"A Toad In Mammal's Clothing" Part 1 by Kooshmeister Additions by WatsonSword First draft - 6/14/07 Second draft - 3/12/08 Third draft - 1/19/10 Final draft - 9/26/10 Edited by Rygar and WatsonSword SCENE 1 - RENFIELD'S APARTMENT, GENUS This is a modest but comfortable-looking dwelling on the upper floor of a Genus apartment building. In the kitchen, RENFIELD BILLINGS, wearing an apron that says "Kiss the Cook" on it, is preparing dinner: a cricket casserole. Renfield retrieves a jar filled with live crickets. These he pours into a blender. He flicks the switch, instantaneously liquefying the insects and turning them into a goopy paste. He pours the cricket slime into the dish and covers it with a layer of lettuce. Humming merrily, he puts it into the oven and sets the timer. Suddenly, Renfield's comm beeps, startling him. He takes it out and looks at it, chewing his lower lip nervously. He sets it on the counter and stares at it a moment before grabbing it and answering the call. The snarling face of SERGEANT KRUG appears. KRUG (over comm, annoyed) Where in the aniverse have you been? Why haven't you been answering my calls? You better have a good ... RENFIELD (into comm, cutting him off) Don't bother me now, Sergeant. I'm expecting a visitor. KRUG Don't you take that tone with me! Need I remind you that you are a toad agent and that you take your orders from me? Renfield wilts, resigning himself slightly. KRUG Now, I have a special assignment for you -- one that should be simple given the privileges you've acquired. I think you remember Plan O? Renfield reels, looking shocked. His defiance returns, and he looks enraged, tightening his grip on the comm, as if to crush it. RENFIELD No! No, I won't! This is the last straw, Krug! I'm not helping you and your miserable brood anymore! Especially not with something like that! KRUG You forget your place, Renfield! Don't tell me all these days looking at a hare in the mirror has given you sympathy for those miserable ... There is a knock at the door. Renfield quickly turns off the comm, cutting off Krug mid-sentence. He opens a drawer and shuts the comm inside. He goes and answers the door, finding DAWSON MACKENZIE standing there. DAWSON Hi there, handsome. Mind if I come in? RENFIELD Not at all. Come on in. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Dawson comes in, and Renfield shuts and locks the door after him. They kiss and then go to the table. DAWSON Thanks for inviting me over. I was surprised you wanted to cook dinner for us, especially since you told me you only eat alone. RENFIELD Usually, that's true. But I wanted tonight to be special. (winks) As long as the company's good, my stomach will be just fine. Renfield politely pulls Dawson's chair out for him, and the brown hare sits. Pushing him up, Renfield hears a dinging noise and disappears into the kitchen, returning a moment later carrying the steaming casserole dish with large oven mitts. Plunking it onto the table, he removes the mitts and begins serving his boyfriend a heaping helping. RENFIELD Hope you're hungry. DAWSON Starving. (sniffs) It smells delicious. RENFIELD Eat up! Having served Dawson, Renfield serves himself, and they begin eating. Renfield is enjoying his dish, although Dawson seems a little unnerved by how crunchy the meal is. DAWSON This tastes awful ... Dawson trails off as Renfield looks up expectantly. DAWSON ... different. What's in it? RENFIELD Heh, that's a secret, sweetie. An old Billings family recipe. Dinner proceeds quietly, if crunchily, with the two making chatty small talk. Afterward, Renfield begins clearing away the dishes when Dawson stops him. He glances up, blinking, as a sultry smirk spreads across Dawson's face. DAWSON I think I ought to do what that ridiculous apron of yours says. Before Renfield realizes what is happening, he's being dragged by both paws into the bedroom. The door shuts. Neither comes out for a good long while. Within the kitchen drawer, Renfield's comm beeps insistently but is never answered. SCENE 2 - HALLWAY, UAC HEADQUARTERS, GENUS It is late at night, and everyone has gone home except for GILLY STEPHENSON, who hovers nervously outside Renfield's office door. He looks left, then right, then jimmies the lock and lets himself in, taking out a flashlight. STEPHENSON (whispering to himself) All right, you stinking little sneak ... I'm gonna find out just what it is you're up to once and for all. Stephenson snoops around, rifling through papers, grunting in disappointment. He tries the drawers, opening them one after the other and finding nothing unusual except a pamphlet, which he pockets, until he comes to the bottom drawer. He tugs at it uselessly, straining, before taking out a pocketknife and using it to jimmy the drawer open. Peering down, Stephenson is aghast at what he finds, picking up and examining a jar filled with large, fat slugs. STEPHENSON (whispering) Oh, gross! Setting the slugs back inside the drawer, Stephenson next picks up one of the vials of blood and frowns at it, seemingly perplexed about what its purpose could be. Slipping one into his pocket, he closes and relocks the drawer, then hurries out of the office, slamming the door behind himself. STEPHENSON Slugs in drawers ... vials of blood ... either Renfield is a really strange vampire, or he's something else ... like ... (thinking) A toad ... Stephenson hurries over to his office. Stepping inside, he grabs his comm and makes a call. An OPERATOR picks up. OPERATOR (over comm) Genus Police Department. How may I direct your call? STEPHENSON (into comm) I'm calling from UAC Headquarters. Get me Detective Muller, please. The comm audio muffles for a moment, until DETECTIVE MULLER picks up the line. MULLER (over comm) Detective Muller here. How can I help you? STEPHENSON (talking rapidly) I haven't got much time. My name is Stephenson. Meet me in the alleyway behind the District Thirteen warehouse tonight. I have some pressing information for you about the traitor in our midst! SCENE 3 - DINING ROOM, UAC HEADQUARTERS CHAIRMAN FRITZ WARNER sits at the head of a large banquet table. Also present at the table are VICE CHAIRMAN SANZER GRIFF, seated to Fritz's right, and KADAF WARNER, to Fritz's left. The other chairs are unoccupied. Plates of food sit untouched before them, and they seem apprehensive. Griff twists uneasily in his seat. GRIFF Where is he? He's always late. Sometimes I think that hare just enjoys making us wait. FRITZ Patience, Griff. He'll be here momentarily. The doors slide open, making the lone security guard stationed there become more alert. However, it is CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE who enters. The guard relaxes. FRITZ (very formal) Captain O'Hare. Please sit. Fritz gestures at the seat beside Griff. Instead, Bucky has a seat next to Kadaf, much to Griff's annoyance. BUCKY Kadaf. Good to see you again. KADAF (nods slowly) Captain. There is silence for a moment as Bucky eyes the food but refrains from eating. He looks uncomfortable with these opulent surroundings. BUCKY (impassive) How may I be of service, Mr. Chairman? FRITZ These are sensitive times. Not only are the Aldebarans entrusting us with their pure black gem, but it seems our mandatory blood screenings are not having their intended results. We still haven't been able to root out the second traitor. BUCKY You mean the second toad? Are you so sure there is one? Fritz nods and begins absentmindedly eating his steamed vegetables. Griff picks up. GRIFF Captain O'Hare, we would like you to find some lead as to this second toad's identity. It could prove vital to uncovering the location of this infernal toad cell that's dug in. BUCKY (annoyed) I'm hardly the best investigator ... FRITZ No one alive got insulted by this toad cloning project more than you did, Bucky. If anyone's angry enough to get some answers, it's you. BUCKY (thinking) Can't argue with that. FRITZ Good. Detective Muller is already making some headway on this case. Get in touch with him. BUCKY Muller? That old goat? It'll be fun to work with him again. (beat) What about my ship? FRITZ She's needed for other duties. Don't worry. Jenny will serve as acting captain until your return. BUCKY You just love drawing little lines in the sand, don't you? Fritz just shrugs. BUCKY OK. Anything else? Fritz shakes his head, and Bucky wastes no time in rising. BUCKY Then I guess I'll get to it. Fritz, Kadaf, and Griff watch Bucky exit the dining room, and then the three of them chat as they begin eating. GRIFF I just hope he can handle this mission. FRITZ After all that's happened, you still don't trust him? GRIFF Low expectations and lack of trust. That way, I'm not surprised when things go wrong, and it's a nice little bonus when things go right. KADAF O'Hare knows what he's doing. FRITZ That he does. You may dislike his methods, Griff, but he always gets results. We'll know the identity of the spy before the week is out. Griff frowns, seemingly not entirely convinced. Nevertheless, he eats and says nothing. Out in the corridor, Bucky emerges from the dining room, looking annoyed. He is greeted by FIRST MATE JENNY. JENNY What did they want? BUCKY They seem convinced there's another toad spy on Genus, and they want me to figure out who it is. JENNY There's more of them? BUCKY I hope not. If I find one, it's going to be damn hard not to punch his face in. JENNY (nods) Any idea who it might be? BUCKY Nope. Detective Muller's supposed to have some info, so I'm going to go touch base with him. (beat) You're captain until I get back. JENNY (smiling) Does that mean I get to wear your uniform? Bucky blushes, grins, and turns and begins walking off. SCENE 4 - DISTRICT THIRTEEN WAREHOUSE, GENUS It is the middle of the night. Bucky stands with Muller on the sidewalk in a seedy-looking part of town near a large old warehouse. Despite its rundown appearance, it is still in use. BUCKY So this is where he said he'd meet you? MULLER Yeah. BUCKY Why don't informants ever want to meet at a park or something? MULLER I had an informant ask to meet me at a public park once. Just before I got there, he got gunned down in broad daylight in front of a bunch of people. Two kids got hit in the crossfire. (beat) I don't mind dark alleyways and such anymore. Bucky just nods solemnly. Suddenly, he hears a whisper from off to his right. He and Muller look over. STEPHENSON Psst! Bucky and Muller turn toward a dark alcove, where they can see a shadowy figure beckoning. Bucky shakes his head. BUCKY Oh, no. You got us all the way out here in the middle of the night in the worst part of town. You can at least come out in the open to talk to us! Eventually, with some trepidation, the figure emerges from the shadows and out onto the sidewalk to stand before them. It's Gilly Stephenson. MULLER You're the guy who called me? Stephenson nods. MULLER Good to see you. Now then, let's get down to ... Before Muller can continue, a plasma blast pierces Stephenson's back and exits his chest. The gopher lurches forward and falls into Detective Muller's arms, who catches him. STEPHENSON (gurgling, choking) I ... glurk ... unh ... MULLER Ah, dammit! Stephenson trails off into silence, his eyes rolling back into his head. Muller and Bucky look around for the origin of the shot, and they spot a tall, smirking TOAD in a trench coat who quickly darts around a corner. Bucky glances down at the stricken Stephenson, but the gopher is dead. Muller gently lays him down as Bucky gives chase, drawing his blaster. However, when Bucky runs around the corner, the assassin is gone. He looks around and perks his ears up, but he can't see or hear anything. BUCKY Sneaky little bastard. Giving up with a grumble, Bucky holsters his blaster and walks back to where he left Muller. The goat detective is frisking Stephenson's corpse. BUCKY Find anything? MULLER So far, just this. Muller hands Bucky the pamphlet he got from inside Stephenson's suit. The hare unfolds it and discovers it is an advertisement for the Pond Palace Kasino. BUCKY (reading aloud) Pond Palace Kasino. Looks like your kind of place. Any idea what that is? MULLER It's some sleazasaur casino on Planet Punk. Caters mostly to amphibians and other coldbloods. BUCKY What would he be doing with an ad for a place like that on him? Muller shrugs. BUCKY You think it's an actual lead, or do you think this guy was just planning a vacation? MULLER Seeing as how you didn't catch that assassin, it's the closest thing to a lead we've got. BUCKY Great. MULLER (checking Stephenson's other pockets) There's something else in here. Muller pulls out the vial of red blood. MULLER That's a little creepy. BUCKY Hmm. If he got this from whoever the traitor is, maybe that's how he's been dodging those blood tests. MULLER I'm going to go with that answer. BUCKY That still doesn't tell us who it is, though. (beat) Guess I'm off to Planet Punk, then. Don't you have to be wearing a lip ring or something just for them to let you set foot on the planet? MULLER They'd probably let you get away with just dying your fur neon pink. BUCKY Jenny might go for that, actually. (beat) OK, I'll go investigate this place for myself. In the meantime, I want you to stay here on Genus and keep your investigation going. Maybe you can figure out who this gopher is. MULLER (good-naturedly) Not that I take orders from you, but I was planning on that anyway. BUCKY All right. Good luck. I'll be in touch, unless I hit the jackpot and decide to retire. SCENE 5 - DOCK FIVE, ORWELL STATION Aboard The Righteous Indignation, AFC BLINKY tends to the machinery that operates the ship, fiddling with the various circuits and wires, when Willy's bedroom door suddenly appears in a flash of light in the middle of the bay. Blinky doesn't flinch, going about his business as the door opens and ENGINEER WILLY DUWITT steps through. WILLY Hey, Blinky! Blinky's head turns around on his neck to look at Willy, his huge single eye blinking. BLINKY Greetings, friend Willy! Always pleasant to see you again. WILLY Where is everybody? Blinky's head turns back to concentrate on his work. BLINKY In Orwell Station lounge. WILLY All right, I'll go and see if they need anything. Later, Blinky. Willy leaves the room. Blinky stops what he's doing and turns to watch him leave. In the lounge on Orwell Station, Jenny and GUNNER DEADEYE DUCK are sitting at the counter. Deadeye is enjoying a mug of swampgrass, and Jenny has a plate of tuna surprise in front of her, though she hasn't eaten much of it. She merely pushes it around on her plate with her fork. Willy enters and comes up to them. WILLY Hey, guys. JENNY Hi, Willy. We're just waiting for Blinky to get done recalibrating the hyperdrive relay on the ship so we can go out on patrol. WILLY Oh, great, then I didn't miss anything. Willy sits on the stool beside Jenny. The robotic waiter attached to the wall by a mechanical arm comes over. WILLY Uh, I'll have a cherry soda. The robot beeps in recognition, then goes back up and returns with a mug of soda and a straw a moment later. WILLY Thanks. (to Jenny) So where's Bucky? JENNY On a new assignment, directly from the Chairman. Some investigation. For the time being, I'm acting captain of The Righteous Indignation. WILLY Where is he? Do you know? Bucky's voice comes from behind them. BUCKY Oh, he's around. Jenny, Willy, and Deadeye turn around. JENNY Bucky! BUCKY I was just dropping by to say I got a lead that I'm going to look into. I'd like to have a little backup, for more than one reason. Anybody want to go to Planet Punk with me? Jenny and Deadeye kind of sneer. Willy looks inquisitive. WILLY Planet Punk? What kind of name is that? BUCKY A stupid one. Its real name is Punkis, but I guess that doesn't roll off the tourists' tongues quite as well. DEADEYE It's where all th' rubes go t' lose their hard-earned simoleans. Flashy lights an' glitzy machines. JENNY It's also a place where a lot of the younger ... what's the phrase? Rebellious youth in the aniverse go to hang out. WILLY Doesn't sound like you guys are big fans of this place. JENNY Well, the whole thing is run by sleazasaurs. WILLY So what? Dile's a sleazasaur. JENNY Dile doesn't run a casino on a planet the police won't dare set foot on. WILLY True ... BUCKY So I'm on my own for this one, huh? WILLY Nah, I'll go. DEADEYE (raising an eyebrow) Feelin' adventurous, lad? WILLY It's something to do. BUCKY Thanks, Willy. I owe you one. WILLY No problem, Captain. JENNY Patrol tomorrow with one pilot and no engineer should be interesting. BUCKY You'll be fine. Bucky leans in and gives Jenny a kiss. BUCKY Let's go, Willy. I want to get this over with as soon as possible. Bucky turns and heads back toward the docks. Willy slurps up the last of his soda and hurries after Bucky. SCENE 6 - SPACE Bucky and Willy sit in a small wedge-shaped rental ship, wearing plain clothes. Their vessel makes its way toward Planet Punk as quickly as its substandard engine lets it. BUCKY Thanks for coming along, Willy. WILLY I'm happy to help, Captain. I know things have been kind of rough lately, with all the crazy things that have happened, and I guess I felt like you needed some support. BUCKY Some support, or someone to watch me so I don't do something stupid again? Willy falls silent. Bucky turns to him. BUCKY Maybe I could have said that a little better. But you're right. I wouldn't trust me if I were you. Heck, I'm trying hard to trust myself day to day. (beat) What I did to you was the biggest mistake of my life. I don't even really remember doing it; I just kind of remember it happening. But that doesn't change the fact that I did it. (beat) I know we talked a little about this on Aldebaran. An apology wouldn't mean anything right now, but that's the only place I have to start. So, I'm sorry. Willy takes this all in, letting silence fill the air for a moment. BUCKY I can't ask you to trust me again. I have to re-earn that trust, one day at a time. Starting today, hopefully. WILLY You want to re-earn my trust? I can tell you where to start. Tell Jenny what you did. BUCKY (ears drooping) I know. I just don't know how to do that without her breaking up with me. And I can't handle that again. Especially not now. WILLY I can't help you there. (beat) Still, thanks for talking to me about this. You could have just not said anything. Bucky turns and watches as the ship approaches Planet Punk. From space, Punk looks like a glittering multicolored neon lightshow. WILLY Wow, what a tacky-looking planet. BUCKY We warned you. They say Punk is one huge nightclub. WILLY So what exactly are we doing here? BUCKY You and I are visiting a casino. WILLY That looks like it's what everybody is going to be doing here. BUCKY Specifically, we're visiting *this* casino. Bucky fishes a brochure out of his back pocket and hands it to Willy. It reads, "Pond Palace Kasino! A pleasure paradise!" WILLY What's this place got to do with toad spies? BUCKY No idea. But our only lead had that in his pocket, so hopefully it's important. If it's not, we're back to square one. Bucky flies the shuttle down and lands in a seedy-looking spaceport amid other vessels, most of them derelict. Getting out, Bucky gestures for Willy to follow him, and the two exit the spaceport and wander the streets. Neon signs advertising bars, houses of ill repute, and other unsavory businesses are everywhere to be seen. Life forms of all species, predominantly reptilian with a handful of amphibians and a few mammals scattered about, crowd the noisy streets, which are choked with traffic and smog. After a bit of wandering, Bucky and Willy reach their goal. The Pond Palace Kasino is a towering, multi-story hotel casino, looking brand new among the dilapidated, falling-down buildings around it. On the front is a huge sign that says "Pond Palace Kasino" in bright blinking neon letters. Above that is a giant stylized neon KOMPLEX face flanked by huge playing cards. Various animals file in and out of the front entrance as Bucky and Willy approach. A few toads glance at Bucky, and a couple even point him out to other toads, but in general, they're too mesmerized by the lights and the money to do anything. WILLY Wow. BUCKY Yeah, talk about bad taste. WILLY So do we go in? BUCKY I guess. It says all species are welcome, even though it's predominantly toads who visit. Come on. WILLY So wait, toads and mammals just hang out here together? There's no fighting? BUCKY The mammals aren't going to pick a fight with thousands of toads hanging around, and the toads enjoy winning the mammals' money from them. At least, that's what I've heard. Bucky and Willy enter the lobby. It is massive, with a high glass ceiling, a dark marble floor, and framed art on the walls. At the moment, there are only three people in the lobby: a pair of alligators wearing expensive-looking evening wear talking to the lone RECEPTIONIST, a cranky-looking female sleazasaur. To the left of the reception area is a large set of double doors, currently opened to reveal the actual casino beyond. Noticing the two mammals, the receptionist seems to recognize Bucky and frowns, picking up the handheld comm in front of her. Noticing that Bucky and Willy are paying more attention to the alligators, she begins to whisper into it. In a plush executive office upstairs, with a big desk, shag carpet, and various works of art, PROFESSOR GLUTGRAVE sits watching a giant wall of monitors. On these, currently, are views of various parts of the casino, as filmed from security cameras, as well as views of what is obviously not part of the casino open to the public: glimpses of lab equipment and toads in lab coats. At the moment, it is dark, with just the glow from the monitors illuminating the room. A private comm beeps insistently, and Glutgrave picks it up. GLUTGRAVE (into comm) Yes? Oh, really? Just came in, you say? Hang on. Bucky and Willy can be seen on one of the monitors. Glutgrave presses a button. The screens change to show a giant mosaic image of the hare and the human. GLUTGRAVE Yes, I see them. You know what to do. Back in the lobby, the receptionist nods and hangs up, then reaches under the counter. Pulling out a plasma pistol, she takes aim and fires. The two alligators duck, startled, as Bucky and Willy scurry across the floor and into the gambling area, barely dodging the plasma bolts. BUCKY Well, at least we know we're in the right place! As Bucky and Willy enter the gambling area, the casino is absolutely jumping. There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of toad civilians, both male and female, present, as well as sleazasaurs and various other unpleasant species, all of them flashy, wearing colorful attire, gambling, drinking, and making noise. There are slot machines, poker tables, craps tables and no shortage of bright, blinking neon lights. On a stage in the back, a toad band is performing the hit single "Just Sport a Wart." As Bucky and Willy stand there, taking all of this in, the receptionist reappears, accompanied by three large sleazasaur BOUNCERS wearing tuxedoes. Heedless of the customers, the four charge toward Bucky and Willy, firing their plasma pistols. Bucky and Willy race through the casino and into the kitchen, ducking behind a cabinet as the receptionist and bouncers run past them. After they're gone, they reemerge and go back out onto the casino floor. Bucky spots an elevator, and he and Willy approach it, getting on. As Bucky and Willy board the elevator, the receptionist and the bouncers reappear and charge toward them, but the doors shut in their faces. Bucky quickly hits the "up" button. BUCKY I guess they really don't want us gambling here. The elevator lets Bucky and Willy off on an upper floor. The two creep into the hallway. They look left, then right. It is very art deco and has several large potted plants and alcoves that make for good hiding places. They sneak down the hall, ducking into an alcove as a pair of stormtoads march past. After the toads are gone, Bucky and Willy continue, then dive behind one of the potted plants as a toad waiter comes by with a room service tray. He doesn't see them and continues on his way. WILLY (whispering) What exactly are we even looking for? BUCKY (whispering) I don't know, but I've got a feeling we'll know it when we see it. (beat) At least, I hope so. Otherwise, who knows how long we'll be wandering around in here? Reaching the corner, Bucky and Willy peer around and see a pair of toad scientists in full white lab coats discussing something inaudibly. BUCKY (whispering) Lab coats? Looks like we've been given a trail. As Bucky and Willy watch, the scientists walk over to the double doors of a private office. They go inside and close the door after them. Bucky charges around the corner toward the office door, Willy at his heels. Bucky draws his maser pistol, kicks the doors open and leaps in. BUCKY All right, wart-brains! I ... Bucky stops mid-sentence as he sees the room is empty. The two scientists are nowhere to be seen WILLY They're gone! BUCKY (irritated) I can see that. Bucky and Willy look around. There is no sign of any toads. WILLY There's got to be a secret passage somewhere. You know, like in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." BUCKY Who Jones and the what? Willy smiles and shakes his head. WILLY Never mind. Just look around for some kind of triggering mechanism. Bucky nods, and he and Willy begin searching the room. Bucky pulls aside the large monitor, with no luck. He tries a bookcase next, randomly pulling out books and frowning when nothing happens. Meanwhile, Willy crawls under the desk and finds a small red button. WILLY I think I found it. Bucky comes over as Willy presses the button. He crawls out from underneath the desk as a section of the far wall slides away, revealing a passageway. BUCKY Nice job, Willy. The passageway is a staircase leading down through the building and underground. Bucky cracks his knuckles and walks into the passageway, Willy close behind. SCENE 7 - UNDERGROUND COMPLEX, PLANET PUNK Bucky and Willy find themselves passing through a low tunnel dimly lit by electric lights mounted on the walls. The tunnel opens into a massive natural cavern converted into a laboratory. It is filled with banks of computer monitors, machines, and an intricate network of glass tubes and globes. In the middle is a deep pool filled with a dark-colored liquid. Also present are numerous metallic cylinders mounted on pivoting hydraulic platforms. The lab is empty except for the two toad SCIENTISTS. The first wears a purple tie, and the second wears a striped tie. They are in the middle of taking apart one of the control consoles. SCIENTIST #1 This is no good. We're gonna have to take this entire panel apart! There is a "fzzt" as the scientist messes with the wiring, and both of them leap back. The striped-tie scientist hits his colleague. SCIENTIST #2 Careful, you idiot! Damn faulty wiring. One spark and this whole panel will catch fire. The scientists are so engrossed in what they're doing that they don't notice Bucky and Willy's entrance. They silently sneak up to the scientists until they're very close. Rushing them, Bucky and Willy quickly overpower and knock out the two startled toads with one punch apiece, dropping their bodies to the floor. BUCKY Piece of cake. Think you can hack their computer, Willy? Willy looks at the several computer terminals running along the wall opposite him. WILLY Shouldn't be too hard. While Willy gets to work, Bucky looks into the viewing window of the cylinder he's leaning against. He can almost make out a figure inside of it. BUCKY I don't like this. At the computer, Willy suddenly gasps. Bucky's attention is drawn back to Willy. WILLY Bucky, you better get over here. Bucky approaches Willy. WILLY Look at this. I think ... I think this is where they're taking toads and grafting mammal DNA onto them. Bucky lets this sink in. BUCKY (quietly) Just like that fake toad version of me from before. This is where they're doing it. Bucky looks around, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach as he realizes that every cylinder may contain a toad able to masquerade as a mammal. Willy points to the screen. It shows a photograph of a male toad, with the caption "PHASE 2: BUCKY O'HARE TEMPLATE." Willy's finger then moves across, past some technical data, to a photograph of an exact double of Bucky. Beneath both pictures, a blinking message flashes on and off: "COMPLETE." WILLY Apparently, only two far have been successful. Phase One and Phase Two. It looks like Phase Two was your guy. BUCKY (thoughtfully) That makes Phase One the guy who infiltrated the UAC. Find out who he is. Willy nods and types some more on the keys. STORMTOADS suddenly march in from various side tunnels and surround Bucky and Willy, plasma rifles pointed at them. STORMTOAD You warmblooded filth! Before Bucky can react, two of the stormtoads hurriedly grab his arms, restraining him. He wrenches free. As two of the stormtoads wake up the unconscious scientists and help them up, the group of stormtoads parts, revealing Glutgrave and a burly toad LAB ASSISTANT who hurriedly restrains the hare. GLUTGRAVE (jovial) Captain O'Hare, in the fur! Glutgrave marches up to Bucky and gets right in his face, staring intently at him with his huge, goggling eyes. Bucky hides his uneasiness well. BUCKY I think you need glasses, Doc. GLUTGRAVE It's Professor, actually. And, no, just curious to see how my handiwork matched up against the real thing. I have to commend myself. I hadn't thought my duplicate of you was terribly good, but now that I see you in person for myself, the likeness is, or rather was, stunning. Glutgrave strokes his almost nonexistent chin, appraising Bucky. GLUTGRAVE Bureaucratic fools that they are, the Air Marshal and Toadborg never gave me much more to work with other than a few photographs and videos. Very aggravating. I had to go through more than a few unfortunate toads before I was satisfied with your, ah, look. And now that I'm finally looking at you, I'm amazed at how close I came. BUCKY I take it, then, that you're the one behind that recent ... other me? Glutgrave nods with a broad smile and steps back, stuffing his hands into his lab coat pockets. GLUTGRAVE (gloating) I would be that scientific genius, yes. It's a process called species- reassignment gene therapy, or SRGT for short. An idea of Toadborg's, actually. You don't know how difficult it was getting your appearance just right. With my previous attempt, I was successful only because I had no specific template to adhere to. (smirks) But I'll have a second chance, I suspect. With you and your friend here, I have the real deal to study in order to perfect my next duplicate. And so you see, O'Hare, it won't be you that will be returning to Genus. Glutgrave turns to the other two scientists and confers with them. GLUTGRAVE Pick out two volunteers. We'll begin work on converting them immediately. SCIENTIST #1 Right away, sir. BUCKY So, who's the other success story? GLUTGRAVE Wouldn't you like to know? (to the stormtoads) Take him and his hairless baboon friend and lock him up. (under his breath) You know, I bet I could do a better job than Cravis did on that one ... Bucky struggles, but the lab assistant brings his huge fist down on the back of the hare's head, and everything goes black. SCENE 8 - HOLDING CELLS, PLANET PUNK Bucky slowly regains consciousness to find he is lying on a metallic bench inside of a small cell. He sits up slowly, rubbing his head and grimacing. He looks around to find himself alone. BUCKY Those idiots are never going to learn to just kill me, are they? Getting off the bench, Bucky goes over and peers through the small, barred window on the door and sees a narrow, sterile L-shaped hall lined with six identical doors. At the end of the hall is an exit, and beside that, a desk for a guard, although the guard isn't there now. Bucky is in the last cell at the end of the hall. BUCKY (whispering) Willy? Willy is by himself in another cell farther down from Bucky's. He is lying on the bench and sits up as he hears Bucky's voice. WILLY Bucky? Willy goes to his own door. WILLY Hey, you're awake! Bucky rubs the back of his head again. BUCKY Yeah. How long have I been out? WILLY Not too long. They threw us in here half an hour ago. BUCKY There any guards? WILLY One. He left. He said he was going to get food. For us, I assume. Bucky strokes his chin in thought, a plan formulating. BUCKY I've got an idea that might get us out of here. I'm gonna go pretend to still be unconscious, so don't say anything to the guard when he gets back, OK? WILLY (shrugs) You've had worse plans that worked. Bucky walks to his bench when he hears the sound of a door unlocking. Quickly, he silently lies back down and pretends to be unconscious. Outside in the hall, a STORMTOAD enters the cell block holding two trays of nondescript, unappetizing-looking foodstuff. There's a key ring on his belt that jingles noisily. He walks up to Willy's cell first and bangs on it. STORMTOAD Lunchtime, traitor. I put extra maggots in it 'cuz I heard you like them so much. (spits on the food) And some sauce! Willy comes over and accepts the tray of food through the slot on the door. STORMTOAD That hare woken up yet? WILLY No. The stormtoad eyes Bucky but proceeds to his cell anyway, leaving Willy standing there holding the food tray, frowning down at the food on it. Once at Bucky's cell, the stormtoad bangs on the door. STORMTOAD You awake in there, long-ears? Come on, wake up, it's lunchtime. Bucky slowly sits up, as if groggy, holding his head and groaning. STORMTOAD Cone on, fuzzy, I ain't got all day! Move it, unless you wanna starve. Getting up, Bucky crosses the cell, deliberately acting as if he is only partially conscious. The stormtoad seems to buy it. He sticks the food tray through the slot in the door, and Bucky takes it. He then throws it aside suddenly and reaches through the slot, grabbing the toad by the front of his uniform. STORMTOAD What the?! ... Bucky pulls in with his arm and violently knocks the stormtoad's helmeted head against the door with a loud metallic banging noise, leaving him momentarily dazed. In the other cell, Willy is startled by the noise. Still holding the stormtoad, Bucky sticks his other arm through and reaches down, grabbing the keys from the stormtoad's belt. After pulling them back in with him, he bangs the toad's head against the door a couple more times and knocks him unconscious. He lets go of him, and he thuds audibly to the floor. Willy sets his food tray down and peeks out the window. WILLY You managed not to kill this one. Bucky appears at the door, smirking. BUCKY That helmet made a satisfying noise banging against the bars. Bucky unlocks Willy's cell and lets him out. Willy smiles, then blinks as he sees the stormtoad lying there on the floor. Bucky drags the unconscious toad into the other cell, then slams and locks it. Pocketing the keys, he turns to Willy. BUCKY Come on, let's go. We've got to get another look at that lab so we can find out who this "Phase One" is. And then, we've got to destroy this place. SCENE 9 - UNDERGROUND COMPLEX, PLANET PUNK A shrieking, screaming toad in his underwear is strapped to a gurney as Glutgrave performs surgery on him while he's still conscious. His staff stand nearby, the scientist with the purple tie assisting and the one with the striped tie taking notes. A second toad, also in his underpants, is strapped to a different gurney, awaiting his turn and looking thoroughly worried. GLUTGRAVE When we're through modifying him, he'll go right into the stasis cylinder. SCIENTIST #1 Yes, sir. (concerned) It looks like the preliminary surgical procedure is taking a bit too much of a toll on this one. GLUTGRAVE His screaming is annoying me. Don't we have any more painkillers to shut him up? SCIENTIST #1 Nope. Out of anesthetic, out of painkillers. The second toad gulps loudly. The first toad struggles as the procedure continues, and he finally convulses and lies still. His vitals flatline on the monitors surrounding the operating table. Glutgrave looks annoyed and throws down his surgical tools. GLUTGRAVE Another failure! I knew we shouldn't have tried to do the hairless baboon first. Dispose of this. We'll do O'Hare first, then. Start with what you know, I always say. As Glutgrave and the other two scientists step back, the big lab assistant sighs and unstraps the dead, mutilated toad and carries him toward the pool in the middle of the facility. Bucky and Willy sneak in, unnoticed. The two of them duck behind banks of computer equipment and creep along toward the computer Willy had accessed earlier. The row of cylinders is between them and Professor Glutgrave, but not the bio-disposal pool. The lab assistant is focused on his task at hand and hasn't seen them yet. He hefts the lifeless form of the toad into the liquid, which fizzes as it begins to dissolve the body. Willy accesses the computer. The screen showing the information on the Bucky O'Hare template comes up, and Willy types feverishly, causing a second diagram to emerge, titled "PHASE 1: HARE TEMPLATE." This time it shows a photograph of an unidentified male toad with short brown hair parted down the middle. Across from that is a picture of a green hare with the exact same hairstyle. "COMPLETE" flashes beneath both pictures. WILLY (whispering) Bucky, isn't that ... BUCKY (shocked) Renfield! Bucky clasps his paws over his mouth, realizing too late that he didn't whisper. The lab assistant toad turns and sees them. LAB ASSISTANT Hey! Bucky leaps back and lifts a large fire extinguisher above his head. He throws it at the lab assistant. BUCKY Catch! The fire extinguisher slams into the assistant's middle. The big toad grunts and falls into the pool behind him, landing with a big splash. The assistant screams as his body begins to dissolve. BUCKY (to Willy) OK, *that* time was unintentional. GLUTGRAVE Call security! As the purple-tie scientists runs for the nearest comm, the striped-tie scientist hefts a large monkey wrench and charges at Bucky. BUCKY Why do all you supposedly smart scientists keep trying to take me on? Bucky ducks the scientist's clumsy swing and kicks the toad into an open cylinder, which closes shut on him. Alarms sound, and stormtoads rush in, plasma rifles blazing, heedless of the delicate scientific equipment. Glutgrave yells frantically, arms waving. Bucky and Willy take refuge behind the cylinders. GLTUGRAVE No, no, no! Stop firing, you fools! The stormtoads stop firing, looking chastened, and charge at Bucky and Willy, quickly overtaking them. Bucky is seized, and a STORMTOAD COMMANDER comes forward with a pair of manacles. Bucky struggles against the two holding him. GLUTGRAVE Put these warmblooded inferiors back in their cages, where they belong. STORMTOAD COMMANDER Shouldn't we just kill them? GLUTGRAVE Do you have any idea how quickly their DNA would degrade? Seriously! Prioritize a little! Willy is guarded by a single stormtoad, who is currently busy watching his fellows attempting to cuff Bucky. Seeing his chance, the human throws himself at the toad, grabbing his plasma rifle. Reflexively, the stormtoad fires. The blast strikes the commander in the head. He falls back, dead. Bucky wrenches free of the toads, kneeing one in the gut, then whirling and elbowing another in the mouth. Both collapse, and Bucky grabs up one of their rifles. BUCKY Hey, Doc, I'm ending your little science project! Bucky turns and fires the weapon into the control panel that the toad scientists had been working on. GLUTGRAVE (eyes wide) No! Nooo! The panel bursts into flames immediately. Whirling, Bucky continues firing at various bits of machinery, destroying vital equipment. A growing fire consumes the electronics and machinery. Glutgrave instantly reacts. GLUTGRAVE (panicking) Put out those flames! The purple-tie scientist and several lab workers scurry to try and use fire extinguishers to put out the flames, Glutgrave directing them. Bucky shoots a couple of stormtoads, who twitch and jerk as the plasma fire rips through them, but he is more concerned with wrecking the lab equipment. He riddles the cylinders with plasma fire before diving for cover behind a bank of monitors as the remaining stormtoads take up positions and shoot at him. He pops up, exchanging fire with the toads. They duck, allowing Bucky to hit the pivoting hydraulic arm supporting one of the cylinders, which comes loose and hits the floor with a metallic bang and proceeds to roll across the floor, toward the startled stormtoads. They turn and try to run, but it rolls over and crushes them. The cylinder continues rolling and winds up splashing into the pool, as Bucky resumes his destructive rampage. Bucky blasts everything in sight, targeting in particular several metal drums labeled "Flammable" that consume half the lab as they explode. Glutgrave continues directing the firefighting efforts. Whenever a terrified toad tries to break and run, Glutgrave collars him and shoves him back into the fray. At the same time, Willy finally gets the better of the stormtoad he's wrestling with, shoving him back and punching him once in the gut, then again in the face. The toad staggers and falls. Grabbing up the toad's rifle, he runs to join Bucky. WILLY Cathartic much? BUCKY This is way cheaper than an hour with Dr. Lurie. Good job, by the way. WILLY It's not over yet! Willy points as even more stormtoads rush in. He dives behind some ruined machinery alongside Bucky, and the shootout resumes. Meanwhile, the fire is rapidly getting out of control. Things begin exploding across the entire lab now, flaming metal chunks flying through the air. The toads all drop their fire extinguishers and begin backing away. A couple of them hurriedly begin unstrapping the panicked toad who is still strapped to the other gurney. The purple-tie scientist runs up to Glutgrave. SCIENTIST #1 Professor, we have to evacuate! GLUTGRAVE No! We can't lose this facility! Glutgrave and the scientist wince as another explosion rocks the laboratory. SCENE 10 - POND PALACE KASINO, PLANET PUNK The entire building rocks from the force of the explosions. The sleazasaur receptionist at the front desk grips her desk for support, and then she reaches under the desk and hits the fire alarm button. Sirens blare throughout the entire casino. A few people had already exited due to the muffled explosion and the entire building shaking. Now, as they hear the alarms, everyone drops what they're doing and stampedes for the exit, more than a few pausing to grab money off the gaming tables. SCENE 11 - UNDERGROUND COMPLEX, PLANET PUNK The laboratory is a raging inferno. The toad lab personnel haven't got the stomach to remain any longer. SCIENTIST #1 We've got to get out of here! GLUTGRAVE No! This facility cost us a fortune. We have to try and save it! The other scientist doesn't listen. He yells over the noise, taking charge in the confusion. SCIENTIST #1 Everybody out! We're evacuating! Get out! The scientist turns and bolts for the exit. The stormtoads pinning Bucky and Willy down abandon the fight and hurry out as well, followed by the lab workers and the freed toad in his underwear. Glutgrave screams after them. GLUTGRAVE Come back here, you cowards! The toads keep running. Yelling in fury, Glutgrave grabs one of the dead stormtoads' dropped rifles and hefts it up, aiming it at Bucky. GLUTGRAVE You! This is all your fault! Glutgrave fires relentlessly, but he has terrible aim and misses Bucky completely. BUCKY (taunting Glutgrave) You need those glasses worse than I thought! GLUTGRAVE Die, you miserable hairball! Bucky, scowling, fires once, striking Glutgrave squarely in the chest. Glutgrave's eyes widen. Bucky fires a second time, hitting the toad in the face. He drops the rifle, wobbles, and falls dead to the floor. Bucky bolts for the exit. BUCKY Come on, Willy! WILLY (surveying the blaze) I kinda wish I could've read his notes, but it's probably a good thing this is all going up in flames. Bucky grabs Willy's arm and drags him along as they flee from the cavern. WILLY Where do we go? BUCKY When in doubt, follow the vermin fleeing the sinking ship! The escaping toads race out onto a landing pad in a large sinkhole located somewhere behind the Pond Palace Kasino. Two toad escape ships sit parked on landing pads. The toads all cram into the first one. It's a tight fit. They blast off and leave just as Bucky and Willy come racing out of the tunnel, a muffled explosion collapsing it behind them. They get into the second escape ship and lift off. A murmuring, panicked crowd watches the casino tremble and quake with internal explosions, shuddering more and more violently with each rumbling boom. The neon light displays flicker and then go out. The casino is rocked by one final explosion, shattering all the windows and raining glass down upon the crowd, who are knocked to the ground by the force. The floors collapse onto one another as the entire casino interior implodes, collapsing in on itself. Slowly, the building settles, and everyone gets to their feet. SCENE 12 - SPACE The toad ship shoots up into Planet Punk's upper atmosphere and is soon in open space. Bucky and Willy, both behind the controls, breathe a shared sigh of relief. BUCKY They won't be giving any more mammalian facelifts to toad spies. We've just gotta worry about the one that already got his. Bucky narrows his eyes. BUCKY And finally, we know who it is. SCENE 13 - LABORATORY, ALDEBARAN EMBASSY, GENUS Computers and terminals line the wall of a dark, cylindrical room, while four rows of esoteric Aldebaran devices lead to the center of the room where the Armored Artificer's pure black gem rests in metal holding arms from the floor and ceiling, all inside a glass tube. Six female Aldebaran artificers surround the tube. They wear white uniforms and open-face, scalpless balaclavas fitted with ocean blue spell gems. One ARTIFICER speaks out. ARTIFICER Why must we delve into this ... thing? It carries nothing inside it but death and nihilism. A figure steps forward into the light shining on the pure black gem. It is AMBASSADOR ARTEMISIA in her black uniform and open-faced burgonet helm. ARTEMISIA (stoic) It is an order from the Queen herself. The more we know of the pure black gems, the better prepared Aldebaran will be when the Armored Artificer resurfaces. The artificers walk forward and clasp paws, forming a chain around the pure black gem. They close their eyes and chant synchronously in an unknown language as their gems glow bright blue. The pure black gem sucks up the light around it. Jagged bolts of darkness fire from the pure black gem, shattering the glass around it and striking the artificers, throwing them against the equipment in the lab. Artemisia ducks and shields her face by reflex, betraying her normal stoic tranquility. She slowly stands back up and looks at the pure black gem. Its darkness pulses. ARTEMISIA (whispering to pure black gem) What are you? SCENE 14 - SPACE A toad cruiser flies through space. On the bridge, the FIRST OFFICER oversees a toad CREWMEMBER who performs a deep space scan of some sort. FIRST OFFICER These new sensors are incredible -- so sensitive. They can detect any object from light years away. As if in response, the instruments begin to beep loudly. CREWMEMBER (surprised) Whoa! Captain, come and have a look at this! The stern-looking CAPTAIN STRACKWITTS walks over. STRACKWITTS What is it now? CREWMEMBER The sensor array is registering a massive surge of ... something. The crewmember points at the screen, which displays energy spikes cascading across a holographic map of the star system they're in. They're so engrossed in observing this that they don't hear the loud, metallic thudding footsteps until a massive shadow falls over them. They turn to find TOADBORG looming over them. TOADBORG You've found something? STRACKWITTS Yes, sir. I've found a large power source, but we can't identify what kind of energy it's radiating. TOADBORG Can you lock in on it? The crewmember fidgets with some knobs and dials, frowning. CREWMEMBER It's difficult. At this distance there's a lot of ambient interference, but I think I can ... bingo! The crewmember zeroes in on the source of the power and points. Toadborg examines the screen and then turns away. TOADBORG That power source is coming from Genus? What in the aniverse can the mammals be cooking up? I haven't heard anything about this from our cell there. STRACKWITTS They might not know about it. TOADBORG We shall see. Get me Sergeant Krug immediately. One of the toad crew places the call. Toadborg turns, and the face of Sergeant Krug fills the bridge's massive viewscreen. TOADBORG Sergeant! Would you mind explaining to me why I am only just now finding out about an enormous energy spike radiating out from your area? KRUG (confused) I don't understand ... TOADBORG (irritated) Turn your energy sensors on, fool. Krug frowns and nods to someone offscreen. A moment later, he blinks and reacts to the apparently massive energy reading he is looking at on his end. KRUG (surprised) I ... I didn't know, Toadborg, sir! Honest, I didn't! TOADBORG I want you to find out what this energy reading is, Sergeant. Contact your man inside the UAC and see what he knows. COMMANDER CREELEVARD VALTJHOU, who looks like he's been through absolute hell, suddenly shoves Krug aside. Krug hits the floor with a loud thud. Creelevard's uniform is in tatters, scarred wounds covering every inch of his visible flesh. He wears a ragged cloth cape which he appears to wrap around himself for warmth. CREELEVARD Sir. I request this assignment. Toadborg doesn't look surprised in the least to see Creelevard and simply regards him cooly. TOADBORG So, you are still alive, Commander. Interesting. But you failed us catastrophically as well. As far as I'm concerned, you may as well have been dead. Why did you not immediately link up with Sergeant Krug and contact me? CREELEVARD (growling) I was ... TOADBORG (interrupting) Never mind. Save it. I'm going to give you a second chance to restore yourself to my good graces. As of now, you are Sergeant Krug's second- in-command. Creelevard just nods, clearly unhappy with this assignment but taking it in stride. Toadborg's unreadable features somehow manage to convey the slightest hint of surprise at Creelevard's acquiescence. However, he allows it to pass for muster. Krug gets up unsteadily and moves to stand beside Creelevard. They glare at one another. TOADBORG I want you both to find out what is giving off these energy readings and report back to me. Before either of them can reply, Toadborg punches a button on the console, terminating the transmission. He then turns to Strackwitts. TOADBORG Set a course for the UAC border. We will lie in wait there and see if these bickering fools can accomplish this relatively simple task. SCENE 15 - TOAD HIDEOUT, GENUS In the toad cell's dark underground stronghold on Genus, Krug whirls toward Creelevard, looking smug. Creelevard remains expressionless and still as a statue. He endures the gloating for now. KRUG How interesting. I guess Toadborg doesn't think too highly of you if he put an officer of your former standing under my command. CREELEVARD We should locate the source. A young TOAD TECH sitting at one of the banks of computer equipment pipes up eagerly. TOAD TECH I've already done that, sir! Krug and Creelevard walk over. TOAD TECH It's coming from the Aldebaran embassy here on Genus, of all places. KRUG The Aldebarans? Hmph. I might've known. Those witches are always dabbling with something powerful. Something involving some kind of mystical hoodoo, no doubt. Creelevard turns his eye toward Krug and raises a brow, already beginning to formulate a plan. He remains silent. Krug turns to his men: several stormtoads sitting around looking bored, playing cards, eating, some maintaining their weapons. A few are shirtless, and most are helmetless. KRUG All right, men, prepare for an attack on the ... CREELEVARD (interrupting) No. KRUG What? CREELEVARD It's foolish to look for something when you don't know what it is. We should scout first. KRUG (ponders) Right. OK. But first ... there's a little something I'd like you to take care of, Creelevard. Creelevard smirks, confident that he's calling the shots now without Krug even realizing it. SCENE 16 - RENFIELD'S APARTMENT, GENUS Renfield is in bed with Dawson. They are snuggling together. Dawson sleeps soundly as Renfield tenderly strokes his hair before sliding out of bed. Pulling on his boxer shorts, he heads into the kitchen for a midnight snack when he hears his comm beeping. After a moment's hesitation, he opens the drawer, pulls the comm out, and answers it. Krug's face appears. RENFIELD Krug, I already told you ... KRUG (interrupting) I grow weary of your tardiness! And your cowardice! You've been getting sloppy. You need to get your act together. Renfield scowls at this accusation. RENFIELD If this is about your plan, Krug, you can ... KRUG (interrupting again) Forget about that. We've got someone else on that. Someone a lot more dependable than you. Renfield's scowl deepens. KRUG Instead, I have a different mission for you. You might not even have to kill anyone. A pansy like you would just love that, I take it? (beat) You had better take this one if you know what's good for you. Because if you don't, I'll personally hunt you down, do you understand me? RENFIELD (scared) I ... yes, sir. KRUG Good. There's something interesting happening at the Aldebaran embassy, and I want you to find out what. TO BE CONTINUED