"Captive" by Rygar Additions by Fero McPiglet First draft - 1/20/10 Second draft - 2/18/10 Final draft - 3/14/10 Edited by WatsonSword and DJ Clawson SCENE 1 - WRENCHES'S BAR, BANZAAR The bar is more crowded than ever. Lowlifes of all types are packed into every seat and barstool, with two things in mind: getting jobs and drowning their sorrows. The increase in S.P.A.C.E. military activity may have had little effect on the Toad Wars, but it's keeping the seedier element of lower-rent criminals from doing what they do best. WRENCHES is pouring a round of drinks for a grumpy-looking foxhound when VINCENT ROEDECKER swings the door open and enters. Wrenches looks up and appears nervous for only a split second. He returns to what he's doing and ignores Roedecker as the gray wolf approaches the bar. ROEDECKER Wrenches. Been a long time. WRENCHES (not looking up) Not long enough. Buy a drink and then get outta my bar. ROEDECKER (scowling) I remember when I got a little respect in this place. WRENCHES Yeah, well, that was before your backup got wasted. And before I hired better bouncers, at your personal recommendation. Oh, *and* before you got all nice and cozy with the UAC. You earn your own reputation, and you tossed yours out like a shipment of bananas from Sludge. Roedecker growls and leans forward. ROEDECKER Call me cozy with the UAC again, and I'll rip your throat out. WRENCHES Threaten me again, and my security will rip your balls off. What the hell do you want? ROEDECKER I need some men for a job. Against the UAC, as a matter of fact. Who do you know that can get past the UAC satellite defenses on Warren? WRENCHES (smiling) Negator's crew is the only group that can do that. And I'm not giving your their contact frequency. ROEDECKER Like hell you're not. WRENCHES (while serving another customer) Five hundred simoleans. ROEDECKER Go to hell. WRENCHES Go to another bar. ROEDECKER (softening slightly) Dammit, Wrenches, I need this. WRENCHES Well, I need a new compression system. Five hundred simoleans, Roedecker. ROEDECKER (voice low) I only have three hundred on me. WRENCHES (reaching out) Then you can wash dishes for a week to make up the rest. Roedecker grumbles as he pulls out his wallet and forks over the currency. Wrenches grins as he takes the bounty hunter's money. The orangutan then passes Roedecker a slip of paper. WRENCHES This is their frequency. Roedecker storms off, furious. Wrenches whistles a little tune, pleased with himself. SCENE 2 - COCKPIT, THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE and FIRST MATE JENNY sit in silence during another uneventful patrol. Jenny occasionally steers as Bucky stares at the sensor readings. After some time, Jenny breaks the silence. JENNY How are things with you and Willy? BUCKY (barely responding) Fine. JENNY Still not talking to you, huh? Bucky doesn't answer. Jenny waits a moment before speaking again. JENNY I haven't seen him much, either. (beat) It feels weird, knowing he's in the aniverse but almost never seeing him. I know so much has happened, but he used to be so eager to fly with us. Now, he's almost always just working in that lab whenever he's here. (beat) What do you think we can do? BUCKY (still barely paying attention) Leave him alone. JENNY Are you sure? I really think we have at least some responsibility to ... BUCKY He's happy tinkering away in his lab. Mike is doing well as our engineer. Things are fine. JENNY (irritated) Bucky, talk to me! BUCKY Only if you talk to me. JENNY What is that even supposed to mean? Bucky glances at Jenny with a raised brow. Jenny throws up her paws and gets out of her seat. JENNY Fine. Fly solo for a while. Jenny climbs down the ladder, out of the cockpit. Bucky, still acting as if nothing troubling has happened, turns to the controls. SCENE 3 - COCKPIT, THE STARRY KNIGHT AL NEGATOR and SLYLY ZOD sit in the cockpit of The Starry Knight. The frigate is built roughly to the specifications of The Rogue Star, the UAC mark-5 frigate they pilfered but destroyed. Zod keeps an eye on the flight path, while Negator writes in a digital journal. Behind them, TINKER sits on the floor, poring through information in his handheld computer. TINKER ... so we've got the data recovery gig next week, followed by the inauguration surveillance gig the week after, and, my favorite, the electronics looting the week after that. And of course, Newton is still infiltrating Drayke Industries so we can get their competition the specs on their new neuronal hardware ... (grins) Man, this is the life! The UAC steps up their military presence and makes the other mercenaries run for cover, while we fly around in our own UAC-compatible frigate, in demand and in charge! Even the toads taking over Genus wasn't as good for business as this is! ZOD Indeed. (under his breath) If only we didn't have to do it in a frigate termed The Starry Knight. TINKER Hey! I spent a year building this ship from scratch from the schematics of the UAC mark-5 ship. I build it, I name it! ZOD A year? This ship only took you four months. TINKER Well, the frigate was the easy part. You gotta include the months I spent reconstructing the security module that gets us through UAC orbital defense satellites. Now *that* took lots of trial and error. (grins nervously) Mostly error. ZOD Regardless of this vessel's name, I thank you, Tinker. It has done me well to keep busy, to keep moving. Productivity and constant testing are exactly what I need to fill my days. What do you say, Negator? Negator doesn't answer, instead continuing to write. TINKER Aw, c'mon, Al! You can't seriously still be in a funk. Your cousin will forgive you eventually. And besides, you totally made it up to him by helping the mammals take back Genus. And then that helped us even more! Two toads with one stone! NEGATOR Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Just not in a talkin' mood. ZOD At least you stay focused when we are on a mission. Your behavior would be unacceptable otherwise. NEGATOR We've been together for how long, guys? You know I got your backs. Now drop it! Tinker and Zod just shake their heads. SCENE 4 - COCKPIT, THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Bucky controls the frigate in a detached manner, focusing more on the monologue running through his head. His external demeanor is calm, however. BUCKY (thinking) (beat) (beat) Grinding his teeth a little, Bucky remains lost in thought as he continues piloting the ship. SCENE 5 - COCKPIT, THE STARRY KNIGHT Negator finishes his digital journal entry just as the computer's main screen activates, showing Roedecker. ROEDECKER Al Negator. NEGATOR (irritated) Who are you, and how did you get this frequency? ROEDEKCER Your pal Wrenches forked it over. NEGATOR I told him to always check with me before ... wait a minute. You're Vincent Roedecker, aren't you? ROEDECKER Got it in one. NEGATOR Aren't you a UAC stooge nowadays? ROEDECKER (growling) Shut up! I didn't call you to get insulted. I called you to offer you a job! ZOD But you are a bounty hunter. Shouldn't you be the one looking for a job? ROEDECKER This is personal. TINKER Ooh, we charge extra for those. ROEDECKER Not talking to you, pal. Negator. I want you to kidnap Fritz Warner. NEGATOR (raises an eyebrow) You mean Chairman Warner? ROEDECKER He's not Chairman anymore. Means he's nice and vulnerable. NEGATOR And why exactly do you want him kidnapped? ROEDECKER So I can get the UAC to pay me for rescuing him. ZOD Wait. You want us to kidnap someone so you can track us down for kidnapping him? ROEDECKER We'll fake a fight, and you'll give him back to me. Easy as that. NEGATOR And then you give us half of the reward money? ROEDECKER Two-thirds. Like I said, this is personal. The money's just to pay me back for all the time he's caused me to waste. ZOD And if the UAC simply chooses to pay the ransom? TINKER Which they won't. ROEDECKER Then give me a third of it. But give Warner hell first. ZOD I must admit. This is a most unusual arrangement. How can we be assured you'll pay us once you take Warner back to the UAC? ROEDECKER The same way I can be assured you'll pay me if they just toss you the ransom. Honor among thieves. NEGATOR How much we talkin' here? ROEDECKER I think thirty thousand simoleans sounds about right. That brings your cut to twenty thousand. TINKER I dunno, Al. I don't like this. We got plenty of business as it is, and this setup smells funny. NEGATOR Yeah, I know it does. (beat) But it was under Warner's watch that Dile got blasted by the toads. (grins) And besides, we haven't done a good kidnapping in a while. (to Roedecker) What the hell. We'll take it. ROEDECKER (coolly) That's what I wanted to hear. I know you can bypass the Warren defense system, which is why I hired you. I'm sure you know all about his mansion. From what I hear, it's not particularly well guarded. TINKER You know, it's almost time to pick Newton up on Warren, anyway. We might as well just go ahead and do this. ROEDECKER Make your ransom demands, and then I'll put in an offer to track you guys down. ZOD I still don't like this. NEGATOR You wanted me to loosen up, right? This sounds like it's gonna be fun. Besides, what do we have to lose? SCENE 6 - CARGO BAY, THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Jenny sits alone on her mat, resting in a meditative position. Her thoughts are anything but serene, however. JENNY (thinking) (beat) Jenny's calm facade betrays a hint of anguish. JENNY Jenny takes a deep breath. JENNY SCENE 7 - GENERAL ASSEMBLY, UAC HEADQUARTERS, GENUS CHAIRMAN SIRIUS DOGSTAR and VICE CHAIRMAN SANZER GRIFF sit in front of another raucous UAC General Assembly meeting. More and more seats are empty, and tensions are flaring. A MUSKRAT representative currently has the floor. MUSKRAT (standing, into microphone) My home planet of Dartenn has been a loyal member of the UAC for more than sixty years. We have always paid our dues and sent our representatives, and we have enjoyed the security and trading opportunities that UAC membership has afforded us. (beat) We understand that the Toad Wars have taken a toll on the entire aniverse. We understand why taxes and tariffs had to be raised. We understand the expansion of the military. (beat) We do not, however, understand why the military expansion has been so unsuccessful. The toads clearly remain a threat, even if they are not currently enslaving planets whole. Their disruption of the APES system cost untold millions in interplanetary commerce. Their meddling in the affairs of the Canards ground the entire Rigel system to a halt. (beat) As I look around, I see the many empty seats that everyone else is all too familiar with. I do not choose to shout and scream, as some other representatives have understandably chosen to do. But I do demand action. I demand to know why a full-scale assault on the toads has not been undertaken. I demand to know why this war is not over. And I demand to know how much longer money will vanish into the military budget without any obvious results. The muskrat sits down, to some applause. The many council members begin chattering excitedly. Dogstar clears his throat. DOGSTAR Representative Kovor from Dartenn. Thank you for your impassioned speech. (beat) It is true that the military expansion has not yet produced the desired results. We assumed the toads would continue to utilize the tactics that have defined their strategy ever since the Toad Wars began. This assumption has, as we all know, proven to be false. And it is true that we are still suffering losses occasionally, as is to be expected in any war. (beat) Our scientists have been working nonstop to figure out how to break through the toads' defenses, which have become even more heavily fortified in the past few months. We have sent multiple drones to test their home world's security perimeter; suffice it to say that not even the smallest, most imperceptible drone has survived. Even our most state-of-the-art cloaking technology from The Drayke Corporation has proven detectable. But we will continue in this endeavor. And fortunately, one of our top scientists has, er, returned from sabbatical and is contributing to our efforts with maximum vigor. (beat) S.P.A.C.E. is sending out more patrols than ever before. More planets are free than ever before. Security is tighter than ever before. Even petty crime has decreased. All of us -- our friends, our families -- we are *safer.* The UAC has made us *safer*. (beat) And that is all I have to say in response. Thank you. Dogstar sits back down as the murmuring continues. Griff bangs his gavel. GRIFF That concludes this meeting of the UAC General Assembly. Adjourned. Dogstar, Griff, and the other members of the Security Council file out the back, while the members of the General Assembly slowly mingle and filter out the other side of the room. Behind the main room, none of the Security Council members speaks to Dogstar and Griff, who exit down a different hallway. DOGSTAR Did that sound all right, Griff? GRIFF It was accurate. DOGSTAR (grumbling) Well, that's something, considering I barely knew what I was talking about. GRIFF Chairman, just because you're more comfortable with managing the military than you are with the UAC's other business doesn't mean you're bad at everything else. DOGSTAR Then why is the UAC slowly falling apart? GRIFF Because of the toads. Because of expectations. Because of a million tiny reasons. The UAC worked fine when it existed mostly for trade. When the war came along, we all banded together at first, at least in spirit. But even before S.P.A.C.E. was commissioned, the cracks began to show. People are more concerned with their own planets than with the wellbeing of the entire aniverse. We're all different species with different outlooks on life, different outlooks on war ... DOGSTAR I know all this, Griff. GRIFF ... and, well, maybe it's all finally coming to a head. DOGSTAR (softly) I don't want to be remembered as the Chairman who let the UAC destroy itself. GRIFF And you won't. Our scientists are working day and night. And now that Willy's back, there's no telling ... DOGSTAR I refuse to assume that the fate of the aniverse hinges on one alien boy. GRIFF (annoyed) Well, he might be the best chance we have! And even if the UAC itself is in a bind, individual planets are doing well. There are fewer than ten inhabited planets under direct toad rule, when there used to be more than forty. That is a direct result of your actions. DOGSTAR (entering an elevator) Maybe I just expected people to be more grateful. GRIFF (pressing a floor button) Well, then you don't know politics. DOGSTAR (sighing) Thank you for supporting me, Griff. Griff clears his throat. GRIFF You know I'm still upset you upheld the treaty with those pirates after they broke it. DOGSTAR (chuckles) I recall you yelling at me for a good ten minutes about it, yes. It's good to know you're not just blindly agreeing with everything I do. GRIFF No, no. I'm certainly not the blind one in that room. SCENE 8 - WARREN The mercenaries' frigate flies through the air above Warren. Tinker and NEWTON talk in the main bay. NEWTON So we're really gonna kidnap Warner? Don't ya think there'll be a lot of security? TINKER Word is his place actually isn't that secure. But if it is, you know I can take care of it! I've been working on an all-in-one defense perimeter shutter-offer that I can't wait to give a test run! NEWTON Well, get it fired up, then. Feels like we're landing. The frigate lands on the outskirts of the Warner estate's expansive front yard, under the cover of some trees. Negator, Zod, Tinker, and Newton step out. Negator whips out a pair of digital binoculars. NEGATOR (peering) He's ... gardening. A few hundred feet away, FRITZ WARNER is on his paws and knees, pulling at weeds and humming a tune to himself. ZOD Do you see any security? NEGATOR (looking around) Nothing obvious, no. TINKER (putting his remote control down) Well, darn! NEGATOR Newton, you wanna go ahead and scout things out? Maybe you'll trip any booby traps laying around. NEWTON (protesting) But I don't wanna set off booby traps! ZOD It is your turn, if I am not mistaken. TINKER Yeah, remember? It was my turn when we stole the soft drink recipe from that processing plant. The fur on my butt didn't grow back for a month! NEWTON (grumbling) Yeah, yeah, OK. Taking cover behind various bushes, shrubs, and tree stumps, Newton makes his way quietly over the vast green yard, always keeping his eyes peeled for anything suspicious. When he gets about fifty feet from Fritz, still hidden, he turns around, facing his companions, and gives a thumbs-up signal. NEGATOR Newton's clear. No traps. ZOD Well, how would you like to proceed? NEGATOR Tinker? TINKER Today, I'm in the mood for the direct approach! Tinker has set up what appears to be a miniaturized catapult. He kneels down and finishes calibrating and adjusting it. TINKER Good thing those weeds are keeping Warner busy. Fire in the hole! Tinker presses a button on the side of the catapult, and it fires, launching its payload: a shiny gray ball. The projectile arcs through the air. At its apex, it pops open to release a weighted net. The net lands on the seemingly oblivious Fritz, who slumps to the ground, trapped. FRITZ (a little winded) Oof! (beat) Oh, good. The tomatoes were getting boring. Among the trees, Tinker pumps his fist in the air. TINKER Got it in one! ZOD (a little cross) One would have been the only acceptable number. NEGATOR Yadda, yadda, yadda. Let's get 'im! Negator, Zod, and Tinker sprint over to Fritz. Newton meets up with them there. FRITZ (not really struggling) Is this a kidnapping attempt? NEGATOR (pulling out his blaster) You got it, Warner. Someone out there doesn't like you. FRITZ By that logic, I should be experiencing about twenty kidnap attempts a day. ZOD (looking at Fritz) I think he is trying to be "smart" with us. NEWTON Ha! We'll see how smart he is now that we've got him captive! Newton, Zod, and Tinker wrap Fritz up in the net and begin dragging him back to the ship, creating a trail in the grass. FRITZ Could you at least pick me up? You're ruining the landscaping. NEGATOR Shut it, Warner! FRITZ (sighing) At least it'll give me something to do when I get back. SCENE 9 - CHAIRMAN DOGSTAR'S OFFICE Dogstar is leaned back in his chair, catching a quick nap, when his comm goes off. DOGSTAR (startled) Wha? Blinking, Dogstar leans forward and answers the comm. Al Negator's face appears on the screen. NEGATOR So nice to see you again, Dogstar. I see you've fallen up since we last met. DOGSTAR (furious) Al Negator! You have some nerve contacting me here. How did you even get this frequency? NEGATOR (slyly) Let's just say I have ways of getting the information I need. I will admit, I *did* try to get it from our hostage here ... Negator steps aside, revealing Fritz being held captive by Zod, who holds a katana up to the rabbit's neck. Fritz waves. FRITZ (a little meek) Hey, Dogstar. NEGATOR ... but he decided to be unhelpful and give me a false frequency. FRITZ (to Dogstar) I see you changed the office frequency. Honestly, that was probably a good idea. Dogstar spends a moment taking in the entire scene. DOGSTAR So let me get this straight. You've kidnapped Chairman Warner. NEGATOR Indeed we have. DOGSTAR And for what? A ransom? NEGATOR Partly that. Partly revenge. But mostly the ransom. DOGSTAR You realize there are now ten S.P.A.C.E. frigates that are all capable of blowing you to smithereens? NEGATOR I realize there are ten S.P.A.C.E. frigates that have no hope of ever finding us or catching up to us, yeah. DOGSTAR We'll see about that! NEGATOR Well, I suppose I should go ahead and inform you of my conditions, seeing as how your men will never be able to find us. DOGSTAR The UAC does not negotiate with scum such as yourself. Enjoy your last few hours of freedom, Negator, because when we catch you, you'll never see the sunlight again. NEGATOR (growling) Tough words from a crumbling empire. Forty thousand simoleans. We'll be in touch. Negator ends the transmission. SCENE 10 - COCKPIT, THE STARRY KNIGHT Negator turns off the comm and resumes piloting. Zod is still holding Fritz. ZOD I thought Roedecker's agreement was for thirty thousand. NEGATOR So he asks for thirty thousand. If that happens, it happens, and we get twenty. If Dogstar pays us off directly, we give Roedecker his ten and get a nice tidy bonus. No one needs to know. (grinning) I have to admit, this is the most fun I've had in months! ZOD I will take our prisoner downstairs, where he can be safety monitored. NEGATOR I dunno, Zod. Do you trust Tinker and Newton to keep an eye on this guy? ZOD Only marginally. But even if they fail, what harm can one aging politician do? FRITZ I'm stronger than I look, you know. NEGATOR As long as they gag him, I don't care if they let him go for a joyride on our Cop Crusher. ZOD Is that what we're calling it? NEGATOR I don't think we'll be able to do business with the toads if we call it a Toad Croaker. ZOD I still prefer Mammal Masher. NEGATOR Same problem. I mean, we're working for a mammal now, more or less. ZOD (cross) Well then, don't tell them we call it the Mammal Masher! NEGATOR I'll mash your mammals in a second if you don't take the prisoner downstairs! Zod rolls his eyes as he leads Fritz down the ladder with the tip of his sword. ZOD That doesn't even make any sense. Negator, still sitting in his chair, pulls up Roedecker on the comm. NEGATOR (into comm) Warner's all ours. ROEDECKER (over comm) Good. Any trouble? NEGATOR Not a drop. It was a piece of cake for professionals such as ourselves. ROEDECKER Excellent. I'll contact Dogstar shortly. Downstairs, Fritz and Zod descend into the main bay. In one corner, Tinker has AFC Lashes popped open, performing his monthly inspection on her. On the other side, Newton sits at a computer terminal, poring over the latest files he's stolen on Warren. ZOD Negator and I need to focus on finding safe haven. There is rope in the cargo bay. Tie the prisoner up and keep an eye on him. TINKER Aw, do we gotta? I'm busy! NEWTON Me, too. Just have the prisoner watch himself. FRITZ I can do that. Zod's frustration increases. ZOD Do as I command! Zod storms back up the ladder. FRITZ Sheesh. Tense guy. NEWTON He's not so bad to have around. Besides, he has a really obvious nervous tic. It's easy to win money off him in poker. FRITZ Truly something to look for in a friend. (beat) So, are you supposed to get the rope, or what? TINKER (getting up) Fine, fine. NEWTON You're awful cavalier about this, Warner. You realize we kidnapped you, right? FRITZ (shrugs) I've spent the past month gardening, watching reruns on TV, and working on my stamp collection. I'm up for a little excitement. SCENE 11 - DOCK TWO, ORWELL STATION CAPTAIN ARTEMIS WOLF sits at the controls of his ship, The Indefatigable, making sure the autopilot is functioning correctly. Just then, the comm activates, showing Dogstar. DOGSTAR (over comm) Wolf, old boy! It's urgent. Are you done performing maintenance on the ship? WOLF (into comm) Pretty much, yeah. What's up, Commander? DOGSTAR I have a mission for you. That lowlife Al Negator and his men have kidnapped Chairman Warner and intend to hold him for ransom. WOLF (surprised) Really? That's ... an odd one. DOGSTAR I am trying to keep this off the newsfeeds. So far, so good, but we need to act with haste here. We were able to track his last transmission; I'm sending you the coordinates now. Hopefully, you'll be able to find him. WOLF So is it just us on this mission? DOGSTAR (nodding) Bucky and Mimi are too close to Fritz; this would be personal for them. And none of the new crews are as trained in tracking down hoodlums as you are. (beat, solemnly) How I wish I could accompany you on this mission. WOLF It's OK, Commander. We'll take care of it. DOGSTAR (smiling) I knew I could count on you, lad. Dogstar out. Wolf cracks his knuckles and heads down the ladder, to see PITSTOP PETE, ENGINEER DIGGER MCSQUINT, and MAX TEMPLETON, their Liaison. Digger and Max are chatting, while Pete is just hanging out. WOLF Suit up, team. We've actually got some action. DIGGER What's the scoop? WOLF Al Negator kidnapped Chairman Warner, and we gotta find him. DIGGER Sounds pretty boilerplate. Where we gonna start? DOGSTAR Dogstar gave me some coordinates. If that doesn't work out, we start poking our noses in the holes these people usually reside in. MAX I guess that's my cue to leave, huh? I mean, I'd love to come, but I'd hate to impose. WOLF Actually, as long as there's no hand-to-hand combat, I'm fine with you coming along. DIGGER Say, that'd be fun! You got any objections, Pete? PETE Nope! WOLF Then it's settled. Now, this doesn't make you a part of the crew. MAX I know. It just beats doin' nothing, ya know? WOLF I would think so. Besides, we'll enjoy the company. Come on, there's a spare seat in the cockpit. Wolf climbs the ladder. Max grins and follows after him. After a minute, the ship takes off. SCENE 12 - COCKPIT, THE STARRY KNIGHT Negator has piloted The Starry Knight to a distant sector of the aniverse. NEGATOR This should do for now. All we gotta do is lay low until Roedecker gets in touch with us. ZOD It is refreshing to have so easy, yet so entertaining a job. NEGATOR Entertaining is one word for it. ZOD Speaking of such, I imagine our captive is proving no end of irritation downstairs. (into comm) Tinker, Newton. How is the prisoner? NEWTON (over comm) He's great! Zod pauses, noticing odd sound effects faintly piping in through the comm. He closes the connection and stands up. ZOD Keep piloting. I need to investigate this. NEGATOR Thanks for the permission, Zod. Zod climbs down the ladder and walks over to the engineering bay. He opens the closed door and steps through. Newton, Tinker, and Fritz are sitting in front of a computer monitor in the wall, controllers in their paws. They're playing a video game. TINKER (frustrated) Man, you are unbeatable! FRITZ (calmly) I've been playing this for the past two months. Not much to do with myself. NEWTON One more round. I wanna be Kirby this time! ZOD (irritated) What is going on here? Newton, Tinker, and Fritz turn around. NEWTON Oops! TINKER Uh, hey, Zod! The prisoner, uh ... NEWTON He was trying to escape! We distracted him with this video game, and ... Zod glares at Newton. NEWTON (sheepish) I got nothin'. TINKER C'mon, we were keeping an eye on him. So what if we were doing a little goofing off at the same time? He's still right here, isn't he? ZOD This is not playtime! This is a kidnapping! FRITZ You call this a kidnapping? Last time I was kidnapped, I got a poisoned dagger stuck in my head. This is ... I don't know, what's the word for something that's like a kidnapping, but isn't? I mean, you didn't even tie me up. ZOD A good point that shall soon be remedied. Tinker, do as I told you earlier and tie him up! FRITZ Well, I guess that one's my fault. SCENE 13 - CHAIRMAN DOGSTAR'S OFFICE Dogstar's eyes are urgent, but his demeanor is calm, as he listens to a badger SCIENTIST speaking to him over the comm. SCIENTIST (over comm) We've finished analyzing the signal, Chairman. Its transmission signal is almost identical to the one from the pilfered prototype mark-5 frigate that was stolen from the UAC last year. DOGSTAR (into comm) So either Negator was behind the theft and altered the signal somehow, or someone built this new ship to the old one's specifications, and there are potentially multiple outlaw groups out there with facsimiles of our mark-5 frigates. That is a concern. (thinking) All the UAC's frigates are based on the technology we used in that prototype, correct? SCIENTIST That is correct, sir. DOGSTAR Would that assist the new frigates in tracking down Negator in any way? SCIENTIST It might. Remember, though, that you sent The Indefatigable. Engineering souped it up, but at the core, it's the same ship the UAC commissioned four years ago. It wouldn't have that capability. DOGSTAR (brow furrowed) I was afraid you might say that. (beat) So if you had the prototype frigate, or whatever this is now, and you wanted to stay hidden, what would you do? SCIENTIST With a mark-5? I guess I'd hit the outskirts of the aniverse, stay cloaked, and wait until I needed food or my demands were met. Dogstar sits and ponders for a minute. DOGSTAR Thank you very much. You've been most helpful. Dogstar ends the communication. He leans over, propping his chin up with his paws. DOGSTAR I may *have* to send the other frigates after him. SCENE 14 - COCKPIT, THE WRAITH Roedecker pilots his ship all by himself. He curses and pounds his fist on the console. ROEDECKER This frequency worked the last time I called Dogstar! What the hell? Growling, Roedecker types in another frequency. Negator pops up on the screen. ROEDECKER (coolly, into comm) Negator. How's Warner doing? NEGATOR (over comm) We've got him under control. What did Dogstar have to say? ROEDECKER It seems he's blocking my transmissions. How did you get in touch with him? NEGATOR We just called him up on his private office frequency. No problem at all. ROEDECKER That's odd. Let me check my frequency. What's the one you used? NEGATOR (realizing) Wait a minute. We got an old frequency from Warner, and we had to use Newton's surveillance gear to get us the new one. (smirks) You've got the old one, don't you? ROEDECKER (sweating a bit) That must be it. NEGATOR (tuneful) New one's gonna cost ya ... ROEDECKER Dammit. Fine. An extra five hundred simoleans for you after the scheme is over. NEGATOR One thousand. ROEDECKER That's unfair. NEGATOR You called us. ROEDECKER (defeated) Fine. One thousand. NEGATOR A pleasure doing business with you! The comm dies, and then The Wraith receives a transmission. Roedecker takes several seconds to calm down before using the new frequency to contact Dogstar. After some deep breaths, he activates the comm. ROEDECKER (into comm) Dogstar, you there? DOGSTAR (startled, over comm) Now Roedecker? Why do all you lowlifes have my new frequency?! Roedecker gambles that Dogstar doesn't know much about communications technology. ROEDECKER You know I had Fritz's old one. This new one is just a remodulation of that one. I just ran through all the possibilities and got a connection. You should have changed it outright. DOGSTAR (wary) Why do I find it hard to believe you? ROEDECKER Look, do you want my help or not? DOGSTAR Your help? Why on Genus would I want *your* help with anything? ROEDECKER Because if the rumors are true, you've got a potential little fiasco on your paws. DOGSTAR (raising an eyebrow) And what, pray tell, are the rumors saying? ROEDECKER I hear Chairman Warner's gone missing. And it's not just a little vacation like last time. DOGSTAR And what proof do you have to back up your outrageous claim? ROEDECKER My sources know what they're talking about. And my sources also know there's no way you can catch Negator. Not with the technology and the tricks he's got. DOGSTAR (not lying very well) Preposterous, all of this! ROEDECKER It would be the first time my source was ever wrong. So let's assume he's right. You know I can track Warner down. DOGSTAR I would rather pay Negator's bounty than hire you. ROEDECKER Ah, so it *is* true. DOGSTAR (muttering) Blast it. (to Roedecker) In my opinion, hiring you was one of the biggest mistakes Chairman Warner ever made. ROEDECKER Then why not let him mull it over when I rescue him? DOGSTAR I think I'll take my chances with having S.P.A.C.E. find him. And if they can't, well, I'd rather give Negator his forty thousand simoleans than give you a single one. ROEDECKER (surprised) Forty thousand? (recovering) Sounds pretty steep. I'll do it for thirty. Dogstar ends the transmission. Roedecker sits silently for a minute, then bares his teeth. ROEDECKER (angry) Well, frell! (beat) And Negator tried to skim an extra ten off the top, to boot! Lousy lowlife scum ... SCENE 15 - DEEP SPACE The Indefatigable flies into this nondescript sector of space. Wolf checks his sensors for any unusual readings. WOLF (into comm) Nothing up here. Not even a photon trail. Pete, you getting any photon interference or anything down there? PETE (over comm) Nope. WOLF There goes that lead. I don't see anything here that might point to where Negator's gone, and they left long enough ago that we can't trace their hyperspace jumps. MAX What else can ya do? Can't you go busting heads or something? WOLF I wish. There's this seedy bar near Banzaar called Wrenches's where Negator usually hangs out, but it's become too dangerous for any UAC personnel to set foot there. MAX What about me? I'm not UAC personnel, am I? WOLF (raises an eyebrow) No way, kid. It's pretty dangerous there. Say the wrong thing to the wrong person, and you'll get shanked. MAX Well, what are we gonna do otherwise? Wolf sits and thinks for a minute. WOLF You sure you're up for this? MAX Sure, why not? I'm just gonna be a schlub at the bar buying drinks and talking a little too much. WOLF I just think it's too dangerous. MAX What other options ya got? Wolf thinks for a moment. WOLF Well, I guess it's worth a shot. Take the Croaker, but park on the far end of the lot. Keep your comm on at all times. At the first hint of danger, you get out of there. MAX Will do! SCENE 16 - PLANET ARRACKIS Somewhere, in a small recovery vessel, a grizzled old RODENT sits, clutching a glass of water with his bony paw. Next to him stands a young, fit SCOUT. SCOUT You were the only one left in the desert. Not even a week ago, Arrackis was completely a desert, and now most of it grows lush and fertile. What happened to your planet? The rodent coughs before speaking. RODENT I was not there, but this is how the legend goes: "It was high noon on the barren wasteland of our home planet. A tribe of dune rodents was huddled in their camp, terrified of the armored stranger in their midst. A demon they called IFRIT had appeared before them and was about to enter the region of the Heavenly Spring when a CHILD, a boy of twelve years, stood in his path, defiantly holding a spear. Ifrit's glowing eyes narrowed as he spoke. IFRIT (harshly) Get out of my way, child. I am here to lay claim to the Heavenly Spring. Its divine waters would quench the fire that burns within me, and I need all of its cooling touch for myself. CHILD (brandishing his weapon) No. IFRIT I'm warning you, child. My abilities are not even at their peak, but, if it is my wish, I could summon invisible fists that would crush your small body and compress it until it is no larger than a grain of sand. Now step aside and let me continue! CHILD No. IFRIT You hold the very lives of your tribe in your paws with your behavior. If it is my wish, I could call upon dust devils from the dunes themselves to flay the very flesh from you and your tribe's bodies. A sandstorm would then bury your worthless bones, and there would be no trace of you and yours in the endless dunes forevermore. Now turn away and let me through! CHILD No. IFRIT You begin to enrage me, child. The rage blazes like the desert sun. If it is my wish, I could burn with the heat of a thousand years of daylight and sear the surface of the desert into glass. Your whole world would be a transparent example of my anger towards your decision to thwart me! The world would perish, and it would be on your shoulders! Now back down and let me pass! CHILD No. IFRIT Four times, child. Four times you defy me and my wishes. Then answer me, child. Why risk your life, your tribe, your very world by denying me the Heavenly Spring? CHILD Because if you take the Heavenly Spring, then there is no life. Ever since the Day of Vapors, the Heavenly Spring is the only source of water on this part of our world. Its cooling touch gives us sustenance and strength. If you take it away, then my life, my tribe, my world would be gone. And that is something I do not wish. Ifrit paused. He now knew that the child would not stand aside for any reason. Any reason at all. IFRIT Even if you deny me mine four times, I respect your wish. But you are a fool if you think you can defy me. And so Ifrit struck down the nameless child. He struck him dead. With his arm covered with the blood of the young dune rodent, Ifrit stepped into the Heavenly Spring. His anger boiled its cooling waters until nothing was left. Amidst the steam and fog, Ifrit picked up a glowing object within the recesses of the now-empty Heavenly Spring. It was a misshapen rock of metal from which eternal water flowed and kept the world alive. Ifrit spoke in an unknown tongue, a language only decipherable by his own demonic kind. IFRIT At last! I have another missing component of my climate converter! The Hydro Generator! Ifrit laughed, but then he noticed that the blood on his hand had not been washed away when he entered the Heavenly Spring. Curiously, the blood was white in color, not crimson. It sparkled like purest liquid crystal. Ifrit turned and saw the body of the child. Small and frail, the child lay in the ground, his strange white blood soaking in the sand. He still held his spear in his paw. The child was an orphan, the son of a woman violated, a pariah. But he died protecting the very people who rejected him simply for existing, for having impure blood. IFRIT I have acted in haste. The child is a brave soul, and I respect courage. Courage that he alone had. And that *you* ... Ifrit turned to the terrified tribe of watching dune rodents. IFRIT ... you did not have! Ifrit struck the ground, creating a huge chasm on the desert floor, and the dune rodents fled for their lives as the very planet trembled. They heard Ifrit cry out to the heavens. IFRIT I will give this child with no name the burial that he deserves, and I will honor his memory as I see fit. Those dune rodents who could see from afar saw the child's body disappear into the chasm. Then, miraculously, a torrent of water sprung from the depth of Arrackis itself. It flowed into a great river, the Celestial River, that branched out to reach every part of the globe that needed its cooling touch. The crystal clear water renewed the once-barren soil, and its pureness quenched the thirst of all who drank it. Ifrit rose up to the sky and disappeared, but the Celestial River continues to flow from what used to be a desert. Verdant fields and fertile gardens have covered the once-barren wasteland. Life has returned to Arrackis. There is much to be thankful for. And the dune rodents give thanks five times a day to the sacrifice and life's blood of the Child with No Name." SCENE 17 - ENGINEERING BAY, THE STARRY KNIGHT Later, Fritz sits tied up in the engineering bay. Tinker, at his post, still works on AFC Lashes while keeping an eye on the mark-5 photon accelerator. Newton sits next to Fritz, reading a few paper documents he pilfered. NEWTON I'm sorry we had to tie you up, Fritz. Zod gets so serious sometimes. FRITZ It's OK. I shouldn't have said anything. NEWTON I was gonna beat you good next game, too! FRITZ Heh. Maybe you guys can come over sometime. It's not like I've got anyone else to hang out with. NEWTON Really? But you live in that huge mansion. No one else is around? FRITZ Well, my friend Kadaf is there, but he's really sick, and I'm taking care of him. He's also ... he gets grumpy sometimes. And the other Warners aren't really people I would call my friends. So yeah, it's just me. NEWTON What about Captain LaFleur? I thought you two were dating. FRITZ (raises an eyebrow) What makes you say that she and ... oh, right. Your cameras. NEWTON (surprised) How do you know about my cameras? FRITZ I found all of them. NEWTON How? I hid them so well ... FRITZ (grins) I know what I'm doing. Besides, I would have done the same thing if I had only gotten elected Chairman for illicit reasons. NEWTON Hey! My reasons were not illicit! FRITZ I know, I know. Heck, you actually passed some decent measures while you were Chairman. NEWTON Really? You think so? FRITZ Yeah. Your trade negotiations with Kosun II were pretty ballsy. And you really knew your way around taxation repurposing. NEWTON (beaming) I *was* pretty proud of the Wealth Repurposement Act of 3222. FRITZ You should be. Trust me, I know how hard it is to get real work done as Chairman. NEWTON Oh, man, tell me about it! Those other Security Council losers wouldn't let you get away with anything! FRITZ You had to work with Nickerson, didn't you? NEWTON He joined the Council just before I did. What a self-important prick! He was *sooo* pissed that Corneria wasn't the main hub of the UAC! FRITZ Trust me, I know. He gave me no end of headaches. I mean, I'm sorry for what happened to him, but that didn't make him a good legislator. NEWTON You know what the worst part about being Chairman was? FRITZ Still having to pay full price at the UAC cafeteria? NEWTON Well, I guess that would have sucked if they had any food I could eat. FRITZ The parking? NEWTON Well, you're going to run into that problem in any large organization. But no, I thought the worst part was ... FRITZ and NEWTON Griff! NEWTON (surprised) Seriously? You thought so too! FRITZ I mean, don't get me wrong. He's not a bad guy or anything. He's as good a Vice Chairman as you're gonna get. NEWTON But the way he grinds his teeth! FRITZ His constant grumpiness! NEWTON His lazy eye! FRITZ And let me tell you, does he ever shed! Poor Claire went into coughing fits every time he came by my office. NEWTON I mean, I still remember the last thing I heard him say. "A newt? Our Chairman was a newt?" Like I was just some nobody! People knew me! He should have said, "Our Chairman was Newton? What a clever and ingenious ruse! Only someone with his skill and talent could have pulled this off!" FRITZ People knew you? Really? I mean, other criminals did, I figure. NEWTON Hey, I'm a celebrity in some circles! FRITZ (unsure) I'm sure you are. (beat) But anyway, yeah, come over anytime. I know you're spending your days at the Drayke Corporation's offices on Warren. Just promise not to steal anything, and you and your friend can come hang out. NEWTON You know, I just might! SCENE 18 - WRENCHES'S BAR It's midday on Banzaar, so the bar is less raucous than it would be at night. Still, there are plenty of shady characters hanging around. Trying not to look too conspicuous, Max walks in to the room. No one pays much attention to him as he steps up to the bar. He waits patiently for Wrenches to spot him, then tosses down ten simoleans. MAX Pint of Syranian ale, please. WRENCHES You got it. Max grabs the drink, takes a few sips, and listens around the bar. None of the conversations piques his interest. He finishes his drink, waits patiently for Wrenches, and puts down the same amount of money. MAX Another one, if ya don't mind. Wrenches nods and serves Max another mug, which the raccoon takes and drinks. MAX You the only bartender here? WRENCHES (not paying much attention) It's my name on the front, ain't it? MAX Yeah, but this is a busy place. You need any help? WRENCHES I don't trust anyone else to pour drinks for these folks, no. MAX Guess that makes sense. I hear some pretty dangerous people hang out here. WRENCHES Then why are *you* here, chubby? MAX Lookin' for one of those dangerous people. Or more specifically, who hired him. A couple people start listening to the conversation. WRENCHES Kid, it sounds like you got a death wish or somethin'. MAX Nope, just need some answers. Why'd Negator do it? Wrenches leans forward and speaks into Max's ear. WRENCHES (whispering) Kid, you tip well, so I like you. Stop asking questions unless you wanna get gutted. MAX (whispering) Who's gonna gut me? Why would anyone here be a friend of Fritz's? WRENCHES Who cares about the rabbit? You're askin' about UAC stuff. That's a bad way to make new friends. MAX Frell the UAC. I just care about Warner and who hired Negator to nab him. Wrenches pauses for a second. WRENCHES What makes you even think someone hired Negator? MAX Because Fritz has plenty of enemies, and I don't think Negator considers himself on that list. Someone targeted him. WRENCHES And why do you care? MAX You know he's a regen, right? WRENCHES (eyes Max) I'd heard that. What's it matter? MAX Do you really want a bunch of pissed-off regens to get in the middle of this? You clearly know what's going on. The sooner Fritz is safe, the better off everyone in this bar is gonna be. An OX lumbers up to the bar and pounds his fist next to Max. OX This runt givin' ya trouble, Wrenches? WRENCHES Nah, Brutus, it's OK. I got it. (to Max) Kid, I personally think you're full of shit. Lucky for you, the guy who hired Negator is even worse. Jerk by the name of Vincent Roedecker did it. MAX I've heard that name. WRENCHES Don't get me started on him. He owes me a week of washin' dishes, but you know what? I'd rather have the UAC after him. MAX I told you, I'm not with the UAC. WRENCHES Kid, I have security cameras, you know. You flew in here on a damn Toad Croaker. Stop insulting me. MAX All right, fine. You want me to give Roedecker a message when we stick him behind bars? WRENCHES Just make sure he gets put on dishwashing detail wherever he ends up. (beat) And don't you tell him *or* Negator I told you any of this. Negator got himself in the middle of this and can get himself out, but that don't mean I want him on my bad side. MAX Lips are sealed, thanks. WRENCHES And one last thing. MAX Yeah? WRENCHES Paying ten simoleans for a four-simolean drink makes you pretty obvious from the outset. You're lucky I like you. MAX I'll keep that in mind. (puts down ten simoleans) One more for the road? Wrenches grins and pours another drink. WRENCHES Sure thing, lightweight. I'm gonna laugh if you crash that ship of yours on the way back to whatever frigate dropped you off here. Max laughs and pats his belly. MAX I didn't get this gut drinkin' milk. SCENE 19 - THE INDEFATIGABLE Max pilots The Toad Croaker, just a little wobbly, into The Indefatigable. He climbs out, and Digger greets him. DIGGER How'd it go? MAX Couldn't have gone better. Vincent Roedecker hired Negator for this. DIGGER (smirking) Roedecker, eh? Dogstar's gonna love this. SCENE 20 - COCKPIT, THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Bucky has been sitting alone in the cockpit for what seems like an eternity. Finally, almost noiselessly, Jenny climbs up the ladder and walks up to Bucky. JENNY Bucky. Bucky doesn't acknowledge her. JENNY (sternly) Bucky! BUCKY (still looking ahead) Yes? JENNY (sitting down) We can't go on like this. Bucky blinks but does not respond. JENNY What do you want to know? Bucky turns toward Jenny, his impenetrable poker face softening. JENNY (quieter) Ask me anything. I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Just don't do this. We can't keep doing this. Bucky looks back out the cockpit window, thinking. Jenny sits in silence for agonizing seconds before Bucky speaks. BUCKY Everything. Why your people hate men. Why you left Genus when it was being invaded. What happened to Cassie. What's happening now. Basically, any time you've ever told me you can't tell me something. Tell me now. Jenny closes her eyes and steels herself, about to reveal all her secrets and pour out her soul to Bucky. SCENE 21 - CHAIRMAN DOGSTAR'S OFFICE Dogstar sits in his chair, an accomplished look on his face. DOGSTAR (into comm) Roedecker. I should have suspected him from the start. Do we have any proof? WOLF (over comm) You'll probably get some once we take Roedecker into custody and force Negator's hand. DOGSTAR I'm normally not a fan of guilty until proven innocent, but with Roedecker, he's guilty until proven just how guilty. (beat) Keep tracking Fritz. I'll pass along any information we get from Roedecker. WOLF Sounds good. Dogstar terminates the connection, then dials Roedecker. DOGSTAR (into comm, trying to act frustrated) Roedecker. You said thirty thousand? ROEDECKER (over comm) The price went up to thirty-five since last time. DOGSTAR (scowling) Thirty-five? Why, I ... (sighs) Fine. We can't find Negator at all. I accept your offer. ROEDECKER (crossing his arms) I thought you might. I'll let you know when I've got your little ex- Chairman back. DOGSTAR Not so fast. Let's at least make this official. Meet me on Dock Seven at Orwell Station in an hour. We'll sign the contact, and then you'll actually get paid this time. Roedecker eyes Dogstar warily. ROEDECKER Guess I can't argue with that. See you soon, Dogstar. The communication ends. Dogstar leans back and smiles. SCENE 22 - COCKPIT, THE STARRY KNIGHT Negator, Zod, and Tinker sit in the cockpit. Zod drums his fingers on the console. ZOD So what now? I tire of waiting. TINKER Yeah, I'm hungry! Can't we at least swing by Wrenches's and grab a bite to eat? NEGATOR We will, we will! I'm just waiting to hear back from Roedecker. I want to be done with this gig. ZOD We are asking for forty thousand simoleans, correct? NEGATOR Shoulda asked for more. ZOD Why not just ask Warner to pay his own ransom? You saw his residence. He clearly could afford such a payment. NEGATOR (realizing) Now why didn't I think of that? TINKER You were just focusin' on how Roedecker wanted this job to play out. Sounds like he wanted to bring the UAC into this and never thought about just getting Warner to cough up the dough. (beat) Y'know, it's thinking outside the box like this that gives us our edge! ZOD Indeed. I shall go discuss this possibility with our prisoner. Downstairs, Fritz is still tied up and talking with Newton, whose demeanor is now less jovial. FRITZ Yes, I *have* had a good time, but I need to get back to Kadaf. He's got a physical therapy appointment. NEWTON Well, we can't just drop you off. We gotta get our ransom somehow! FRITZ Do you guys really think anyone is gonna pay a ransom for me? ZOD (entering) It appears not. Therefore, you will have to pay your own ransom. FRITZ I think I'll pass. How much were you asking for, anyway? ZOD Forty thousand simoleans. FRITZ (scoffing) Yeah, sorry, not gonna happen. ZOD (sighs) I tire of this, Warner. Pay us forty thousand simoleans, or you may not survive to see tomorrow. FRITZ Seriously, guys, it's been fun, but I can't do this all day. Just drop me off at my place. ZOD This mammal is unbelievable! What do you take us for, a taxi service? FRITZ Good point. Here, I'll pay you five hundred simoleans to drop me off. You wanted money, right? That's more than triple standard aniversian taxi rates. ZOD (draws his katana) That's it. Perhaps losing a limb will lead you to change your tune. FRITZ (more serious) Oh. Well, if that's how you want to go about this ... Fritz's lightsaber suddenly powers up behind him. His bonds slough off, neatly sliced in half. He stands up and raises his lightsaber, pointing it at Zod. FRITZ I tried to go with the flow, here. You know I did. ZOD (amused) I hope your skills are as sharp as your tongue, Warner! Zod steps forward and slices at Fritz with an artful stroke. Fritz holds his lightsaber in the path of Zod's blade. The katana's blade is cut in half as it passes through Fritz's weapon. ZOD (holding up the ruined katana) Eep. NEWTON (scrambling up the ladder) Guys, we got a situation down here! Fritz keeps Zod at bay with his lightsaber as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handheld comm. FRITZ I hope Dogstar didn't change his personal number like he changed the office one. (into comm) Hey, Dogstar. You there? DOGSTAR (over comm) Fritz, is that you? FRITZ Yeah. Can you track this signal and come get me? Bring a couple ships, or else these guys are gonna go down shooting. DOGSTAR They'll be on the way shortly. But how did you get free? FRITZ I'm sneaky like that. Thanks, Dogstar. Fritz pockets his comm, then climbs up the ladder. He enters the cockpit, where Negator and Tinker have their weapons drawn. NEGATOR Drop it, Warner! FRITZ (standing firm) You're not going to fire in your own cockpit. NEGATOR I never miss. FRITZ (completely confident) You've never shot at *me* before. The tense standoff holds for about a minute, until The Indefatigable exits hyperspace and appears at a distance through the window. NEWTON Guys, we got company! TINKER (looking out the window) One ship? I can handle that. As Tinker finishes, three more UAC frigates -- The Insurmountable, The Wailing Siren, and The Enforcer -- pop out of hyperspace and flank The Indefatigable. TINKER (downcast) Four? I can't handle four. SCENE 23 - DOCK SEVEN, ORWELL STATION The Wraith pilots into Orwell Station and lands. Roedecker looks out the window and sees that the dock is empty. ROEDECKER Dogstar's late. I don't like this. As Roedecker steps out of the frigate, three jackal POLICE OFFICERS enter the room, maser blasters drawn. A male pig in an S.P.A.C.E. uniform, CAPTAIN COBALT WYNN, walks with them. OFFICER #1 Don't move! WYNN Not another step, Roedecker. I'm Captain Wynn of the S.P.A.C.E. frigate The Battle Hymn. You're under arrest. Roedecker puts his arms above his head, scowling. ROEDECKER What the hell are you talking about? I haven't done anything. Wynn and the officers approach Roedecker. Wynn pulls out his comm. WYNN (into comm) We got him, Dogstar. DOGSTAR (over comm) Yes, excellent. ROEDECKER (spitting) What the hell, Dogstar? DOGSTAR We just captured your pal Negator and rescued Chairman Warner. He told us all about your little scheme to have them kidnap him and then have you pretend to rescue him. ROEDECKER What? That slimy sleazasaur would say anything to make himself come away clean. You know I just wanted to help. DOGSTAR Well, Roedecker, it's unfortunate for you that I have independent confirmation of your schemes. You're under arrest. Roedecker scowls again as the police officers put pawcuffs on him. ROEDECKER Wrenches. It must've been Wrenches. SCENE 24 - COCKPIT, THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Bucky and Jenny sit in stony silence, staring at one another. Jenny has a few tears running down her face. BUCKY That's it? JENNY (sniffling) That's everything. BUCKY I already knew a lot of that. JENNY You weren't supposed to. You were just ... always in the wrong place at the wrong time. BUCKY The wrong place? What, by your side, helping you out was the wrong place? JENNY (irritated) That's not what I meant, and you know it. I just ... BUCKY Whatever. It still doesn't explain why you just vanished on us. JENNY Bucky, my primal connection to my world just disappeared, as if it had never existed! This is not something I expect you to understand, but please believe me. Nothing had ever felt so urgent in my life before. BUCKY You could have taken ten seconds to ask me. Or just contacted me telepathically. JENNY We were in a building being torn to the ground! And you're an Outsider! Just because I love you doesn't mean I can contact you telepathically. The situation just ... BUCKY (dismissively) No more excuses, Jenny. I'm tired of them. (beat) But thank you. I guess. JENNY (angry) You *guess*? I am trying to repair a rift that is tearing you, me, and this ship apart, and you *guess* you appreciate it? Jenny stands up and hovers over Bucky, her eyes red. JENNY What about you? I told you my secrets. What did you do that made Willy quit the ship? Why won't Mimi even look you in the eye? BUCKY That's different. JENNY Dammit, Bucky, just because you're angry at me for leaving doesn't mean you had the right to do whatever you wanted while I was gone! BUCKY You don't understand how stressful it was! I didn't know if you were alive or dead! I didn't know what was going to happen to the UAC! The toads came this close to destroying us forever! And you weren't there! JENNY So now you know how I felt about Aldebaran. It's the same, Bucky! Everything that ever meant anything to me was almost shattered. You almost lost everything, too. BUCKY (yelling) I did lose everything! I lost you! JENNY (yelling) And I'm here trying to fix things, and instead we're just shouting at each other! BUCKY You didn't fix anything! You ran away! At least Mimi was there for me! JENNY What?! What did you say? BUCKY Shit. I mean ... JENNY (realizing) Buckminster O'Hare. You didn't. BUCKY I didn't what? JENNY You did *not* sleep with Mimi. BUCKY (looking away) I ... Jenny grabs Bucky by the collar and pulls him up. Her cold gaze penetrates his eyes and sends a shiver down his spine. JENNY Swear to me by The Great Mother that you did not sleep with Mimi. Bucky looks away. It's enough of an admission for Jenny. She throws him down. He half-lands on his chair, then falls onto the ground. Fuming, Jenny retains as much composure as she can as she sits in her chair and begins piloting the ship. BUCKY (picking himself up) Where are you going? That's not the patrol route. Jenny stares straight ahead, forcing her words out through gritted teeth. JENNY We are going back to Genus. We are getting off this ship. And I am never speaking to you again. THE END