"The Beginning" by Rygar Additions by Kooshmeister and WatsonSword First draft - 1/5/11 Second draft - 1/6/11 Final draft - 1/9/11 Edited by WatsonSword SCENE 1 - SPACE OUTSIDE TOAD HOMEWORLD Four S.P.A.C.E. frigates -- The Righteous Indignation, The Indefatigable, The Screaming Mimi, and The Manifest Destiny -- drop out of hyperspace several hundred miles away from the Toad Homeworld. CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE watches as the dead, gray sphere looms closer and closer in his view. His right paw twitches as memories flood his mind, making him recall all the time he has spent here. BUCKY (determined) I can't wait to be done with this place forever. FIRST MATE JENNY, Bucky's wife, sits in the seat next to him. She nods. JENNY That makes all of us. Bucky activates the comm in front of him, communicating to the other frigates. BUCKY (into comm) Remember, we don't know for sure what their defenses are like. They may have upgraded their weapons, or maybe they're still using plasma. Either way, be quick and get on the surface. In the cockpit of The Indefatigable, CAPTAIN ARTEMIS WOLF responds. WOLF (into comm) Don't have to tell me twice. (calling) You guys OK? PITSTOP PETE and GUNNER DIGGER MCSQUINT hear Wolf and respond. PETE Yup! DIGGER Bring it on, Captain. CAPTAIN MIMI LAFLEUR, helming The Screaming Mimi, also concurs. MIMI (into comm) Let's just hope for fewer surprises than last time. The ship's pilot, FIRST MATE JONATHAN WEISSMAN, grips the controls harder. JONATHAN Is this going to be a catastrophe? MIMI Definitely. But that would only be the third this year, so compared to last year, we're behind schedule. Nervous, CAPTAIN JONAH CRANZAR of The Manifest Destiny answers Bucky. The lemur jitters slightly. CRANZAR (into comm) Just lead the way, Captain O'Hare. Cranzar looks to the empty seat beside him, where his now-dead pilot, Barry Stinson, once sat. CRANZAR Man, this is going to suck. Back in the Righteous, Bucky checks in on ENGINEER WILLY DUWITT. BUCKY (into comm) You and Blinky ready, Willy? WILLY (over comm) Yep. BUCKY Then here goes nothing. SCENE 2 - CANIS I This bulldog world is under siege by a small battalion of toads. Double bubbles fly to and fro, blasting corrupted Aldebaran magic into the skyline and taking out many buildings. On land, STORMTOADS fire their magical weapons at civilians and military men alike, killing all but the most resilient. Canis I's army and air force are responding feebly. Their soldiers are able to keep the toads from advancing much, but they are clearly outmatched. The air force is doing better; the renowned pilots of Canis I are keeping ahead of the double bubbles and out of the reach of their deadly weapons. The bulldog SQUAD LEADER takes a shot and knocks out one of the double bubbles. Energized, he rallies his men. SQUAD LEADER (into comm) Come on, guys! We can take these lousy toads. In his gut, though, the squad leader knows there is little hope. As the ground forces suffer more losses, they suddenly hear a strange noise in the sky. They look up and see three unfamiliar vessels in the sky. Unbeknown to the Canisians, these ships are piloted by ALDEBARANS. ALDEBARAN #1 Let's help 'em out! The Aldebarans spring into action, swooping low and heading for a large group of stormtoads. The six Aldebarans onboard charge their spell gems, then take shots at the startled toads. A loud croaking noise follows. ALDEBARAN #2 That'll teach 'em! The stormtoads try to mount a counterattack, but their understanding of Aldebaran magic pales in comparison to that of their new opponents. The Aldebarans use simple spells to block most of the toads' attacks, though a few slip through, mostly by seasoned stormtoad warriors. STORMTOAD #1 Take 'em out! We'll get the dogs in a minute. The stormtoads turn and focus their fire on one of the Aldebaran ships, managing to get a few hits in. The ship's engines burst into flame. ALDEBARAN #3 Damn! The Aldebaran ship skids off, attempting to make a safe landing in the woods. The other two ships press harder on the ground, taking out another group of toads. In the sky, the squad leader takes advantage of the fact that the airborne toads are distracted. SQUAD LEADER Never thought I'd be so happy to see a bunch of cats! With the Aldebarans' help, Canis I slowly turns the tide against the toads. Explosions rock the sky as several double bubbles meet their fate, though one manages to get a good shot off and destroys one of the Aldebaran ships, which spirals into a skyscraper and explodes. On the ground, the surviving bulldog soldiers manage to kill most of the remaining stormtoads. The ones still standing flee, a choppy stream of double bubbles making a run for the atmosphere. The remaining Aldebaran ship lands near a contingent of Canisian SOLDIERS. The passengers step out. ALDEBARAN #4 It appears your planet is safe. SOLDIER #1 (sweating) For now. Thanks for the help. Are you guys OK? ALDEBARAN #5 Not all of our number survived. But the same is true of your people. SOLDIER #2 Well, we're still alive. And we owe it to you guys! ALDEBARAN #4 We are happy to assist. I only hope that those of us who traveled to other planets are as successful. SCENE 3 - THE TOAD HOMEWORLD As the four frigates speed toward the Toad Homeworld, they activate their shields and prepare for any assault. The Righteous Indignation takes the lead. BUCKY (into comm) Everyone broadcasting the toad frequency? That may buy us some time against the planet's cannons, but if any toads spot us, then ... The Righteous is the first to be struck. Before the cannons studding the surface of the planet are even fully visible, double bubbles seem to fly out of nowhere, pummeling the Righteous with their firepower. BUCKY Evasive action! Jenny steers the ship through the toad firepower. BUCKY Looks like shields are holding. Are they all using Aldebaran weaponry? JENNY Looks like it. Just then, the ship rocks hard, nearly knocking Bucky out of his chair. BUCKY Then what was that? Bucky grabs tight and looks out the window. The cannons on the surface of the planet are all aimed at the Righteous, and they spew green plasma fire. BUCKY The frequency didn't work! JENNY Or there was a manual override. BUCKY That's going to be a problem. (into comm) Attention! The double bubbles have Aldebaran guns, but the planet surface uses plasma! Be careful! The Screaming Mimi is the next to fall into the line of fire. Down below, GUNNER HARRY CALLAN takes down a few double bubbles as the ship dodges plasma fire. HARRY Take that! And that! And that! In the cockpit, Jonathan sends the ship darting for the surface of the planet. MIMI Can you make it? JONATHAN (concentrating) I can make it! Bringing up the rear, The Indefatigable and The Manifest Destiny take cover behind the other two frigates as they make their way toward the planet's surface. The Righteous continues pressing forward, occasionally rocking from a direct plasma hit. JENNY Shields at forty percent. Down below, GUNNER DEADEYE DUCK is trying to blast the plasma cannons on the planet's surface, but it takes many hits to knock them out of commission. DEADEYE Cap'n, why d'ye always have t' take the friggin' lead? (blinks) Wait ... what in ... Deadeye notices one of the turrets on the planet suddenly fall apart in a shower of sparks. He strains his good eye and can barely make out some kind of motion on the planet's surface. DEADEYE Is that ... In the cockpit, Jenny sees the same thing. JENNY Dallion. BUCKY Remind me to get him an official appointment if we all survive this mess. On the planet, DALLION slips from one turret to another. DALLION (to himself) I just hope that this is enough. Having destroyed a few cannons in close proximity to each other, Dallion has cleared a path for the S.P.A.C.E. frigates. The toad double bubbles follow them but continue to do little damage as all four frigates swoop in, tantalizingly close to landing on the planet. All the captains are in a state of disbelief, but Cranzar is especially shocked. CRANZAR Wow. And I wrote my will already and everything. Down below, ENGINEER KARI BADABA calls out weakly. KARI Did we make it? CRANZAR Either that, or we died and we're dreamin'. Either way, let's get this show on the road! GUNNER CELINE OXLEY hops out of the gunner's chamber. Her bionic leg alters her outline perceptibly. CELINE Let's go down shootin'! All four frigates land under a number of large round spires, granting them cover. Everyone disembarks. Most of them carry shields that glisten in the same strange way as the frigates. WILLY We're right above the main military quarters. Below that is where KOMPLEX's hardware is stored. Willy motions toward the opening of a service chute. WILLY This will take us into one of the side hallways. From there, we can blast our way wherever we need to go. Bucky walks over to the chute and blasts it open. BUCKY Move it! The sooner we're done here, the better. Bucky hops in. Jenny follows right behind him. Willy and AFC BLINKY go next, followed by Deadeye. JONATHAN Everyone else go ahead. I'll take up the rear in case I'm needed. The crews of The Indefatigable, The Screaming Mimi, and The Manifest Destiny hop down the chute. Just as Jonathan is about to follow down the chute, three double bubbles fly overhead and spot him. JONATHAN There goes what little element of surprise we had! Jonathan dives down the chute, after everyone else. The toad PILOT that spotted Jonathan grabs his comm. PILOT (into comm) Tell Toadborg he might wanna prepare for some intruders. Over. SCENE 4 - CANIS II The toads are attacking this planet as well. Though the toads are fewer in number, so are the mammals defending it. Canis II has a mix of dog species living there, none of which are as hardy as bulldogs. Energy bolts fly back and forth as the stormtoads and double bubbles engulf the planet. Just then, a ship leaps out of hyperspace. It's a banana runner that looks like it's not holding together very well. In the cockpit sit AL NEGATOR and NEWTON, both concerned. NEWTON You really think we should get involved in this? NEGATOR The toads don't need us anymore. And if they don't need you, then they're against you. If this doesn't stop, you and me aren't gonna last much longer than the mammals anyway. SLYLY ZOD climbs up from the cockpit. TINKER stands below him. ZOD But why this planet in particular? NEGATOR I pushed a preset, and this ship took us here. TINKER (calling from down below) Hey, this is Canis II! This is where they hold the Engineers' Convention. ZOD (realizing) This is where your cousin learned of your exploits, is it not? NEGATOR (shiftily) Yeah, it is. NEWTON Is that the real reason we're here? NEGATOR Maybe. ZOD Isn't this also where you met that mouse you won't shut up about, Newton? NEWTON I ... (blushes) You're right! We gotta save this planet! TINKER Good thing we've got an army! Down in the main bay, Tinker looks over AFC LASHES, who is flanked by four other AFCs, each in different colors: red, blue, black, and green. TINKER Are you guys ready for battle? AFC LASHES Ready and waiting! TINKER Then let's go-o-o! Tinker hops into a sizeable escape craft that he fashioned. AFC Lashes follows him, along with the other four robots. TINKER I just hope I got all the bugs worked out on you guys ... Tinker launches the vessel toward the planet's surface, while Zod enters the gunner's chamber and prepares for a dogfight. Their ship approaches the battle, which is heavily in favor of the toads. SCENE 5 - INSIDE THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Jonathan slides down the chute and lands on top of Digger. DIGGER Oof! JONATHAN Sorry about that. Jonathan and Digger pick themselves up and look around. Everyone else is also taking in the surroundings. This long metallic hallway appears devoid of life, but everyone has pulled out a weapon just in case. BUCKY Which way, Willy? WILLY We need to find an elevator so I can go down. There should be one all the way at the end of this hallway, and then left. BUCKY Good. They've got to know we're here, so move quickly. And watch each others' backs! The group scurries down the hallway. They make it halfway when a group of two dozen stormtoads appears at the far end. They are equipped with Aldebaran guns and the matching helmets. STORMTOAD #2 Right where they said we'd find 'em! STORMTOAD #3 Kill 'em all! STORMTOADS #2-25 (chanting) Decimate! Obliterate! Obfuscate! JENNY Oh no, you don't! Jenny leaps to the front of the crowd and throws up a barrier spell just as the toads unleash their onslaught. The blasts hit the barrier, which buckles slightly. Jenny strains under the sheer magnitude of the assault. JENNY (struggling) Get ... them! Bucky, Deadeye, Mimi, Wolf, and Pete fan out, their masers blazing. They shoot around Jenny's warding and manage to take out half the toads. CRANZAR This shouldn't be too bad. Just then, something grabs Cranzar from behind. CRANZAR Hey! Two dozen more stormtoads have appeared from behind. One of them is whirling Cranzar through the air giddily. STORMTOAD #26 You're right, Sergeant. This *is* fun! STORMTOAD #27 (irritated) Now's not the time, Tom. (shouting) Kill them! Willy spins around and attempts to throw up a warding of his own. Though nowhere near as powerful or as well-formed as Jenny's, it glistens in its own strange way, and it absorbs rather than dissipates the toads' firepower. STORMTOAD #27 Well, crap! Angered, Willy directs his spell at the toads. The barrier streaks into a bolt and launches itself in the toads' midst. It knocks them all over and makes them feel deathly cold inside, but they appear physically unhurt. Cranzar, who was seven feet in the air, falls, no longer held aloft. He lands on top of the stormtoads. CRANZAR Ow! Shit! KARI (startled) Captain! CRANZAR I'm OK ... Cranzar sneers, then points his weapon at the toad who was toying with him. CRANZAR I seriously hate you guys. Cranzar shoots, putting a hole between the toads' eyes. The other toads around him groan and shiver. He turns around to see the first group of stormtoads mostly laid out. WOLF Come on, we're moving! Cranzar joins the rest of the group, who make their way down the hallway and turn left. They find themselves in a large room that has an elevator on one side, close to them. It also contains several hundred stormtoads. Toadborg stands on a raised podium toward the back of the room, several feet above everything else. TOADBORG (booming) There is no escape this time, O'Hare! Bucky's eyes widen as he pushes Willy toward the elevator. BUCKY Go! Go go go go! Jenny raises another warding to protect the group. It buys Willy enough time to get to the elevator. Blinky, Digger, ENGINEER DILE O'CROCK, and Kari hop in with him. Willy hits the Door Close button, then directs the elevator to the seventh sub-level. WILLY (looks around) All the engineers. That's good. Wouldn't have minded Deadeye or Harry, though. DIGGER I got my bazooka. WILLY You've also got the worst eyesight in the aniverse. DIGGER It hasn't failed me yet! Kari bites her lip and Dile looks pensive as the elevator descends. SCENE 6 - DEEP SPACE The Wraith speeds through this sector. VINCENT ROEDECKER sits at the helm of his recovered ship, a look of determination on his face. ROEDECKER I'm not doing this. The Wraith picks up, going even faster. ROEDECKER I can't believe I'm doing this. Roedecker grits his teeth as a planet begins to become visible in the distance. ROEDECKER I'm doing this. The Wraith quickly approaches Warren, which is under siege from toad forces. Double bubbles swarm everywhere, at times making the planet beneath them difficult to see. The new security system above the planet picks off toad ship after toad ship, but they just keep coming. The toads fire back at the defense system, weakening it with their magical firepower. They also pick off the numerous satellites projecting a defensive anti-toad shield around the planet. A number of mammalian starcraft are also in the fray, taking shots at the toads and trying to avoid annihilation. ROEDECKER Dammit! This is for Mimi, you green bastards! The Wraith darts into the battle, guns blazing on auto. Roedecker's piloting skills allow him to keep ahead of the toads, keeping him alive. His arrival doesn't make much of a dent in the toad forces, but the mammals are heartened to receive any sort of outside help. As the guns continue blazing and the satellites' shield continues to weaken, the battle above Warren carries on. SCENE 7 - GRAND HALL, THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Jenny screams in her mind as all the stormtoads fire at once. Her barrier catches all the blasts at once, but the force is so powerful that she feels each blast striking, causing a numb sensation all over her body. JENNY Argh! Bucky and the others, recovering from the shock of entering a room with a horde of stormtoads, grab their weapons and begin firing. Some stormtoads take direct hits and fall down, but there are so many others that the effect is negligible. Toadborg stands, watching the events, looming tall. TOADBORG Kill the others. But leave O'Hare alive for me. Just barely alive. Jenny braces herself but begins sliding back from the force of the onslaught. JENNY (calling) Can't ... hold it ... much longer ... BUCKY Jenny! Bucky runs to Jenny's side and holds up his shield. BUCKY (calling) Everyone, shields up! (to Jenny) Take a breather, Jen. Exhausted, Jen ceases the spell, then collapses in a tired heap next to Bucky. The toads continue to shoot Aldebaran fire at the mammals, who have raised their specially treated shields. The toads' shots bounce harmlessly off the shields. WOLF Fire back! Bucky, Deadeye, Wolf, Pete, Mimi, Jonathan, Harry, Cranzar, and Celine return fire, taking out several toads. The battle continues back and forth for a while, though the toads have no means of defense and suffer losses. A group of three stormtoads breaks rank and sneaks off to the side. Unnoticed by the mammals, they position themselves beside the mammals rather than in front of them and line up a clear shot. STORMTOAD #28 (softly) Ready ... and ... fire. The three toads fire a volley at the mammals. STORMTOAD #29 Ha! The sound of weapons fire, coupled by the toad's outburst, causes some of the mammals to turn and see the rogue group. Deadeye, Pete, and Jonathan raise their shields just in time, but one of the shots ricochets and strikes Wolf hard. WOLF Argh! PETE (startled) Wolf! Pete ducks down next to Wolf and takes a look. Though the shield took the edge off the blast, Wolf is still burned badly in his face and chest, and the fur at the edges of where the blast struck is withered and gray. WOLF (through clenched teeth) Forget me! Kill them! PETE (steely) Yup. BUCKY (looking down) Jenny? JENNY (catching her breath) I'm OK. BUCKY Get ready to move. (calling) Everybody back up! The mammals take a few steps back until they're against the wall, making it harder for the toads to take more sideways shots at them. They continue firing. At least a third of the stormtoads have fallen by now. However, the mammals' shields are starting to weaken from the constant pounding they're receiving. Jenny gets to her feet. A look of determination on her face, she begins firing spell blasts at the crowd of toads, bowling many over with a single shot. The toads are down to half their number. Toadborg stands and watches the battle, taking in the carnage, reveling in it. A circuit activates, and a voice enters his head. KOMPLEX (inside Toadborg's circuits) Our forces are dwindling. Toadborg, crush the mammals while they are distracted. TOADBORG Of course, Oh Mighty KOMPLEX. I was simply enjoying the show. Toadborg begins to stride down the steps of the podium, one foot clanging after another. As he reaches the bottom, he steps forward, the stormtoads knowing to get out of his way. Sweat forms on Bucky's brow as he sees Toadborg approaching. He can't concentrate on the cyborg, as he is still protecting himself from the stormtoads' attack. BUCKY I'd rather be back in that swamp right now. Bucky plays up his distraction, hoping to fool Toadborg. As the cyborg nears him, Bucky looks in a different direction. TOADBORG Pay *attention*, O'Hare! Toadborg lunges at Bucky. Bucky leaps high into the air, always keeping his shield between him and the toads. He takes a few final shots at the stormtoads, then pulls out his lightsaber. He lands gracefully, sword in one hand and shield in the other. The green blade reflects in Toadborg's eyes. TOADBORG This again? BUCKY Go to hell, Toadborg. TOADBORG Out of pathetic quips, I see. That bodes poorly for you. As the stormtoads fire at the mammals, several of their shots strike the walls, causing them to burst into flames. The mammals feel the heat as the flames rise higher, flickering in the air. Jenny notices Bucky pulling out his lightsaber and steps backward toward him. She stands beside him, the both of them being towered over by Toadborg. JENNY Bucky? BUCKY This is my fight, Jenny. Jenny nods and returns her focus to the other stormtoads. The rest of the battle raging all around, Bucky and Toadborg face off. SCENE 8 - RENFIELD'S APARTMENT, GENUS RENFIELD BILLINGS and DAWSON MACKENZIE sit on the couch and hold each other close. The television in front of them shows a local news channel, with a mink ANCHOR covering the toads' newest assault. ANCHOR Genus's defense shields remain operational, but there is no word on how much longer it is expected to hold. The Genusian air force is giving its all, but much like the onslaught Warren is reportedly facing, the toads in the sky above us are simply innumerable. A fuzzy image from a camera inside one of the defense shield satellites shows a blur of double bubbles racing by, guns blazing. The blue haze of the shield flickers with each shot. In the background, mammal ships take damage, some of them blown in half. DAWSON Renfield? Is this gonna be OK? RENFIELD I hope so. The defense shield should hold. DAWSON And if it doesn't? RENFIELD I'm sure Bucky will pull through on the toad planet. I told them everything I know, including the code to protect them from the ground defense system, so he should have everything he needs to stop KOMPLEX forever. DAWSON (smiling weakly) So maybe something good came out of ... all of that. RENFIELD Great Mother knows it would be the only good thing. DAWSON (blinks) Ren? I told you you didn't have to try and convert for me. RENFIELD I want to try. Where I came from, the only deity was a malevolent computer program. Something different is *exactly* what I need. Dawson smiles and inches closer to Renfield. His eyes open wide as the television shows the latest development. ANCHOR We're getting reports that the air force seems to be getting backup. The video from the defense cameras is hazy, but it looks like ... The screen cuts away to the fuzzy camera image. Though indistinct, the image of The Iron Vulture can be seen. ANCHOR ... yes, it is! The Corsair Canards are coming to defend Genus! A hint of relief washes over Renfield and Dawson as the fuzzy video feed shows several Canard ships engage the toad double bubbles, taking some damage but dishing out plenty more in return. SCENE 9 - SEVENTH SUB-BASEMENT, THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Willy, Blinky, Digger, Dile, and Kari surprisingly encounter no resistance as they exit the elevator and make their way toward their destination. The lights are dim down here. They occasionally spot toad scientists who glance their way, but Digger waves his bazooka at them, and they sheepishly scurry off. WILLY I'm glad I got to take the elevator this time. The five turn a corner and enter a narrow hallway lined with monitors. At the end of the hallway is a smooth white metal door. DILE That is the room? WILLY Yep. That's where KOMPLEX is held. The group boldly walks forward. As they pass, the monitors spring to life, each showing the image of KOMPLEX. KOMPLEX You all consider yourselves so clever. (cackling) I could have you stopped in a moment had I so chosen. KARI (nervous) Then w-why haven't you? Afraid? KOMPLEX Afraid? (amused) I see what Toadborg meant about enjoying the show before he decided to crush your foolish captains. KARI W-what? He crushed them? WILLY (focusing on the hallway ahead) He's lying. They're fine. Let's go! KOMPLEX You worms are nothing to me. I let you live only that you may know disappointment when you fail to eradicate me. You will see the glory of the Toad Empire -- with your own eyes or false replacements. You will see our power as your cities turn to cinder and your planets shrivel away. Or perhaps I will feed you to our newest toy. (sneering) Brainwashing would be too good for the likes of you! Willy tries hard to ignore KOMPLEX as he reaches the door. AFC Blinky is unfazed, and Digger is taking everything in stride. Dile is very nervous, however, and Kari seems on the edge of a nervous breakdown. DILE How do we get inside? DIGGER Simple! Digger raises his bazooka and points it at the metal door. WILLY No, wait! DIGGER Kid, you're no fun. You got the password or something? WILLY I should be able to hack it. Willy steps up to the keypad next to the door and pops off the front casing. He plays with the circuits inside. Dile watches him, ready to assist if necessary. KOMPLEX You intend to dismantle me, do you? I welcome the opportunity to see you face to face, that I may kill you myself! BLINKY Friend Willy? What precisely is behind door? Maps simply state "KOMPLEX Hardware Room." WILLY (fidgeting with the keypad) That's all I know, Blinky. There may be toads, or defenses, or who knows what. But it's the only spot on the maps that say anything about where KOMPLEX is. (beat) Man, they triple-encrypted this one. DILE May I take a look? WILLY Sure. Willy and Dile check out the wiring together. They fiddle with it for a moment, to no avail. DILE This is very difficult. DIGGER No, it's not. (beat) You guys might want to stand back. WILLY Fine! Geez. Guys, take cover! Willy, Blinky, Dile, and Kari trot back down the hallway. Digger revs up his bazooka and fires. The explosion reverberates horribly, momentarily deafening everyone. The smoke comes next. Willy coughs and closes his eyes. WILLY Digger? Did it work? I can't see anything. DIGGER Me neither. Blinky extends his hands and lengthens his fingers. He then spins his hands rapidly, creating a fanning effect. This directs the smoke and dust away, making the hallway visible once again. Willy notices that most of the monitors showing KOMPLEX's face have been shattered, and the ones still intact are blank and silent. Willy squints. He sees that the white metal door has cracked just enough for him to fit inside. WILLY You called it, Digger. (steeling himself) Let's go in. The low chuckle of KOMPLEX echoes through the hallway as Willy steps through the door. Unlike the dusty hallway, this room is spacious, clean, and visible -- and completely empty. WILLY No! SCENE 10 - GRAND HALL, THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Bucky lunges at Toadborg, taking an unfocused swipe with his lightsaber. Toadborg easily dodges the attack. TOADBORG Clumsy, even for you. Bucky quickly spins around, using the momentum he built up in his attack to his advantage as he swings at Toadborg again. Surprised, the cyborg steps back, his chest only slightly grazed by the attack. TOADBORG I always underestimate you just a little because you are so small and puny and *crushable*! Toadborg attempts to stomp on Bucky, who rolls under Toadborg and readies another attack. Just then, he feels something grasp around his midsection. Behind him, one of the stormtoads has broken away from the larger battle and has used his weapon to snare Bucky magically. STORMTOAD #30 Gotcha, you little runt! TOADBORG Let him go! O'Hare is *mine*! Sheepish, the stormtoad lowers his weapon, and Bucky is freed. KOMPLEX (inside Toadborg's circuits) Toadborg! Defeat O'Hare by whatever means necessary! TOADBORG (stepping forward) *I* am the only means necessary. Toadborg rears back, then swings at Bucky with his fist. The attack would have crushed Bucky's ribs had it connected; however, Bucky easily dodges the angry attack. BUCKY Now who's clumsy? Toadborg's response is to backhand Bucky, launching him across the room. BUCKY Agh! Bucky skids to a stop, dazed. Toadborg stomps over, angrily. TOADBORG This has gone on for far too long. I will end this now. MIMI Hey, asshole! Toadborg looks behind him and sees Mimi, singed but unharmed. She holds her shield in one paw. TOADBORG You wish to die as well? I can accommodate that. In response, Mimi powers up her own lightsaber. The light from the purple blade shines softly on her scowling face. MIMI I hear these things chop your limbs off pretty easily. TOADBORG You're welcome to try it, once I'm done killing O'Hare. Toadborg turns back to where Bucky was, only to find that he's missing. TOADBORG (enraged) You stupid bitch! You distracted me! MIMI (smirking) Finally, someone calls me that and I don't consider it an insult. Toadborg suddenly realizes that he should look up. He does, only to see Bucky in the descending part of his leap. The hare's face has a look of determined fury as he swings right for Toadborg's face with his lightsaber. Bucky lands a direct hit to Toadborg's face, but instead of slicing him in half, the lightsaber barely scrapes him, and the blade embeds in his armor. Bucky, still holding the handle, hangs limply in the air in front of Toadborg. The cyborg's optics narrow. TOADBORG My technology has improved, O'Hare. Yours has not. Toadborg grabs Bucky before the hare can respond. BUCKY Urk! TOADBORG (squeezing) Now die. SCENE 11 - KOMPLEX HARDWARE ROOM, THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Willy steps farther into the room and looks around in disbelief. Though the room is about ten feet wide in each dimension, nothing occupies the space. No computers, no terminals, no nothing. The walls to Willy's side are bare. The tile floor is green and nondescript. Willy looks up at the monitor that covers the entire wall in front of him. He gulps as KOMPLEX's face appears on it, larger than he has ever seen it before. The image reflects off his glasses. KOMPLEX You stupid mammal! Did you really think I would make my most vital components accessible to anyone, let alone an intruder? WILLY But ... the maps ... KOMPLEX (sneering) I am glad that little decoy proved of some value after all. Beads of sweat form on Willy's brow. He tries to concentrate, but the image of KOMPLEX is boring into his skull. WILLY I have to shut you down! KOMPLEX How unfortunate for you that you cannot. All you can do is return to the surface, where you and your friends will die. WILLY No! Willy's mind races with thoughts, with options. WILLY Your hardware has to be somewhere! You exist somewhere, even if it's not in this room. KOMPLEX It is not a place you will ever see. WILLY I'm here for a reason, dammit! And that reason is to shut you down! KOMPLEX And how, exactly, do you propose to do that? WILLY (closing his eyes) By ... finding you ... Willy narrows and focuses his frustrations. He generates a picture in his mind of KOMPLEX's hardware, stashed away somewhere secret. A feeling comes over him -- one he has only felt a few times before. Willy reaches out with his mind, stretching, yearning ... and ... DILE Willy? What is ... As Dile steps into the room, he sees Willy fade into an outline of shadows that skitter off linearly into the huge monitor in front of him. A look of complete surprise stretches across KOMPLEX's face. DILE ... going on? SCENE 12 - SPACE ABOVE GENUS The greatest battle so far in the newly escalated Toad Wars unfolds above Genus. On one side, nearly a thousand toad double bubbles swarm around Genus, commanded by a toad mothership, perilously close to breaching the defense satellite shield. On the other side, the Genusian air force, joined by the Corsair Canards and a small fleet of Aldebaran ships, hold the toad forces back, but just barely. The Iron Vulture, piloted by LANEL, has taken a number of hits along its hull, but it still fights bravely against the toads. LANEL (on deck) All cannons on port! Fire! Two rows of cannons open on the left side of the ship. The upper row shoots a volley of maser fire, ripping through a handful of toad double bubbles and putting them out of commission. The lower row launches actual metal cannonballs, which similarly do a fair amount of damage to the toads in their path. LANEL Good shootin', boys! Aboard the toad mothership, CAPTAIN STRACKWITTS sits in the command chair as his crew rush to and fro performing various duties. Strackwitts is livid, gripping the arms of the chair, teeth clenched. Rising, he goes over to the main viewport and looks at the battle taking place outside. STRACKWITTS (muttering) Mash those mammals, you worthless bunch of pond scum! Toadborg put me personally in command of this assault, and I will not fail him! Strackwitts's FIRST OFFICER comes running up to him. FIRST OFFICER Captain! Several other craft are approaching from the northeast sector! The mammals are getting reinforcements! STRACKWITTS What? Just behind The Iron Vulture, several small teal spacecraft with the menacing grimace of a duck on front come into view as they fan out and begin shooting at the toads. Two ninja ducks sit in each ship. The one taking the lead is piloted by KAMIKAZE KAMO, and RED JACK sits beside him. RED JACK I've dealt with these scalawags before. See the ones makin' fancy moves when they should just be flyin' straight? Those ones never watch their backs. KAMO Excellent observation, my friend. Kamo takes aim at the double bubbles taking the most flamboyant trajectory. He hits three of them, all of which sputter out of control. One in particular, having lost its left engine, spirals toward the toad mothership nearby. Onboard the bridge, Strackwitts is making fists as he watches the tide of the battle turning, not noticing the spinning double bubble approaching. STRACKWITTS (furious) This is intolerable! The first officer turns and notices the ship about to hit. FIRST OFFICER Uh, sir, there is something you might want to know ... STRACKWITTS Huh? (turns and sees the double bubble) Do something! Strackwitts is cut off mid-sentence as the damaged toad craft flies through the viewport. He, the first officer, and the entire bridge crew are engulfed in flames as the bridge explodes, decapitating the mothership. Observing this, the Ninja Ducks begin to focus their efforts more on the now helpless toad command craft, blasting it relentlessly until it becomes consumed and blown apart by internal explosions. RED JACK Nice shootin'. You Ninja Ducks are a force to be reckoned with. KAMO And you Corsair Canards as well. And when we combine our forces, I pity the foolish toad who gets in our way! Several Aldebaran ships also hover about, doing their best to contain the toads' fire. None of the Aldebaran ships fire weapons directly; instead, the SPHINX passengers use their magical abilities to block and counteract the toads' offensive maneuvers, allowing the other mammals to strike freely. SPHINX #1 Drec bmyhad ec dra rusa uv dra UAC. Ed sicd hud vymm. SPHINX #2 E ghuf meddma uv nalahd ajahdc paouht uin bmyhad, pid E tet rayn uv kahic paehk dygah po dra duytc mycd oayn. Ec dryd hud dra lyca? SPHINX #1 Ed fyc, yht ed fyc nalujanat. Ev dra duytc luhxian ed ykyeh, drao femm cinamo natila ed du ycr nydran dryh necg dra bycd nabaydehk edcamv. The Sphinxes intensify their efforts. The least equipped for this fight, the Genusian air force undertakes several maneuvers and strategies in a vain attempt to keep the toads at bay. On board the largest vessel, the baboon BRIGADIER GENERAL barks orders into a central comm. BRIGADIER GENERAL (into comm) Protect the defense satellites at all cost! The toads must not breach our perimeter! The Genusian ships obey as best they can, both by attacking the toads and by diverting their fire. Several Genusian ships fall to the toads' fire, though some manage to take down a double bubble or two themselves. There are so many toads, however, that plenty are still able to shoot at the defense satellites. Several of them are weakened, and a few have blown up. The lacy force field around Genus is slowly dissipating. BRIGADIER GENERAL (solemn) All these allies, and still it isn't enough. Down below, on Genus, CHAIRMAN FRITZ WARNER paces in his office, helpless to stop the carnage in the atmosphere above him. FRITZ Come on, Bucky. Come on ... Back in orbit, a new battalion of ships drops out of hyperspace in orbit near Genus. The Brigadier General blinks and rubs his eyes. BRIGADIER GENERAL Where did all those banana runners come from? The fledgling but still scrappy Betelgeusian Home Guard joins the fray. Not only do they add volleys of maser firepower to the mammals' side, but they have a second tactic. On some of the ships, berserker baboons in space suits and helmets grasp the ship's hull, tethered to it by a retractable cord. The first such ship to reach the toads is piloted by BRUCE, a determined look on his face. BRUCE I'm gonna get you toads! (into comm) You ready, Bonesaw? Outside the ship, BONESAW flashes Bruce a thumbs-up. BONESAW (into comm) Ready, brudder! Bruce presses a button on the console, and the cord holding Bonesaw shoots out, propelling him toward the toads at a rapid but safe pace. BONESAW Ayooooga!! Though the war cry reverberates only in Bonesaw's helmet, it proves apt, as Bonesaw pulls out a maser cannon and begins shooting at all the nearby double bubbles, more nimble and maneuverable than a frigate-bound cannon would be. From the cockpit, Bruce watches proudly as Bonesaw mows down several double bubbles before they know what hit them. As soon as the toads notice Bonesaw's presence, Bruce retracts him out of harm's way. BRUCE Dat was fer you, Bruiser. All across the atmosphere, the Betelgeusian berserker baboons repeat the same maneuver, sniping dozens of toad ships that were not expecting such an assault. This, in turn, allows the Genusian air force to regain the offensive. BRIGADIER GENERAL Wonderful! Just wonderful! Just then, shots from one of the double bubbles hits the rear of the Brigadier General's ship. It shakes violently, and everyone on the flight deck becomes concerned. The PILOT spins around in his chair. PILOT We've lost the accelerator! BRIGADIER GENERAL Oh, dear. Just then, a voice comes in over the comm in front of the pilot. VOICE (comm) I've got it! Only a few seconds later, some lights reactivate on the panel in front of the pilot. PILOT Scratch that. Accelerator is still functional! BRIGADIER GENERAL (to himself) That new engineer is good. (into comm) Nice going, Engineer Marison! Down in the engineering bay, ENGINEER MIKE MARISON grins, holding a wrench in his right paw, his left paw inside the ship's photon accelerator. MIKE (into comm) Thanks! I learned from the best. SCENE 13 - THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Dark. Gray. Willy materializes into this room that is somehow spacious and cramped at the same time. He lands on the floor roughly, bracing himself on his hands and knees. WILLY Ugh! What little light shines in the room reflects in Willy's glasses. He looks around, unsteady and uncertain. Large computer towers cover much of the floor space and extend ten feet in the air, barely fitting underneath the meshwork metal roof. Lights flicker and dance, processing data and conveying messages to one another. The room is hot. Willy blinks and squints, watching the lights speak their language. WILLY Where ... As Willy gathers his wits, he begins to focus beyond the computer hardware towering over him. He notices that, while one wall is completely covered by computer equipment, the other three have writing on them. Lots and lots of writing. Each wall has a phrase, repeated over and over in different sizes and handwriting, scrawled all over it. Willy stares at the black writing on the gray walls, at first not being able to decipher the three cryptic messages. As his eyes adjust to the light, he suddenly realizes that the writing is in an ancient toad language -- one he should not be able to read but somehow can. WILLY This is ... Willy concentrates on each wall in turn, sounding out the alien words aloud. WILLY (reading one wall) "What is a toad's purpose in life?" (turning to another wall) "What is a mammal's purpose in life?" (looking at the third wall) "What is the most valuable thing a toad can own?" TOAD #1 You should not be here. Willy gasps and turns around. He had not realized he was not alone in this room. Three old, green-gray TOADS stand before him, watching him cautiously. They wear nondescript black pajamas and stand hunched over. TOAD #1 You are an intruder. WILLY I ... yeah. TOAD #2 You have seen the riddles. WILLY What riddles? The writing on the wall? TOAD #1 Those are the three riddles KOMPLEX was designed to solve. WILLY I thought KOMPLEX was supposed to solve gridlock and control interest rates. That sort of thing. TOAD #2 True. But that was not his only function. TOAD #3 These riddles perplexed toad philosophers for fifty millennia. KOMPLEX was created to solve the riddles and put our society at peace. TOAD #2 KOMPLEX solved the riddles. He reasoned what no toad could on his own. WILLY (muttering) What is a toad's purpose ... and a mammal's purpose ... and what should a toad own ... (realizing) He decided that all three riddles could be solved with the same concept. That toads should own mammals, and that would be their respective purposes in life. That's when he made himself supreme dictator and took over. The three toads regard Willy with even more suspicion than before. TOAD #1 You are correct, but ... how? How could you read our writing? WILLY I've ... spent some time here. On the Homeworld. (beat) But not here. I've never been here before. Where am I? TOAD #3 You know where you are. You would not be here otherwise. WILLY (realizing) I'm ... I'm in the room. This equipment ... this is all KOMPLEX, isn't it? TOAD #1 (nodding) No one else has been here since the beginning of KOMPLEX. Willy shakes off the last of his confusion. He stands up straight, his resolve returning to him. WILLY Well, I'm here to see the end of KOMPLEX. TOAD #2 That will not happen. WILLY Who *are* you guys, anyway? TOAD #3 We oversee KOMPLEX. He has charged us with his maintenance and upkeep. WILLY Wait ... KOMPLEX needs toads to keep him running? I thought he was self-sufficient. TOAD #1 We do very little here, but we are necessary nonetheless. WILLY And you stay here all the time? TOAD #2 Of course. WILLY But there's no Toad TV here. So you're not brainwashed like everyone else is. TOAD #3 You are perceptive. WILLY Then why do KOMPLEX's bidding, if he doesn't control you? TOAD #1 We are replaceable. To deny KOMPLEX's will is to invite death. WILLY But you could just unplug him! Or trash the machinery! TOAD #3 Why would we do that? WILLY Don't you know what he's done? He's caused thousands of deaths! Millions! He's single-handedly created a war that's consumed the entire aniverse! TOAD #2 So? WILLY (dumbfounded) You don't even *care*? TOAD #2 Why should we? That is out there. We are in here. WILLY OK, this is just weird. So can I just unplug this, or ... TOAD #1 (narrowing his eyes) This has gone on long enough. You will die now. WILLY Trust me, after everything I've been through, three decrepit little toads aren't going to stop me. Willy looks around and finds a massive cord snaking from several of the computer towers to an outlet in the wall. He grabs it, intending to yank. Suddenly, a jolt of electricity bursts through Willy's body. WILLY Argh! TOAD #2 He does our work for us. How convenient. Electricity pours into Willy's body, freezing him in place as he jolts and shakes. His muscles seize, and he can concentrate only on the pain. WILLY Nnn ... no ... Every fiber of his being aching, Willy concentrates mentally as hard as he can. His eyes are squeezed shut, but in his mind's eye, he pictures all the machinery in the room exploding and melting. Willy begins to glow -- his hands first, then his arms, then his torso and legs. His face and eyes are the last, shining a bright white. At first confined to Willy's outline, the light then expands. The three toads, startled, shield their eyes as the brightness begins to envelop the entire room and begins to chip away at everything ... SCENE 14 - THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Willy can visualize the entire layout of KOMPLEX's hardware in his mind. For a split second, he feels connected to it, like he can touch it, manipulate it at his will. His mind mentally races through the circuitry and wires, destroying every vital point, erasing every important bit of code. Every circuit board on the planet fizzles to some degree or another, white light bursting through the wiring. As the machinery that ran KOMPLEX melts into nothingness, the data stream that connected KOMPLEX to every computer on the planet ceases, cleansed by Willy's efforts. Large factory areas in several layers of the planet grind to a halt. Traffic signals above ground go haywire. Comm signals degenerate into static. The hardware that airs Toad TV all over the Homeworld and to various parts of the aniverse seizes. Having been dependent on KOMPLEX's constant input, the computers suffer a loss they cannot recover from. Monitors throw up test patterns, subroutines enter infinite loops, and circuit boards overheat. The machinery finally overloads, and with a tumultuous explosion, Toad TV ceases to exist. SCENE 15 - THE TOAD HOMEWORLD The effect is immediate. Toads in all parts of the planet, doing all sorts of jobs, suddenly regain their free will. They blink and twitch, not sure what is happening. From double bubble pilots to food vendors to stage actors, everyone looks around, confused and dazed. Some of the toads, being either more stubborn or more loyal to KOMPLEX, hold out for a moment, but within minutes, the planet's entire surface and all seven of its layers exist in a state of confusion, harboring an entire race just waking up from a nightmare it cannot comprehend. On multiple planets all throughout the aniverse, the loss of Toad TV's brainwashing influence similarly becomes apparent. The planets closest to the Toad Homeworld recover first. Stormtoads shooting at mammals blink and drop their weapons, unsure of what is going on. Double bubble pilots, dazed, relax their controls. Toads operating climate converters suddenly stare off into space, oblivious. The effect continues to spread across every planet held by toads or under attack by toads. Narnox, Canis I, Canis II, Warren, and many others display the effects of KOMPLEX's destruction. The toads, confused and helpless, are quickly overtaken by the mammal forces fighting against them. Relatively few mammals recognize that the toads are no longer fighting back and are no longer loyal to KOMPLEX, leading to swift, decisive, and brutal mammal victories all across the aniverse. SCENE 16 - GRAND HALL, THE TOAD HOMEWORLD As Jenny, Deadeye, Jonathan, Cranzar, and the rest of the mammals fight against the remaining stormtoads, they notice that their opponents are no longer fighting back. DEADEYE Hey, what gives? Them toads ain't zappin' us no more! CRANZAR They seem confused more than anything. JENNY (realizing) Willy must have done it. He must have destroyed KOMPLEX! These toads aren't brainwashed any longer. Toadborg suddenly lets go of Bucky. The hare, gasping for breath, deactivates his lightsaber, the blade vanishing from its place embedded in the cyborg's faceplate. Bucky falls to the ground, and Mimi rushes to his side. They looks up and see Toadborg suddenly stand rigid. TOADBORG What is ... (confused) KOMPLEX? (urgently) KOMPLEX! My master! Speak to me! MIMI What's with Toadborg? BUCKY (looking around) Willy. He pulled it off! Look! Mimi looks around and notices that the stormtoads are looking around, confused. STORMTOAD #31 Where am I? And what's with this wacky getup? STORMTOAD #32 This isn't my house. This isn't even my county! STORMTOAD #33 Oh man, did I leave the clothes in the washer overnight? MIMI Well, damn. I didn't think he was actually going to pull it off! TOADBORG (falls to his knees) No! This cannot be happening! BUCKY I think that's our cue. MIMI You want to just leave him? BUCKY We've beaten him. There's nothing left for him. Let's get out of here while we can. Bucky and Mimi power down their lightsabers and rejoin their group. BUCKY Let's get back to the ships. Pete, can you carry Wolf? PETE Yup. BUCKY Anyone else hurt? CRANZAR I think we're good! BUCKY Then let's find the engineers and get out of here. JENNY You're just leaving Toadborg? BUCKY Leaving him alive without KOMPLEX is more of a punishment than taking him down. Let's go. As the mammals make a hasty exit, Toadborg shakes frantically, his voice bellowing throughout the room. TOADBORG (furious) O'HAAAAAAAAAAAARE!!! SCENE 17 - GENUS Genus, being one of the planets farthest away from the Toad Homeworld, is still receiving the Toad TV signals sent out just before KOMPLEX's demise. Despite the combined efforts of the Genus Air Force, the Betelgeusian Home Guard, the Corsair Canards, the Ninja Ducks, and the Aldebarans, a few more toad double bubbles manage to land shots on the planet's defense satellites, taking out the shield for good. In his office, Fritz takes a deep breath as the news feed on television reports the loss of the shield. FRITZ Man, I wish it were Monday so I could call in the Nharnians. (beat) Maybe we can still hold them off in the atmosphere ... Just then, as if answering Fritz's prayers, the toad double bubbles begin flying aimlessly, as if their pilots no longer have any interest in the fight, or even any interest in flying. The now-helpless double bubbles are quickly consumed by the numerous fighting forces in the air above Genus. Fritz watches the news feed, confused at first. FRITZ If they stopped fighting, then that must mean ... Fritz grins, beaming with both relief and pride. FRITZ They did it. Bucky and Willy did it. Cheers erupt, both on Genus's surface and in the planet's atmosphere. Air Force pilots congratulate each other via comm. The Betelgeusians let out their signature war cry. On board The Iron Vulture, Canards cheer and clink glasses of swampgrass. The Ninja Ducks celebrate as well. The Aldebarans feel great peace now that their magic is no longer being used for evil. SCENE 18 - KOMPLEX HARDWARE ROOM Digger, Blinky, Dile, and Kari stand confused in this empty room. KARI So you guys have no idea where Willy went? DILE I am afraid not. Just then, a burst of light momentarily fills the room. Dile and Kari shield their eyes, blinded. When they can see again, Willy sits on the floor, in a dazed heap. BLINKY Friend Willy! WILLY (disoriented) Hey, guys. DIGGER What happened, kid? WILLY I think ... I think I did it. BLINKY This humble robot concurs. Toad TV signals no longer being detected. DILE That is astounding news! Congratulations, Willy! KARI How did you do it? I mean, there's no hardware in here. WILLY (standing up) It's a long story. I'll fill you guys in later. For now, let's just get off this planet. DIGGER Ain't got to tell me twice. Let's move! Willy, Blinky, Digger, Dile, and Kari retrace their steps, passing through the hallway, going up the elevator, and winding their way through the highest layer of the Toad Homeworld. As they make it a few rooms away from the exit, they approach a door that had not been shut previously. WILLY Hmm. Willy steps up to the door. It suddenly whooshes open, and Toadborg stands on the other side of the door. TOADBORG (seething) You! Before Willy can respond, Toadborg reaches low and grabs Willy by the legs. He hoists the human up, holding him hanging upside down. WILLY Ah! TOADBORG You will pay for this, traitor! Toadborg presses a button, and the door slams shut again. Dile and Kari run up to it. DILE (pressing buttons on the keypad) This door is jammed! KARI Why did he grab Willy? DIGGER (readying his bazooka) You kids. Elsewhere, Toadborg storms through the hallways, taking an unknown path. WILLY Let me go! TOADBORG Oh, I will do just that! As Toadborg stomps toward his destination, Willy concentrates. His palms glow, and he fires a spell blast into Toadborg. It dissipates upon contact with Toadborg's armor. The cyborg doesn't even react. WILLY You found my notes! Toadborg still remains silent as he approaches an elevator, still holding Willy upside down. TOADBORG You will meet your fate here, human. With the blood rushing to his head, Willy cannot concentrate enough to contact Jenny. Instead, he grabs the comm on his belt and activates it. WILLY (into comm) Bucky! Help! I'm at the observation tower, and ... Toadborg uses his free hand to grab Willy's comm and crush it. WILLY Ah! Toadborg then activates the elevator. It takes him and Willy up twenty stories into the air. The door opens into a small observation tower. Large glass panes reveal the quiet stillness of the night sky and the shiny, metal exterior of the planet. Toadborg looks to the back of the room, where there is an escape pod. TOADBORG You have deprived me of the very oxygen that I breathe. Toadborg's fist slams into the keypad to the side of the door leading to the escape pad. The pad launches straight up into space, visible through a window. TOADBORG I shall now deprive *you* of yours! Toadborg presses another button, and the door opens into a small depressurized chamber. He throws the helpless Willy inside, then closes the door before Willy can respond. WILLY No! Toadborg punches the keypad again, and the propulsion thrusters activate. In a whoosh of air, Willy is launched straight up into empty, airless space. SCENE 19 - THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Bucky, Jenny, Mimi, and the others make their way back to their parked frigates. As they walk down a hallway, a chill runs down Jenny's spine. JENNY Sarradel's black gem. It's nearby. I can feel it. BUCKY You need to go get it, don't you? JENNY KOMPLEX or no KOMPLEX, I don't want that in anybody's paws but Aldebaran's. BUCKY We'll meet you at the ship. Bucky and Jenny exchange a quick kiss, and Jenny then opens a side door and darts off. Bucky motions to the others, and they press on. A few seconds later, however, Bucky's comm goes off. WILLY (over comm) Bucky! Help! I'm at the observation tower, and ... ah! BUCKY (frowning) That's not good. Does anyone know where the observation tower is? MIMI I think the entrance is down the next hallway. BUCKY Then let's go! As they proceed, they come across a doorway that has clearly been blown open. JONATHAN I think we're on the right track. They head down a few more hallways. In the distance, Bucky spots Blinky, Digger, Dile, and Kari. BUCKY (calling) Over here! BLINKY (turning around) Captain O'Hare! Toadborg has Willy! BUCKY (sneering) Dammit! Blinky, where's the observation tower? BLINKY (motioning) Two doors down. Bucky and Mimi head toward the door, only to see it swing open of its own accord. Toadborg steps through. TOADBORG And now for *your* deaths. SCENE 20 - LABORATORY, TOAD HOMEWORLD Jenny steps into this room, where several confused TOAD SCIENTISTS stand around. A few are near the center of the room, where the pure black gem sits in a glass case. In the next room, several withered corpses are visible, all piled on top of each other. Most of them appear to be baboons. Jenny shudders when she sees the dead bodies. Determined, she approaches the gem. She notices two of the scientists bickering. One has a withered husk for a left hand. SCIENTIST #1 I told you not to touch it, Bob! SCIENTIST #2 How was I supposed to know it wasn't food? Ignoring the toads, Jenny pulls out a burlap sack. She removes the glass case and quickly snares the gem in the burlap sack, which she closes tightly. JENNY Gotcha. SCIENTIST #1 Hey, that belongs to us! I think. SCIENTIST #2 If not, I'll buy it from you! JENNY (smirking) This could take some getting used to. Jenny quickly exits the room, leaving the toads to their confusion. SCENE 21 - SPACE ABOVE TOAD HOMEWORLD Willy hurtles through space, spinning around, unable to orient himself. He feels the air pressure changing, and his chest tightens as the air around him thins. WILLY (thinking) Unable to concentrate or right himself, Willy feels everything going black. The last thing his blurry vision sees is a green streak rushing past him. AIR MARSHAL Gotcha! The AIR MARSHAL, flying past in a double bubble, snares Willy with the ship's grappling hook. He makes a beeline for the planet's surface, hoping the oxygen will help Willy before it's too late. Ensnared in the hook, Willy feels oddly secure. Though still disoriented, he perks up enough to be aware of his surroundings. WILLY Wha ... what happened? The double bubble lands on the surface of the Toad Homeworld, and the grappling hook lets Willy go. He slumps to the ground, and the Air Marshal disembarks and runs over to him. AIR MARSHAL Willy! Are you OK? WILLY (woozy) I wonder if I can work this in to my personal statement. AIR MARSHAL (confused) What? WILLY (shaking it off) Amadeus? AIR MARSHAL Oh, thank goodness! WILLY You ... you saved me. AIR MARSHAL I was in one of the control towers. When I saw Toadborg taking you to the top of the observation tower, I knew something bad was going to happen. I'm just glad I spotted you. WILLY Me too. I owe you my life! AIR MARSHAL And I owe you mine. WILLY What do you mean? AIR MARSHAL It had to be you, Willy. No one else could have shut down KOMPLEX. WILLY (blinking) So ... it worked? AIR MARSHAL (grinning) He's done for. And not a moment too soon. I don't know how much longer I could have lasted. WILLY Under KOMPLEX, you mean? But you were brainwashed just like everyone else, right? AIR MARSHAL I was before. I haven't been for a while, I don't think. Not as strongly as everyone else, at least. (looking over the landscape) And now it's finally over. WILLY Almost. We still need to get home. Where's Bucky? AIR MARSHAL (nervous) Ah ... I think I'll stay here. I don't think Bucky wants to see me. WILLY You're probably right. I'd better get moving; hopefully, he's back at the ship. SCENE 22 - THE TOAD HOMEWORLD Toadborg quickly reaches out and grabs Bucky and Mimi. He throws them into the room behind him, where they strike the ground roughly. BUCKY Ugh! MIMI Oof! TOADBORG Get up! Toadborg storms over to Bucky and Mimi, who are scrambling to their feet. He kicks Bucky, who winces in pain as the blow connects, cracking three ribs and sending Bucky flying. Toadborg then slaps Mimi across the face, knocking out a tooth and sending her to the ground. Toadborg stands silently, waiting for his opponents to face him. Bucky and Mimi, both in pain, struggle to stand up. Behind Toadborg, Deadeye, Digger, Jonathan, Harry, Cranzar, and Celine stand, wanting to help. DEADEYE Get away from 'em, ye walkin' poopdeck! BUCKY No! Everyone else, get to your ships! We can handle him! JONATHAN This isn't the time for ... MIMI (growling) That's an order! Uncertain, Deadeye, Blinky, Wolf, Pete, Digger, Jonathan, Harry, Dile, Cranzar, Celine, and Kari hesitate for a moment, then head back in the direction of the parked S.P.A.C.E. frigates. TOADBORG Your friends are not safe from me. Bucky and Mimi stand next to each other and power up their lightsabers. MIMI You got a plan? BUCKY Die trying. MIMI That's ... noble. Bucky and Mimi work as a team, keeping Toadborg distracted while trying to chip away at his armor. While they never connect with the cyborg's hulking frame, they manage to keep him from landing another crushing blow to either of them. After two minutes of this, Toadborg stands his ground. TOADBORG I tire. Enough of this. Toadborg holds out his right arm. A panel on his forearm retracts, revealing the same crystal contained in the new stormtoad weapons. He points his right hand at Bucky and Mimi. TOADBORG Goodbye. Bucky and Mimi brace themselves. Toadborg's palm opens to reveal the barrel of a weapon. It glows, then discharges. The energy goes less than half a foot before evaporating harmlessly into the atmosphere. TOADBORG (alarmed) What?! Toadborg notices that the crystal in his forearm no longer glows. JENNY I do believe you're looking for this. At the other end of the room, Jenny holds up the burlap sack. JENNY I don't think we can trust you with this anymore. TOADBORG (furious) You worthless mammals confound me at every turn! Jenny responds by shooting a spell blast at Toadborg. It harmlessly dissipates upon striking him. TOADBORG But your weapons are still useless against me. BUCKY Mimi, did you feel that? Mimi nods. Both lightsabers, which were near the path of Jenny's magical Aldebaran blast, now glow a slight pink. MIMI It picked up some of Jenny's energy. BUCKY Jenny! Give us some more juice! Catching on, Jenny lobs a spell blast in between Bucky and Mimi. Their lightsabers absorb the power, and they both glow pure bright white. MIMI That's a nice trick. Bucky and Mimi suddenly feel more confident, as if assured of victory. Their faces are lit by the bright glow of their lightsabers. BUCKY You ready? MIMI On it. Toadborg, his optic sensors overloaded by the power emanating from the two lightsabers, cannot react quickly enough as Mimi swipes at his chest. She hits the exact spot Bucky superficially carved earlier, tearing a much wider gash in Toadborg's armor. Wires spill out, and sparks shoot from the gaping wound. TOADBORG Rkk ... An electronic whine emanates from Toadborg's chassis. Bucky leaps into the air, bellowing as he raises his lightsaber high. Toadborg can do nothing as Bucky makes a clean vertical cut, lining it up to the groove his lightsaber made earlier. The blade rips through Toadborg, slicing him clean in half. Bucky lands with a grunt, following through with his blow as he holds the lightsaber just behind him. TOADBORG Erk ... rkk ... kk ... Toadborg's halves fall to the ground, completely ruined. Breathing heavily, Bucky stands over them. In one half of Toadborg's frame, he can make out a barely moving outline of green flesh. A glimmer of recognition shines in Bucky's eyes. BUCKY Horst? LIEUTENANT HORST, barely alive, grins as best he can. His eyes catch sight of Bucky. He coughs, then speaks, barely above a whisper. HORST (weakly) Thank you. Horst then shrivels, dead. Sorrow settles in Bucky's stomach for a moment. He stands up straight as Mimi and Jenny stand beside him. JENNY I don't think we have to worry about Toadborg any more. Bucky just nods. He turns to Mimi, wincing in pain from his cracked ribs. BUCKY Where'd you get that thing, anyway? MIMI (catching her breath) Birthday present. BUCKY Nice. (beat) We make a pretty good team. On the battlefield. MIMI Seconded. (grins) Though I was kind of hoping I'd get to punch you in the face again. BUCKY Sorry to disappoint you. Bucky turns toward Jenny. BUCKY You saved me. Again. JENNY We all did it. Together. Bucky and Jenny embrace, holding each other tightly. JENNY Is it really over? BUCKY Not until we find everyone and get off this rock. Let's go. (remembering) Oh, no. Willy! What did Toadborg do to Willy? The three of them stand silent and fearful for a moment, until Jenny hears a voice in her mind. WILLY (telepathically) JENNY (telepathically) (aloud) He's safe. Everyone is. They're at the ships. BUCKY That's all I needed to hear. MIMI Wait. What about them? Mimi motions to the various stormtoads that have wandered into the room. They are clearly confused. STORMTOAD #34 What's going on? STORMTOAD #35 I remember watching a Toad TV monitor with KOMPLEX on it, and then ... nothing. STORMTOAD #36 What happened to our planet? I don't recognize this place. It's all cold metal. Nothing's alive here. BUCKY (exhaling) Destroying KOMPLEX was only part of it. Now we have to destroy his legacy. But that's something that will take the entire UAC. All we can do now is go home. SCENE 23 - SPACE Exhausted, Bucky, Jenny, and Willy sit in the cockpit of The Righteous Indignation as it travels home to Genus. Jenny pilots the controls, expertly as always, while Bucky radios the other frigates. BUCKY (into comm) How ya feeling, Wolf? WOLF (over comm) Been better. Just can't wait to get home. BUCKY Roger that. Mimi? MIMI (over comm) Already booked a week at a spa. BUCKY Not a bad idea. You've earned it. And Cranzar? CRANZAR (over comm) Yeah? BUCKY Congrats. Your first suicide mission, and you survived. Proud to have you as part of the team. CRANZAR Thanks. Happy to help. Bucky shuts off the comm and leans back in his seat. JENNY We'll be back at Genus in about five minutes. BUCKY Perfect. (beat) How did you do it, Willy? WILLY Destroy KOMPLEX, you mean? It was weird. The hardware was all electrified, but when I touched it, I felt in tune with it somehow. I already knew the design, but I was able to reach out and destroy it. BUCKY With your Aldebaran magic? JENNY Maybe. I've never heard of Aldebaran magic doing that, exactly. WILLY That's because it didn't. Only part of what I did used Aldebaran magic. The other part was the same power Fritz and the regens use. Or at least ... that's my best guess. Jenny cocks her head in confusion. JENNY (surprised) But ... even if that were true, how would you know that? WILLY Tae'Gwitz told me. We had an ... interesting talk. BUCKY Either way, it's still over. (beat) So what now? Will you be coming back? Willy sits and thinks about this for a moment. WILLY Some. I mean, this place is a home to me, and you guys are my best friends. (beat) But with KOMPLEX out of the picture, it might be time for me to focus on my life on Earth. BUCKY You've certainly earned that. What's in store for you back home? Anything exciting on the horizon? WILLY A few things. College. That's big. (beat) And ... a date. Apparently. JENNY (smiles) A date? WILLY A friend set it up. I don't know anything about her. BUCKY College and a date. (grins) There are always new adventures to go on, aren't there? WILLY Always. (beat) Oh. This may be jumping the gun, but ... assuming the toads become part of the UAC or anything, I'd, uh, like to nominate someone to be the toad ambassador to Genus. BUCKY (surprised) Who's that? WILLY Amadeus. He was the Air Marshal. I know you've had your fights, but he was the only one of them I could ever call my friend. He saved my life earlier, and I think ... I think he'd be good for the job. Bucky sits silently. He remembers all the horrible things he and the Air Marshal did to each other in the past few years. But he knows things are different now. He needs to move beyond the past. Finally, he nods. BUCKY I'll pass that recommendation on. (beat) Things really are going to be different. In the distance, Genus becomes visible through the cockpit of the Righteous. The warm glow of the planet welcomes the weary captains of S.P.A.C.E. back home to celebrate their victory. SCENE 24 - CHAIRMAN WARNER'S OFFICE A few days later, Fritz sits at his desk, with seemingly more piles of paperwork than ever teetering off the top. His face looks resolute as he flips through them. Bucky sits in the chair on the other side of the desk. FRITZ Repair work has begun on most of the planets taken over by the toads. It's going to take years, maybe decades, but we'll get them whole again. (beat) The toads are a mess. Most of them were still on their planet when KOMPLEX went offline, but a lot of them were out on the battlefield. Most of those toads were killed, of course. And the ones back home are confused. They lost eighteen years of their lives, and they're pretty simpleminded on top of that. Plus, I'm sure half the mammals in the aniverse are still gunning for them. Reintegrating them into the aniverse is going to be an enormous challenge. (beat) And then, there's S.P.A.C.E. Bucky looks Fritz square in the eyes. BUCKY Just because KOMPLEX is through doesn't mean there aren't any more threats to the UAC. There are plenty of hostile races out there. Things from beyond the aniverse. Foes we don't even know about yet. FRITZ I know, and I agree with you. Still, I'll have to scale the budget back, seeing as how we have entire galaxies to rebuild. (beat) But you and your crew will always have a job with S.P.A.C.E. If you still want it, that is. Bucky sits in silence for a moment. BUCKY My whole life, all I wanted to do was defeat KOMPLEX. I was worried that if that ever happened, that I'd feel empty. That I'd be purposeless. (beat) But I do have a purpose. We all do. To protect the aniverse. To fight for what is right. To keep order. And to honor everyone we've lost. Fritz nods. FRITZ You're headed to Bruiser's funeral this afternoon, I take it? BUCKY (sadly) Of course. I wish things had gone differently for him. I wish he'd gotten to spend more time with his brother. I wish I could have been there, at least. (beat) But he died a warrior's death, and he saved his entire planet. They'll be honoring him for centuries. FRITZ Him and you both, Admiral O'Hare. BUCKY (shaking his head) I don't deserve that title. FRITZ If you don't, who does? Take it. BUCKY It doesn't fit me right. FRITZ Neither does that cape, and you've been wearing *that* all these years. Fritz puts down his pencil, stands up, and looks out the window of his office. The sun is shining. Down below, mammals of all races enjoy their day, finally free of the toad menace. FRITZ This, Bucky ... (beat) This is going to be a wonderful beginning. THE END