so. Well, it just so happens that I have been ordered to help you, Kinjite.” (turns to the battle) ”And trust me, I am not happy with those orders, after what you did to the Aldebaran Sister Hood, but we can settle it later.” Younger Allura gasps at the mention of what happened and the whole group turns to her. Juno sighs when he sees the worried look in her face. Younger Allura (worried) ”Are you going to try and kill him after the war is over? He needs to save my mom still and Fox’s wife!” Kinjite (gently) ”Don’t’ worry Allura, I will get Ayami freed as soon as I can, but you need to stay safe long enough for me to do what needs to be done.” Younger Allura (nodding) ”I believe you will beat the demons, dad.” (she looks at Juno) ”I’m worried about him attacking you. He is different like you! I can feel it.” Juno raises an eyebrow and looks at Kinjite. Juno (surprised) ”Dad?” Kinjite (sighing) ”She is my daughter. Vladimir, the first devil of Blades has my wife, her mom, held captive in the Abbadon. We just came from there to help here and plan on going back to help her and another.” Juno nods and looks at Emerald and Zoe. Juno (quietly) ”Watch over the kitten.” They both open their mouths to say something, but stop and nod. Kinjite, Juno, Azreel bound off into the battle. Scene 3 In the Battle Allura tries to duck under a giant claw, but it strikes her on the side. She tumbles across the ground and ends up sprawled out on her back. Her sword stabs into the ground by her head and she looks up. The giant demon smiles down at her and licks it jagged teeth. Allura (yelling as she scrabbles backward) ”Andrew, I could use some help!” Andrew is entangled with a multi-tentacle demon. They are exchanging savage blows back and forth. Allura looks over and sees this. She grabs her sword handle and a giant clawed hand grabs her arm, yanking her upward. She is dangling about two feet off the ground and the demon smiles at her. Allura quickly closes her eyes and cringes. Suddenly there is an explosion and she drops to the ground. She looks and sees the demon staggering back, with black flames on its chest. She looks backwards and sees Kinjite leap off of a different demon, tearing out its throat in the process. He lands in between Allura and the demon, claws unsheathed and flames all over his body. The demon looks down at him and growls. Kinjite suddenly spins around with is foot lashing out, leaving a streak of flames in the air, and lands a savage kick against he demons knee. There is a loud crunch and explosion. The demon screams in pain and falls forward. Kinjite sinks his claws into its flesh and lifts it upward. He makes a ripping motion and tears the head from the body. He throws them in separate directions and turns to Allura, as the blood spray settles behind him. He reaches down and grabs her arm, pulling her up. Kinjite (firmly) ”Play time is over! We need to get serious or this will kill all of us! Where are the Chosen?” Allura points upward and Kinjite looks. He sees the battle cruisers coming in, cannons blazing, taking out toads and demons. Kinjite nods and looks at her. Kinjite (firmly) ”You need to power up! These demons are from Abbadon!” Allura nods and the grey flames wrap her body. They both turn and see Andrew finally tear away the demon’s arms. He breaks free and runs up to them, gasping. Kinjite (nodding) ”Watch each others backs!” He turns and dives into the battle with white, black, and grey flames on his body. Allura watches stunned. Allura (stunned) ”When did he possess grey flames?” Scene 4 Battle Cruiser Quasar Queen Mei Lin looks over as a light begins flashing rapidly. Queen Mei Lin (snapping) ”Report?” Pilot (reading scanners) ”We just picked up a large increase in Chosen Magical Energies, ma’am!” Queen Mei Lin (stunned) ”An increase? Where?” Pilot (looking at her) ”On the planet.” Everyone looks over at this. Fritz looks around, confused. Fritz “What does it mean?” Queen Mei Lin quickly begins punching some buttons. The others gather behind her. Suddenly, a screen comes to life and they look at it. Kinjite is on the screen, pulling his hand back through a demon’s skull, in a spray of blood. Queen Mei Lin (quietly) ”Death’s master just arrived!” On the edge of the battle Younger Allura is sitting on the rock, looking at the two feline ladies with her. Emerald looks down at her and studies her for a second. Emerald (curious) ”I really have to ask this question and I know it is going to sound stupid, but are you really his daughter?” Younger Allura (sighing) ”You’re right, that was a stupid question. Of course I am!” Emerald (quickly) ”I know that, but how can that be? He is a killing machine according to the Sister Hood. No female could love someone like that.” Younger Allura looks at her and she sees hatred in those little eyes. The grey flames erupt from Allura’s body and she stands up. Younger Allura (almost yelling) ”You take that back! My dad is not a killing machine! He is a good fighter and stands for what he believes in! My mom loves him and I listen to her cry herself to sleep every night we are away from him! You take that back now!” Younger Allura takes a step forward and a paw gently grabs her shoulder. She turns and glares at Zoe, who is holding her paw. Zoe (gently) ”Look, she didn’t mean anything with it. The Sister Hood information is all we have. They say he is a monster and should be killed. Why don’t you tell us a little about him?” Younger Allura (growling) ”So you can try to find a way to kill him?!” Zoe (shaking her head) ”No, so we can find out the truth about him. He obviously has power, that is enough of a reason for the Sister Hood to hate him right there.” Emerald slowly kneels down in front of Younger Allura. Emerald (gently) ”Look, I’m sorry about what I said. It is all we know, because it is all we could find about him. Since you know him better, why not teach us about him? Tell us the truth about Kinjite as you know it.” Younger Allura (calming down a little) ”Fine.” She sits on the rock again and is silent for a second. Both females watch her and wait. In the battle Juno snaps his sword around and blood sprays from a demon’s neck. He looks over and sees several other demons charging. He sees Azreel take a demon down with his twin bladed sword. He looks over and sees Kinjite rip an arm from a demon and shove it through a different demon. Juno (thinking) He ducks as a demon slashes at his head. Juno rams his sword through the demon’s skull and rips it out. He twirls around and his sword arcs around him, laying open several demon chests. A distance away, Older Allura wraps a tendril around a demon’s head and rips it from its shoulders. She looks over and sees several flying demons approaching. Andrew looks over and sees them. He bends his knees and leaps into the air, wings beating hard. He rushes towards the fliers to meet them head on. On the battle cruiser Pilot (calling) ”Ma’am! We have a power signature off the port side!” Queen Mei Lin (approaching) ”Toads?” Pilot (shaking his head) ”No ma’am. Unknown!” They look out the window and see a ripple appear in space itself. Suddenly three different fighters appear and they streak towards the planet’s surface. Shortly behind them is a larger ship. The fighters quickly open fire on the demons, as they do strafing runs. Below in the battle field Kinjite looks up as a demon is cut in half by a blue beam of light. He sees the fighter fly by and sees Fox in the pilot seat. Fox quickly gives him a thumbs up as he turns towards the group of fliers. Kinjite (nodding) ”Good, he made it here!” (picks up two swords from dead bodies) ”Now to get serious!” The flames along his body begin to swirl around him and quickly become blurs around him. The swords begin whipping around and he lunges into a large cluster of demons, with the blades spinning around like a bladed tornado. Outside the battle Emerald and Zoe stand there amazed at what Younger Allura just told them. Emerald (in awe) ”Your dad mastered that many fighting styles and lived in the world of darkness for that long?!” Younger Allura (nodding) ”Yes and he is still the kindest person mom says she ever met!” Zoe (muttering) ”Sheesh, seems like all the other females meet the good ones.” They all look up as a demon stomps towards them. Emerald and Zoe ready their weapons. Younger Allura looks at both of them and shakes her head. She points a finger at the demon and a grey tendril rips through it’s chest. Both of the females look at her in shock. Younger Allura (shrugging) ”What? I got it from my dad.” Scene 5 In the Battle Fox flips his fighter around and lasers tear through several flying demons. His fighter spins around and he sees a bat land on a demon, claws tearing into its back. Fox (thinking) He glances down and sees Kinjite near the edge of the crack. Fox looks in the back of his fighter at the aging hare there. Fox (unhooking his harness) ”Peppy, take the controls! I’m stepping out!” The fighter swoops in low and the canopy opens. Fox leaps out and knocks a demon to the ground as he lands. He quickly pulls out his blaster and fires a bolt through its head. Kinjite looks up as Fox stands. Fox (looking around) ”What’s the plan?!” Kinjite looks around and then down the opening. He looks over as Juno arrives beside him. Kinjite (quickly) ”We need to plug this damn hole! The demon armies are going to keep getting reinforcements as long as it is open, but we need to use it to get to our wives!” (looks at Juno) ”Have those females bring my daughter here fast!” Juno nods and touches a communicator to his ear. Kinjite turns and rips the throat out of a demon crawling out of the opening. Juno (after a few seconds) ”Their coming! What are you planning?” Kinjite (pulling out a communicator as well) ”A free fall! (raises the communicator to his muzzle) ”This is Master Oni Lance! Have the battle Cruisers Qausar and Nebula aim all missile pods and maser batteries at my signal and fire on my mark!” A few minute later, Emerald and Zoe arrive with Younger Allura with them. Kinjite quickly picks her up and turns to the opening. He looks at Juno. Kinjite (seriously) ”If you are going to keep up with me, jump in now!” Juno looks at Emerald and Zoe. Juno (firmly) ”Stay with Azrell and fight off the toads and remaining demons!” They both nod and Juno dives into the hole. Fox quickly follows him. Kinjite looks at he two females. Kinjite (warning) ”You might want to vacate this area! It’s getting annihilated!” (into the communicator) ”FIRE!” He turns and dives into the hole with Younger Allura in his arms. Emerald and Zoe bolt from the area as maser fire and missiles streak down towards it. Scene 6 Dark Room Vladimir looks at the two females hanging from the ceiling. Vladimir (smiling evilly) ”Soon, very soon, the raid will be unstoppable and we will take the Aniverse under our control in a week.” Ayami (hissing) ”Lance will tear you apart and stop the invasion!” Vladimir laughs as a slender rock begins to extend from the ground, towards Ayami’s stomach. Vladimir (chuckling) ”Oh he is welcome to try. All that I need is a single drop of your blood on the ground and the porthole will remain open forever! Now, how can one cat stop-?” Suddenly the room shakes violently. Vladimir whirls around and sees three figures drop from the ceiling in front of him. They land and one of them sets a fourth figure on the ground. Vladimir (in disbelief) ”What have you done?!” Younger Allura (sneering) ”Slammed your door shut!” Vladimir howls with rage and lunges towards her. Kinjite shoves her aside and rolls backward, landing a solid kick into the devils stomach and launching him across the room. Kinjite bounces to his feet and spins around to face the devil. Kinjite (lunging towards Vladimir, flames erupting on his body) ”You three free Ayami and Krystal! I’ll by the time!” He slams into Vladimir and they smash through a rock wall into another chamber. Juno runs up to the two females. He draws his sword and smashes the slender rock. In the other chamber Vladimir slowly stands up and throws his cloak back, revealing a heavily muscled body. He and Kinjite begin circling each other. Vladmir (hissing) ”You stupid cat! It is the age of demons and devils! Why are you trying to stop it?” Kinjite (claws sliding out) ”Because it isn’t that time! The Great Purge hasn’t happened yet!” Vladimir (laughing) ”Oh yes it has! Your arrival back on the material plane marked the beginning of it! When you defeated the other welders of the other gem sets, that marked the middle of it! Now your death will mark the end of it! You were the harbinger of it!” Kinjite (growling) ”I’m not dead yet!” They suddenly lunge at each other. In mid air, Kinjite spin around and lands a savage kick into the side of Vladimir’s head. The devil slams into a rock column, shattering it. Kinjite lands and spins around, leaping again. Vladimir bounces to his feet and catches him in mid air. He draws back his clawed fist and it smashes towards Kinjite’s face. In the other room Fox takes a step back and shakes his head. Fox “I can’t figure this out! The chains aren’t solid, but they are holding them there.” Juno nods and focuses his magic. He shoots a beam of yellow light out from his paw and it slices through the chains holding Ayami. She drops to the ground. Younger Allura runs up and hugs her tightly. Fox looks at Juno and raises an eyebrow. Fox (agitated) ”Why didn’t you do that before!?” Juno (smiling) ”Figured I would let you try first.” Another beam slices out and Krystal drops to the ground. She runs up and quickly hugs Fox. Ayami looks up as there is a loud crash from the other room. Ayami (standing ) ”Lance!” The group runs towards the hole in the wall. In the other chamber. Kinjite is crawling out of a pile of rock. He dives aside as Vladimir launches a jet of crimson flames at him. Kinjite rolls across the floor and several grey tendrils lash out at Vladimir, who flips out of the way. They both land on their feet and turn to face each other. Vladimir lunges again and Kinjite makes a quick choice. He suddenly steps forward, fist glowing in flames, and slams it into the rapidly approaching face of Vladimir. The resulting explosion knocks both fighters away from each other. They both smash into opposite walls. Kinjite looks up and sees Vladimir vanish and reappear in front of him. The kick lands squarely on his rib cage and pain erupts in Kinjite’s chest. He slams into the wall and bounces off of it. He lands on his knees. He coughs roughly and blood sprays from his mouth with each cough. He forces himself to his feet and faces Vladimir. They suddenly lunge at each other again, claws tearing into each other, demon and Atlantean blood spraying around as they tear into each other. Suddenly Kinjite drops to his knees and bounces back up; landing a savage upward strike with his claws out. His claws rip all the way up the front of Vladimir chest, throat, and face, tearing out an eye in the process and blood spraying everywhere. Vladimir staggers back and lashes out with a savage kick. The kick connects with Kinjite’s chest again and launches him towards the hole in the wall. Stars erupt in Kinjite’s eye as the pain is intensified tenfold in his chest and he hears a crunch as well as a ripping sound from his chest. In the other chamber The group is about to go through the hole, when Kinjite comes flying back through and lands in a heap before them. Ayami runs up to him and rolls him over. He slowly opens his eye and smiles weakly, showing a busted tooth. Kinjite (weakly) ”We have got to quit meeting like this.” Ayami shakes her head and smiles. Younger Allura looks up and sees the tore up Vladimir approaching. Juno takes a stance in front of the group and readies himself. Younger Allura (shouting) ”Grab each other!” Out of instinct, Fox grabs Krystal and Juno’s tail. Younger Allura grabs Krystal’s paw and her dad’s paw. Ayami gripped his paw as well. Younger Allura closes her eyes for a second and focuses. Younger Allura (out loud) ”Take us to where we need to be!” Vladimir raises a clawed hand and slashes downward. Just before he strikes Juno’s head, there is a flash of light and his claws sink into the rocky ground. He looks around and realizes that there isn’t anyone there. Vladimir (throwing his head back and screaming) ”NNNOOOOO!!!” scene 7 On Genus There is a flash of light and Juno looks around. He sees that the only person around him is Kinjite, laying on the ground, bleeding. Suddenly Older Allura and Andrew run up. Kinjite slowly sits up, gasping. Older Allura (shocked) ”Dad?! What happened?” Kinjite struggles to his feet and stumbles. Andrew catches his arm and holds him up. Kinjite (gasping in pain) ”The war? Is it over?” Andrew (shaking his head) ”No! The toads are withdrawing, but still fighting!” Kinjite pulls free and starts walking towards the frontline. Juno (catching his arm) ”What are you doing? You in no shape to fight!” Kinjite (yanking his arm free of Juno’s grip) ”The fight is still going and that means there are still Atlantean and Aldebaran fighters out there! I promised to protect both races! That means I will fight until I am dead or this frelling invasion is over!” Juno stands there for a second and watches the mauled and bloodied cat stagger towards the front line. He looks at Older Allura and Andrew. They both nod and quickly follow in suite. In a different dimension Younger Allura and Ayami slowly open their eyes. They look around and see that they are in the training grounds. Younger Allura sees her teacher standing there, smiling at her. Younger Allura (standing up) ”Did I do it right?” Her teacher nods, still smiling. Ayami looks around and sees that Kinjite isn’t there. She looks down at her paws and sees the blood on them. Ayami (quietly) ”Please let him make it!” Scene 9 Space near Rigel 7 Cassie is sitting at the controls of the shuttle. She looks like she hasn’t slept for a couple of days. Suddenly there is a flashing light on the dash. She pushes it and Jenny’s face appears on the screen. Cassie (quietly) ”What is it, Jenny?” Jenny (evenly) ”Report to Genus. “ Suddenly the screen goes blank and Cassie is just sitting there confused. After a few moments she sets a course for Genus. The shuttle leaps into hyperspace. On Genus, a couple of hours later The shuttle slowly lands on a makeshift landing platform. It’s hatch slides open and Cassie steps out to see Jenny, Bucky, and Queen Katrina standing there waiting. Cassie (approaching) ”So you retook Genus from the toads finally?” Bucky (nodding) ”It was a severe fight, but it is finally over with.” Jenny nods and looks at the Queen. Cassie looks at her as well. Queen Katrina (gently) ”I want you to report to medical room three sixty.” Cassie looks at her confused and scratches her head. She shrugs and walks towards the medical facility that was set up. The group watches her walk away. A few moments of silence goes by, before anyone speaks. Jenny (curious) ”Are you sure your guess is right, your Highness?” Queen Katrina (nodding) ”As sure as I am that you harbor feelings for a certain green hare.” Bucky and Jenny both look at the Queen in shock as she walks off towards the battle cruiser. In the medical facility Cassie walks in through the main entrance and looks around. She sees several Atlantean and Aldebaran members laying around on cots. She also sees nurses and doctors working on some patients in the back. A paw gently touches her shoulder and she turns around. Queen Katrina is standing there. Queen Katrina (quietly) ”They were in a major war. They aren’t the reason I said for you to come in here though.” She turns and walks down a small hallway. Cassie quietly follows her. They stop in front of a door. Emerald and Zoe are standing in front of it. The Queen steps between them and opens the door. Cassie follows her through as well as does Emerald and Zoe. The room is smaller than normal, because a curtain is hanging down in the middle, dividing it in two. The Queen walks over and sits in a chair. Juno is standing in a corner. He looks at Cassie and then the Queen. He nods and walks out the door, followed by Emerald and Zoe. Cassie watches them and turns to the Queen. Cassie (curious) ”Who were they?” Queen (calmly) ”Not sure, but they helped in the war.” (looks at the curtain) ”Are you finished yet, doctor?” A side of the curtain pulls back and a young Hare steps out. He has blood on his white clothing and all over his gloves. He pulls down his mask and nods. Doctor (quietly) ”We did all we could. I wish we could have had the Atlantean Doctor Otacon here, but he was busy elsewhere.” He grabs the curtain and pulls it to the side. Cassie watches and her jaw drops as she sees the patient. Kinjite is laying in the bed with bloodied bandages all over his body. She sees stitching in the chest and stomach areas. The doctor walks out of the room and leaves the two females looking at Kinjite. Cassie (hoarsely) ”What happened?” Queen Katrina (quietly) ”He suddenly appeared in the middle of the battle. He dove into the battle and starting keeping his promise. Suddenly he called for a severe artillery strike on his signal. The attack hit perfectly, but he wasn’t there. Then half an hour later, he appeared behind our lines, busted up and bloody with that other male who just left. From what I gathered, his oldest daughter Allura tried to stop him from heading to the front lines, but he refused and walked into the battle yet again. From the description we got, it sounded like he had several broken ribs and severe internal injuries. I haven’t read the medical reports yet.” Cassie nods and walks over to a file on the bedside table. She picks it up and opens it. She flips through it and the Queen can see tears forming in her eyes. Queen Katrina (quietly) ”How bad is it?” Cassie (voice wavering) ”He had six broken ribs…, his left lung was punctured…, and there is multiple rips in his stomach. They are figuring he was beaten with an iron bar.” She sets the folder down and her paws are shaking uncontrollably. Queen Katrina slowly stands up and gently puts a paw on her shoulder. Cassie turns to her and she has tears in her eyes. Cassie (weakly) ”Why? Why does he do this to himself, when the Sister Hood says he is a monster?” Queen Katrina (gently and quietly) ”Lance never was a monster. He wanted to fight for the Throne of Aldebaran and defend it with his life. He lost that chance, because of my Grandmother. When he came before me, he said he would defend not only the Throne, but the entire race with is life. Those on planet and off planet. Why is it bothering you so much?” Cassie (wiping away tears) ”I hated him so much at first. I attacked him verbally on Andoris. Even after that, he fought to protect me and the apes. Then not even fully healed from that, he rushed to Aldebaran to save Ariel and her mom.” (the Queen gently puts an arm around her shoulders as she begins crying harder) ”He told me that he wasn’t expecting to see his wife, because he didn’t expect to live through that encounter. Then the young child was bitten and he charged out into that freezing blizzard, despite you trying to stop him. He almost froze to death saving her. All that and I had verbally assaulted him on Andoris and he never asked for an apology! I wanted to tell him so badly, but my pride stopped me! Now look at him!” She drops to her knees and she buries her face in her paws. The Queen gently kneels beside her. Queen Katrina (soothingly) ”He changed you that much in this little of time?” Cassie (crying) ”It doesn’t matter! It is hard as hell for a mammal to heal from those wounds! Most of them end up dying!” She buries her face into the bed, crying. The Queen silently watches her niece cry. Queen (thinking) Unseen to either of them, a small lump in the shadows slides through the blankets and into Kinjite’s fur. It quickly melds with his body and spreads out through it. A life sign scanner gently beeps a little louder and the Queen looks over at it. It shows that the life signs were growing slowly stronger. She turns in time to see Kinjite lift his paw and gently place it on Cassie’s head. Cassie looks up in shock and sees him open his eye. The Queen steps forward quickly, as Cassie quickly stands. Queen and Cassie (simultaneously) ”Lance!” Kinjite (groggily) ”Oh not stereo already!” The door suddenly swings open and the Hare doctor rushes in. Doctor (quickly) ”What’s going on?! The computers are saying his life signs-!“ He stops when he sees Kinjite’s eye open. Kinjite smiles and waves at him. The doctor sighs and walks back out the door. The Queen quickly walks around to the other side of the bed. Cassie (stunned) ”How? Your injuries were so terrible!” Kinjite (groggily) ”Not sure. Just a sudden pulse of energy and I was conscious. It feels like several of the wounds are already sealing up.” The Queen watches the computer screen and nods. Queen (nodding) ”They are. You’re almost stable already.” (she looks at him) ”Why did you charge back into battle after getting messed up? You could have killed yourself!” Kinjite (quietly) ”It is what I am meant for. My life means very little to the Aldebaran race. Maybe if I die defending them, they will change their opinion of me.” (looks at the Queen) ”Katrina, you and Jenny are the only ones who will have really anything to do with me outside of duty.” Cassie sits on the bed beside him and gently places her paw on his chest. He looks at the paw and then at her face. Cassie (gently) ”How bad does your head feel?” Kinjite (after a moment) ”My head feels fines, aside from a few bruises.” Cassie looks over at the Queen and she nods he is right. Suddenly Cassie slams her fist into his forehead. Cassie (yelling) ”DON”T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU SCARED ME, YOU FRELLING CAT?1 Kinjite quickly places a paw on his forehead and winces in pain. Kinjite (wincing) ”Now my head hurts!” Queen Katrina quickly places a paw over the smile that was creeping out. Queen Katrina (thinking) Outside Juno is walking with Zoe, Emerald, and Azreel. Zoe (curious) ”So what exactly happened to you? After the barrage, the opening was gone. Several of the demons screamed in pain and exploded into ashes.” Juno (nodding) ”I see. Well, we literally leaped through a dimensional wall and landed before a devil. Kinjite fought the devil while I and that orange vulpine freed two females. Kinjite looked like he got busted up in the fight. Suddenly his daughter did something and Kinjite and I appeared back on Genus, but nobody else did. Then he charged back into battle and got busted up even more. I did see something interesting about him though.” Emerald (raising an eyebrow) ”What was that?” Juno (walking) ”He seems to have a variant of power like myself.” The others nod and they walk off. In the other dimension Younger Allura and her mom are sitting in their room. Ayami has her arms around her daughter and holding her. Younger Allura (quietly) ”You miss him even more, don’t’ you mom?” Ayami (nodding) ”I will always miss him, Allura. I just wanted to say good bye to him at least.” Younger Allura (quietly) ”I’m sorry, but the spell would only work once I was told.” Ayami (nodding) ”I understand. Do you think he survived?” Younger Allura’s flash a fiery grey and she nods. Younger Allura (smiling) ”He did and he has an Aldebaran female hitting him for doing something stupid.” Ayami (looking at her daughter) ”How do you know?” Younger Allura (smiling) ”Master Sung taught me to see through the barriers.” Ayami (shocked) ”And you didn’t tell me before?! Why you little…!” She begins tickling her daughter and they both fall over laughing. Scene 10 Space, a couple of days later Kinjite swallows the pill and gags at the taste of it. Kinjite (muttering) ”Can’t they make a medication that taste sweet?” Cassie walks into the room and sits on the bed beside him. Cassie (smiling) ”They did. Its called candy.” She hands him a bowel of steaming stew. He quickly eats it and leans back in his bed. Kinjite (tiredly) ”How long do I have to stay in my bed for?” Cassie (smiling) ”The doctor said a week of bed rest. You will stay in your bed for a week. Even if I have to beat in your forehead to make you stay there.” Kinjite (sighing) ”All right. What is our course now?” Cassie (leaning against the wall) ”I set a course for the outer rim. I figured we could get away from all the fighting and battles for awhile.” Kinjite sits up and looks at her. Kinjite (shocked) ”The Outer Rim!? Do you realize how long it will take for message to reach us out there?! What if Aldebaran needs my help?!” Cassie (smiling) ”Sorry, but I am taking my orders from a higher official than you, Lance. Aunt Katrina ordered me to take you out here and give you time to lick you wounds.” Kinjite just slumps back in his bed. He can feel the medication starting to take affect. Kinjite (muttering) ”I’m getting to old for this.” Cassie laughs as she kicks her boots off. Kinjite looks at her with a raised eyebrow. Kinjite (cautiously) ”You seem different. Are *you* alright?” Cassie smiles at him and slides under the blankets beside him. She suddenly kisses him deeply and gently pulls back. Cassie (quietly) ”I’ve wanted to say that for a long time, Lance.” Kinjite smiles and puts an arm around her shoulders. Kinjite (pointing a finger at the light switch) ”I guess a trip to the Outer Rim would give *us* some time alone.” A tendril streaks across the room and flicks off the light switch. There is a rustling sound in the dark as they lay against each other. Cassie (in his ear) ”Yes it would.” The End