THE KREATION KONSPIRACY - Written by Marty Pasko SCENE 1 - Twin suns are rising over a greyish-brown planet. The Righteous Indignation swoops across and dives through the thick, cloudy atmosphere, before diving down into a greyish city. The ship flies over a group of poor looking animals in the streets. DEADEYE Sludge is the armpit of the Aniverse to be sure. If it weren't for the United Animals Security Council sending us here... In the engineering bay of the Righteous, Bruiser is sitting eating bananas, while Blinky watches him. He drops a banana skin, pointing upwards to Deadeye and Blinky picks it up. BRUISER Aw, you's just cranky cos you ain't got to croak no toads, Deadeye BLINKY Quite so, Master Bruiser. He opens the cavity in his chest, but finding it full of banana skins already, he closes it. BLINKY Even toads avoid Sludge. Planet so polluted, this android would think they'd be right at home. He opens a large cabinet in the wall to put the banana skin in instead, but it too is full. He shuts it quickly and leans against it to stop it opening again. The Righteous flies over what appears to be a scrapheap. BUCKY But that makes it a great place to hide a top secret SPACE monitering station. He looks at Jenny and both press buttons on the consoles in front of them. BUCKY Our intelligence agents can listen in on all toad broadcasts and communications. A periscope type screen appears from the junk. JENNY Security has verified our identity, Bucky. We're clear to land One of the junk piles fades into a large dome shaped building with a large door on the side.The door opens and the Righteous drops down to fly into it. SCENE 2 - The Righteous is being watched through a pair of high tech binoculars, with flashing symbols around the view. CREATOR 1 That ship - it's perfect. Just what we need to replace our disabled craft Among the piles of junk are what appear to be three toads, wearing long brown robes that cover their heads and most of their faces. One of them is holding out a hand held scanner. CREATOR 2 I, uh, I've recorded the access code, Dr Hopkins, I think. CREATOR 3 So, we gonna hang around here all day or what? They all run towards the dome shaped building. SCENE 3 - The Righteous crew are exiting their ship, in what appears to be a large room, coated in silvery tiles, with a large pool in the middle. They all jump as an enormous brown octopus emerges from it with a splash. JENNY (pointing) That's our contact? BUCKY Yep. The SPACE intelligence attache. He'll escort us to the monitoring station DEADEYE He's an octopus! Bucky glares at him a little. BUCKY So? Everybodys gotta be something The octopus (Dexter) salutes with one of his many tentacles. DEXTER Fish stinks from da head. Bucky salutes too. BUCKY Toads stink from defeat Dexter sighs. DEXTER Yeah, dem's the password and counter sign all right. I guess you're ok. Who thought of these stupid passwords? He turns and heads back to the pool. DEXTER C'mon, you don't want to keep Major Bottlenose waiting. BUCKY We won't need our ship? Dexter turns back, a little surprised. DEXTER The Council didn't brief you guys? Figures. The station's underwater. He points into the pool with one tentacle. SCENE 4 - One of the toads holds out his scanner, which bleeps uselessly. CREATOR 2 I can't duplicate the access codes! The battery must be dead! He shakes it. CREATOR 3 Oh, that's just great. Now we can't get inside! The other toad leads them away from the door. CREATOR 1 Come. There's nothing we can do for now but watch and wait. Perhaps one of the crew will emerge and we can follow him back inside. SCENE 5 - In the pool room, Jenny is putting on a clear glass helmet. Blinky hands one to Bucky and he puts it on too. BUCKY Thanks Blinky. You and Bruiser stand watch here. We'll handle this. Dexter plunges into the water. Deadeye, then Bucky follow. Jenny hesitates, then leaps in too. They all follow Dexter down into the water. BUCKY Something wrong, Jenny? JENN No. I - I'm fine. I'm not like other cats.I like water. More or less. She sounds more as if she is trying to convince herself than Bucky. Dexter leads them all into a tunnel. SCENE 6 - Bruiser is examining a food dispenser. The words "carrots" and "peanutoil" are lit up, "bananas" and "swampy things" are not. Bruiser presses bananas anyway. BRUISER Huh? What's with the food dispenser? The tray which pops up is empty, except for a fork and some crumbs. Blinky peers into it. BLINKY Empty. Friend Bruiser ate last banana. BRUISER But I'm still hungry! Bruiser bashes the machine, trying to tear it from the wall. The machine send out sparks and then starts fizzing and the tray falls to the floor. Bruiser looks embarrassed and scratches his head. BRUISER Sorry. You know how I get when I'm hungry! BLINKY (picking up the tray) Blinky not mind. Food dispenser might form different opinion however. In the ship, Bruiser is reading a magazine called "Gorilla Gueils" BLINKY Perhaps humble android venture into town - obtain more bananas while Bruiser guard ship. Yes? BRUISER Hmm. Good plan He turns the magazine sideways to look at the photo in the middle. SCENE 7 - Dexter leads the crew out into a large chamber with a big TV screen at one end. A blueish dolphin, wearing a SPACE uniform and a hat swims up to greet them. BOTTLENOSE Captain O'Hare, I presume? Bottlenose, SPACE intelligence, Cryptology Division BUCKY Sir, this is my First Mate Jenny, and my gunner, Deadeye Duck. Jenny waves and Deadeye salutes with two of his hands. BOTTLENOSE Don't bother saluting. We don't do that here. Come along, we'll have a look at the station, shall we? He swims along an underwater corridor to the screen. BOTTLENOSE We've just made an amazing discovery. That's why we summoned you. Dexter takes a videotape from the video player and inserts it. BOTTLENOSE Watch. On the screen appears the image of two toads in suits and shades running. TV Next, on TTN Then they are in a car, with a red flashing light on top and a siren going. TV 21 Hop Street. A toad in a white apron puts a brain in a frying pan on a hob. It sizzles. TOAD This is your brain without Komplex controlling it. Get the picture? Deadeye backs away. DEADEYE Turn it off! I can't stand it no more! Bucky turns to Bottlenose. BUCKY Major, please! You brought us here to watch toad re-hidden video? BOTTLENOSE Sorry. The amazing discovery was when we played this tape backwards and ran it through our cryptology filters. Dexter presses buttons and turns a knob on the side of the player. The toad with the frying pan waves in slow motion, then the tape begins to go backwards before turning into a familiar green-blue image. JENNY (shocked) That's Komplex! BOTTLENOSE Yes. Sending his troops a secret message. KOMPLEX Today's objective - the planet Toxus 3 where you shall find the Matter Transmuter. This amazing device is the only one of its kind in the Aniverse. The Matter Transmuter can tranform any non-living material into any other substance. According to my spies, the Matter Transmuter was invented by a long lost civilisation of vast technological superiority which once dwelled on Toxus 3 and buried somewhere on that planet the device remains. Now go. Dig among the ruins of the planet's dead civilisation. Find the Matter Transmuter for the glory of Komplex. His speech is punctuated with images, first of three planets orbiting a sun, then a silver and blue egg-shaped machine from various angles. There is a landscape of a barren planets, with a sign indicating that it is Toxus 3 and a ruined city. Jenny and Deadeye swim closer to the screen as Komplex fades into static. JENNY No. That could become a deadly weapons if the toads got their hands on it. DEADEYE Nah, you mean their slimy mitts and who says we'll let 'em? BUCKY Come on, we've got work to do. He leads the other two up the tunnels. BUCKY, JENNY, DEADEYE Let's croak toads! SCENE 8- In a marketplace, Deadeye is speaking to a rat holding two bunches of brown bananas. BLINKY Android seeks to purchase bananas from honourable merchant. MERCHANT Right here, bug eye BLINKY Begging pardon sir, bananas in hand are brown! MERCHANT So? The merchant shrugs MERCHANT Everything on Sludge is brown, if it ain't grey. Blinky drops some coins into the wooden bowl on the table. BLINKY Very well. Brown banana better than no banana He takes the bunches of bananas and sets off across the market place. The three cloaked toads are hiding behind a fruit stall, watching him. CREATOR 1 He's leaving. After him! Now remember, as soon as the hatch opens, we go in! Blinky walks across the scrapyard, the toads still watching him. He stops to hail Bruiser. BLINKY Blinky to Bruiser. Have returned with bananas. Please to admit. Bruiser puts down his magazine and leans forward to press the button which opens the outer door. Blinky steps in and the three toads follow, just before the door shuts on them. Bruiser opens the hatch on the Righteous and leans out. He sees Blinky approaching, followed by three hooded figures BRUISER Huh? Who's dem guys? Blinky, hey! Look out!! Blinky turns, just as one of the toads fires at him. What looks like a block of ice forms around his left hand. BLINKY Why do you attack.... me... BRUISER What are you doin'?! He runs at the other two, who duck and point their guns at him. CREATOR 3 Look out! Baboon! CREATOR 1 Is he beserk? CREATOR 3 Well, whatta you think?! One of them manages to freeze Bruiser's right leg, from the knee down. BRUISER Hey! What did you do to my leg?! Blinky is now almost completely frozen and is rotating slowly so he can be frozen from head to toe. BLINKY Malfunction, malfunction. Calamity and woe! His voice sounds like a record wearing out, getting slower and higher pitched. CREATOR 1 Keep firing! He'll freeze over eventually! CREATOR 2 So will the sun, but I don't want to wait around for it! He freezes Bruiser's right arm too. One of the other toads freezes up the door, just as Bruiser picks up his attacker by the neck. BRUISER No wonder you's is chicken! You's toads! The toad in Bruiser's hand quickly freezes his face. Bruiser, enraged, hurls him through the frozen door and he soars across the scrapyard. CREATOR 1 Forget the ship! We won't need it! We'll take the android! He grabs Blinky and runs away with him under his arm.They leave through the smashed door. SCENE 9 - Bruiser is lying on the floor, in a puddle with steam coming off it. Jenny is kneeling next to him and Bucky and Deadeye are there.Bucky looks unusually worried. JENNY I think he's coming to, Bucky. BUCKY Bruiser, what happened? Where's Blinky? Deadeye helps Bruiser to his feet. BRUISER You mean he's gone? SCENE 10 - The Righteous is in space. Jenny has a wiggly line on the monitor in front of her, and she presses a button on her console. The display changes to show several images of a red, barren planet. Bucky climbs up into his seat next to her. JENNY No trace of Blinky whatsoever, Bucky. BUCKY Keep trying. He presses a button on his own console. In the underwater station, Dexter is monitoring several screens. DEXTER Monitering station. Who's tying up the restricted frequency? BUCKY Bucky O'Hare here, Dexter. We have a problem. It's Blinky, our AFC. He's missing. Bruiser sits crying on the floor in engineering. BUCKY Could you use your scanners to keep searching for him? DEXTER Sure. No problem. SCENE 11 - Blinky opens his eye to find lying himself in a puddle, staring at the three toads. He jumps to his feet. BLINKY You! Ones who broke into Sludge docking bay. What are you? Blinky's sensors say toads, but somehow not like any toads in databanks CREATOR 1 Never mind that now. You're our prisoner, and - Blinky tries to jump on him and grab him, knocking him to the floor. BLINKY No! Shipmates will search! He runs across the deck of their ship, all three chasing him. One of them freezes his feet and he falls over. BLINKY They will find Blinky! CREATOR 1 Let them search. They'll find nothing. The forcefield around this ship is 100% sensor proof. The toads pick up Blinky and throw him into a chair and strap him in. BLINKY (desperate) Please! Let humble android go! CREATOR 2 Not till we get to Genus. CREATOR 1 (leaning closer Our ship needs a navigational computer. That's just what you're going to be! SCENE 12 - A toad mothership and several smaller toad ships fly past a large, brown planet. The Righteous swoops across. JENNY Now within sensor range of Toxus 3. In the top bay, Bucky points to the ships. BUCKY Look! They've got the Matter Transmuter! He pulls a lever to his left. BUCKY Full power, we've got to catch them! The ship rocks and the lights flicker. BUCKY There's no power in the main thrusters! We've stopped dead! Bruiser, what's happening down there? In the engine room, smoke is coming from the engines. BRUISER Looks like the engines are overheatin' A toad cruiser, towing the matter tranmuter, flies into the open mouth of the mothership. Bucky is furious. BUCKY The toads! They're getting away! Those engines have got to be fixed and fast! JENNY I'm contacting Willy. I just hope he hears me She leans her head back, closes her eyes and her forehead gem glows. SCENE 13 - In his room, Willy is trying unsuccessfully to do his hair in front of a large mirror. His parents shout from downstairs. MR DUWITT Willy! Hey man, come on! MRS DUWITT We'll be late for the movie! Willy rolls his eyes. WILLY Right. A revival of Woodstock. Like I'm in a big hurry. He goes back to combing his hair, until he hears a voice in his head. JENNY *This is the Righteous Indignation calling Willy. Willy, it's Jenny. Do you read me?* Willy digs desperately through his pockets and eventually produces his memory stone. Jenny's head and shoulders are glowing on it. WILLY Yeah Jenny, go ahead. JENNY It's an emergency Willy. We need you badly. WILLY Hey, I'm on my way! He shoves the stone back into his pocket. WILLY Even Toad TV is more fun than ten thousand teenage hippy freaks from the past. He goes to the window, opens it and shouts outside. WILLY Mom, Dad! You'd better go ahead without me. I uh..I've got something really important to do! He hurries across his room, picks up a bag and switches on his photon accelerator. His door appears in the middle of the engineering bay. Bruiser turns as Willy opens the door into the smoky room. WILLY Hi guys. (He coughs) Woah! What happened? Your engines overheat? BRUISER Uh huh. WILLY Right. Ok. Let's see. He puts his bag down on the floor and opens it before a thought occurs to him. WILLY Hey, where's Blinky? Bruiser sniffs miserably. BRUISER Back on Sludge, we think. It's.. it's a long story. SCENE 14 - Toad double bubbles fly past a blueish planet. STORMTOAD Squadron leader to cruiser. Enemy vessel spotted in this sector. Will engage, over. Squadron, follow me. Time to singe some fur. The mothership swoops away from the planet, then jumps to hyperspace. JENNY Bucky, they're getting away with the transmuter! Bucky climbs up into the top bay. JENNY Worse - they've spotted us! Toad doubles bubbles, one thousand kiloglides and closing. Willy, you've got to hurry up down there! In engineering, Willy is kneeling on the floor with a panel open. He digs around in it and pulls out a tool covered in grey-green slime. WILLY Some kind of gunk was clogging up the exhaust pipes! BUCKY Of course - the contaminants in the atmosphere on Sludge! Do we still have power to the shields? He turns to Jenny. JENNY So far. BUCKY Good. Raise them. We're gonna- The ship is shaken violently by toad fire and Bucky nearly falls out of his seat. BUCKY ...need them! In engineering, Willy has shovelled out an enormous pile of grey-green gunk which is on the floor beside him. WILLY There! Try her now! Jenny hits something on her console. JENNY It's working! DEADEYE Come on, ye slime buckets! Come and get what's good for ya! He blasts apart double bubbles. SCENE 15 - On the toad mothership, someone is watching Toad TV. A commerical for the matter transmuter is showing, with toads using the device to turn solid ground to mud, dust planets to mud planets, mammal ships into cupcakes, with the occupants parachuting out and finishing with a large matter transmuter image. TOAD TV Stop enemy forces in their tracks instantly! Do the work of three toad climate converters in seconds. Down enemy aircraft fast by turning them into mammal mush! As soon as Komplex can mass-produce the new matter transmuter, you'll do all this, and more! Just because it doesn't work on living things doesn't mean it won't be the most destructive force you'll ever wield! The matter transmuter - coming soon from Komplex. One more reason to serve him! The channel is change to some kind of toad sitcom . TOAD Aw, look at this dump Toad-Anne. It's like a meadow! Can't you at least get some bugs in here, maybe a little swampgrass? A fat female toad waddles across the screen. TOAD-ANNE What, I ain't got nothing better to do? Somebody's gotta bring home the flyloaf. All you do- The remote control is smashed and the screen turns to static. The Air Marshall glares at Frix and Frax. AIR MARSHALL Enough of that drivel! Komplex will so pleased, he'll probably give me new medal.I hope it's the Golden Wart with Lilypad Cluster. There's only one problem - where will I put it?! Komplex appears on the screen behind him, making him jump. KOMPLEX Don't tempt me, you idiot! AIR MARSHALL But.b..b... Komplex! I... I... I got you the matter transmuter! He backs away. KOMPLEX You also lost three of my best fighters to that loathsome mammal, Bucky O'Hare! He disappears and the Air Marshall storms up the corridor, with Frix and Frax following him. AIR MARSHALL My old enemy! Over Toxus 3? impossible! He couldn't have known! Frix tries to pin a medal on the Air Marshall but is knocked away several times. FRIX No sir, he couldn't have known, sir. Your orders were classified sir! FRAX It was transmitted by top ssecret code, sir! FRIX Unless the mammals cracked the code. AIR MARSHALL Quite! "Unless the mammals cracked the code"! The monitors all around the corridor flicker into life and Komplex glares at the Air Marshall. KOMPLEX Of course they have! Which is why I want that meddling mammal crushed, utterly. Once and for all. Frix and Frax dive out of the way. AIR MARSHALL Y..y... yes sir! The monitors turn black. Frix and Frax try to smile at the Air Marshall. FRIX It's not so bad ...sir! FRAX No sir! You still have the matter transmuter, sir. AIR MARSHALL Yes. Yes. And I'm going to use it too, to break that stinking hairball for good. This time, Bucky O'Hare is doomed! SCENE 16 - Back in the underwater station, Bottlenose is talking with Bucky, Jenny, Willy and Deadeye. Bucky looks completely crushed. BOTTLENOSE Chin up, lads.You did you best to keep the matter transmuter out of toad hands. BUCKY Yeah, well, this time our best wasn't good enough. He closes his eyes. BUCKY We have to figure out how to stop them before they use it! He opens his eyes again. BUCKY Is there any sign of Blinky, Major? BOTTLENOSE Sorry Captain. We've been searching as requested, but your android is simply nowhere to be found. Dexter approaches. DEXTER Major Bottlenose ,sir! You've got to see this! It's the latest decoded transmission. He puts a tape into the tape player and presses play. DEXTER This could be the key to stopping Komplex once and for all! TV You're watching TTN, The Toad Network. Komplex's image fills the enormous screen. KOMPLEX Attention, military command. The ancient legend is true. The Creators in their prison ship really are still alive. My spies report them adrift over the dark side of Toxus 2. Find them, and destroy them at once! Bucky turns to Bottlenose. BUCKY Creators? What does that mean? Komplex tried to get rid of the toads who built him? Dexter changes the tape. DEXTER It's all on this tape - watch. TAPE Toad History Tape 33A. One hundred years ago, Komplex ordered his first stormtoads to capture the 3 technicians who had created him. Komplex wanted to destroy the Creators so they could never use their knowledge of his inner workings against him. But, he was not yet powerful enough to override his inbuilt directive against harming the Creators. So, instead, he launched them into space aboard a prison ship. In their space-faring imprisonment they would remain, drifting aimlessly for the rest of their lives. It was believed that the Creators had lived our their lives, and that their ship had crashed - but, an ancient legend claims there was a malfunction in the prison ship's life support systems. It froze the Creators into a state of suspended animation and locked their instruments on autopilot. If this is so, the ship might still be adrift, somewhere in space. With this, go images of first, three toads in labcoats being confronted by stormtoads. Then they are put behind bars. A toad prison ship is launched, looking a little like Thunderbird 2. The ship soars across space, over a dusty planet. The ship spirals towards the surface and explodes, then the three toads are lying in a puddle on the floor, heads together in the centre. There is a kind of white mist inside the ship.The ship floats aimlessly around in space, before the video stops. BUCKY So, if the toads who put Komplex together are still alive- WILLY They probably could tell us how to take him apart! All right!! SCENE 17 - The Righteous approaches a toad prison ship hanging around a dusty planet. JENNY There it is! BUCKY The Creators' ship! Jenny looks at her console. JENNY Bucky, sensors show three toad shapes aboard her. Bucky looks puzzled. BUCKY No life form readings? He turns as Willy climbs up into the main bay. WILLY Maybe being frozen slowed down their bodies so much they don't register. Bucky rubs his ear, but still doesn't look convinced. BUCKY Hmm. Maybe. There is a flash of light and an orange ship appears. JENNY Bucky! Look! The Indefatigable! The frigate "parks" right next to the Righteous.Dogstar's voice comes over the comm system. DOGSTAR Commander Dogstar to Righteous Indignation. If necessary, I trust two frigates will repel more toads than one! BUCKY That's good to know, Commander! I feel much more secure knowing you're protecting our haunches. SCENE 18 - Bucky and Willy have flown over to the prison ship on the Toad Croaker. There are lumps of ice hanging from the pipes. Bucky and Willy examine the toad bodies. BUCKY I don't get it. If these toads are frozen, and those are icicles, why isn't it freezing cold in here? Willy shakes one of the toads hard. WILLY Hey! You in there! Wake up! Well, they're sure not frozen. This arm doesn't even feel... The arm breaks off in his hand, looking like a green tube. WILLY ...hollow? Bucky leans over Willy as he taps the arm. BUCKY Those aren't toads. Never were toads. WILLY They're dummies! Yeah, sensor deceiving dummies! Bucky heads back to the Croaker. He reaches back and grabs Willy by the scruff of his neck, pulling him away. BUCKY We're the dummies, for not smelling this hoax sooner! They run back to the croaker. WILLY Of course! The matter tranmuter did all this! BUCKY Right! And that message from Komplex was just a trick WILLY He knew we'd cracked the code! Bucky turns the Croaker to fly away. They both look out into space. WILLY He sent that message, hoping we'd intercept it! It dawns on Bucky suddenly. BUCKY So we'd be lured into a trap! Look! There is a flash of light around the Indefatigable and it turns into an enormous green ship. WILLY Another disguise! The Indefatigable is really... a toad cruiser? On the cruiser, the Air Marshall picks up a helmet attached to the matter transmuter. AIR MARSHALL (in Dogstar's voice) I say, Bucky old chap! (reverting to his normal voice) You don't hear so well for somebody with such big ears! He points the transmuter at the Righteous and attaches an enormous silver anchor to the back of it. The ship sways. JENNY Too late! The engines are dead! He zaps it again and a large, over-made up female toad head appears on the top. DEADEYE So's me cannons! Frix and Frax are ecstatic. FRIX Direct hit! Congratulations sir! FRAX They're totally disabled! Bucky starts up the Croaker and fires the engines. BUCKY Willy, it's up to us now! He launches the ship towards the cruiser. The Air Marshall fires at them, missing several times, but obviously having the time of his life. AIR MARSHALL Great toads in space! This IS fun! SCENE 19 - The prison ship flies across in front of the battle. Inside it, Blinky is plugged into the computer, upside down with his feet in the air and cables protuding from him. CREATOR 2 What's going on up ahead? Blinky turns his head. BLINKY That's Bucky and Willy! Komplex toads trying to hurt them! CREATOR 2 Komplex! He was a slimebag one hundred years ago and he hasn't changed one bit! BLINKY Toads not serve Komplex? He reaches for the microphone to his left. CREATOR 2 Serve him? We created him! CREATOR 1 And you should have seen the thanks we got. BLINKY Most excellent. Blinky to Righteous Indignation, please come in The Righteous flies helplessly across space, still with its decorations. Bruiser is sitting behind Jenny in the main bay. BRUISER Hey Blinky, is that really you, buddy?! BLINKY Query - what is strange weapon fired by cruiser? JENNY It's called a matter transmuter! Bucky flies the Croaker straight towards the cruiser and the Air Marshall manages to hit it. The entire front of it is covered with what looks like a huge lump of snow and ice. It zooms towards the Righteous, landing on the hatchway. AIR MARSHALL Now my fondest dream comes true! The Righteous Indignation is des-? He stops abruptly as he sees the prison ship flying straight towards them. FRIX She's headed straight for us! Gonna hit! The Air Marshall fires frantically at it with the matter transmuter, but it just bounces off the forcefield. Blinky considers this. BLINKY Weapon affects matter. Forcefield is energy.Weapon useless on energy, yes? The prison ship is getting closer to the cruiser. The three toads panic. FRIX It's not working! AIR MARSHALL Run, you wartbrains, run! The cruiser will depressurise! The prison ship crashes into the top part of the cruiser. The cruiser is dented and badly damaged, the prison ship doesn't have a scratch on it, despite being a quarter of the size. The matter transmuter is blown out of the hole in the ship and heads straight for the Righteous. Bucky and Willy throw themselves out of the stuck Croaker and crash onto the transmuter, clinging tightly to it. Something long and metallic reaches out and grips onto the transmuter. It, and Bucky and Willy, are pulled back into the cruiser, where the long metallic grabbers turn out to be Blinky's extended arms. BUCKY and WILLY Blinky! The doors shut and both pull their helmets off. Willy pulls the matter transmuter helmet on and grins at Blinky. BLINKY Calamity and woe! Toad croaker destroyed, Righteous Indignation crippled. WILLY Relax. Just gimme a minute to figure this thing out. He turns to the transmuter. In the bottom of the cruiser, dozens of double bubbles fly out, heading straight for the Righteous. DEADEYE With no power, me guns are useless! I guess this is it, Jenny-me-lass. The doors open on the cruiser and Bucky, Willy and Blinky push the transmuter towards it. WILLY Only one chance to change... the Righteous Indignation back. He points the transmuter towards his ship and fires. There is a flash of light and the ship reappears, minus the anchor, toad head and the icy splodge of Croaker stuck to the side. On board, everyone cheers and shouts. DEADEYE Now that's more like it! The ship turns and Deadeye fires on the double bubbles, their fire only partly bouncing off the shield. BUCKY They're still taking a beating. Willy turns to Bucky. WILLY Wait! Toxus 2 is uninhabited, right? I've got an idea. He aims the transmuter at the planet and fires. A wave of white fire covers the brown planet and it turns into an enormous baboon, which waves its arms and legs around and yells. Double bubbles quickly swoop away, as the pilots try to figure out what it is and where it came from. The transmuter begins to give out smoke and then catches fire. BUCK Get down! He throws himself, his engineer and his android to the floor, away from the blast as the transmuter explodes.Half of the cruiser explodes with it. BUCKY What happened? WILLY I don't know - it just overheated. Bucky smiles, looking pleased. BUCKY Well, as long as it's out of the toads' hands. SCENE 20 - On a space station, the Righteous is docked to one of the tubes. Inside, in a restaurant, Bucky, Jenny and Willy are eating with the Creators, who seem to be enjoying burgers and orange fizzy drinks with straws. JENNY You know, I still can't believe it! The legend was true after all. CREATOR 1 Yes. Ever since a meteor shower jostled us awake, we've been trying to find our way to Genus. CREATOR 2 To be safe from Komplex. Bucky stirs his drink with his straw, takes it out and picks up the glass. BUCKY About Komplex. He leans forward and Deadeye joins them at their table BUCKY You've got to tell us - what is the secret to dismantling him? CREATOR 2 Dismantle him? All three Creators look shocked. CREATOR 3 Dismantle him? He points a finger at Bucky and narrows his eyes at him. CREATOR 3 If we knew how to do that, do you think we'd let him send us into space? Sheesh! The crew look very disappointed. Jenny closes her eyes, Willy stares open mouthed and Bucky's ears droop. END