"Fallen" Part 1 by Aaron Halsted Edited by DJ Clawson, Fero McPiglet, Claudia Carranza, Dawvitch Night- Fall, and Rygar SCENE 1 - SHIP IN ORBIT OF THE TOAD HOMEWORLD TOAD SCIENTISTS are sitting in front of computer panels checking various items on their screens. A few scientists are standing in front of a window to space. An empty double bubble attack craft floats parallel with the science ship. A VOICE over the PA system is heard. VOICE T-minus thirty seconds to activation. A door slides open, and TOADBORG steps through into the room. TOADBORG What do you scientists have to report that will save your pathetic lives? KOMPLEX is very impatient, and so am I. TOAD SCIENTIST #1 Ever since we had the episode with the hyperactive materials, we believed that we will never be able to break the warp-3 barrier on our own. However, we have come up with a different way to solve the problem of the superior speed of the UAC fleet. We are currently developing an energy-dampening weapon. If it is successful and works the way we hope it does, it will disrupt all energy systems aboard a spacecraft, or any craft for that matter. With this weapon, the UAC ships will lose weapons, shields, communication, engines, and any other systems they have aboard their ships. This way, our soldiers could capture the ships and the crews, and we would get a firsthand look at UAC technology. TOADBORG An interesting approach. Have you made any progress? TOAD SCIENTIST #1 We have been successful with a 40% energy-dampening gun. We are about to conduct the first tests for a 60% energy drain now. You can come and watch. TOAD SCIENTIST #2 All systems nominal. The fighter's weapons are primed and functional; its shields are at full power. The engines are reading optimal. Communication systems online. We are go for test. Toadborg and the scientist turn to watch the testing room. The PA voice speaks again. VOICE T-minus ten seconds. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero. Firing. A blast of energy from a strange-looking cannon streaks out and hits the double bubble flying alongside the larger ship. TOAD SCIENTIST #2 (reading figures on the main screen) Yes! We are reading a power loss of 62%. Weapons systems are inoperative. Shields are down, engines ... (beat, alarmed) The warp engines are *breaching*! Get us out of here, *now*! The ship engages main engines and breaks orbit as the double bubble begins to maneuver erratically. As the science ship leaves, the double bubble explodes in a flash of super-intense white light and atom-sized particles. A shockwave approaches the science ship. VOICE Shockwave approaching. Impact imminent. Impact in five seconds, four, three ... TOAD SCIENTIST #2 Everybody, brace for impact! VOICE ... two, one, impact. The control room shakes and rolls as the wave of energy hits it. Everyone, including Toadborg, loses their footing and falls down. Toadborg gets up and walks over to the scientist he was talking to earlier. He picks the toad up by the front of his collar and pulls the scientist off his feet and into the air while bringing the scientist's face up to his. TOADBORG What happened? Tell me, and I might let you live. TOAD SCIENTIST #2 I ... I ... d-don't know for s-sure, mighty Toadborg. The test was pro- proceeding according to our models, and then the w-warp engines of the ship b-began to breach. This was t-taken into a-account in our models, but we ... we thought that we had eliminated that pos-possibility. TOADBORG Useless worm. However, this gives me an idea as to how to decimate the mammal forces. Find out what happened to that attack craft and report it to me immediately. Am I understood? TOAD SCIENTIST #2 Perfectly, mighty Toadborg. I'll get right on it. Toadborg lets go of the scientist and leaves the room. While heading to the communication room, he begins thinking of how to explain his idea to KOMPLEX. TOADBORG (thinking) Toadborg enters a room similar to the one he just left. KOMPLEX is waiting for him. KOMPLEX You have something to report, Toadborg. TOADBORG Yes, Oh Mighty KOMPLEX. It seems that those inept scientists have accidentally discovered a very powerful weapon for our use in the war against the mammals. During a test firing, it caused the warp engines of one of our attack ships to breach and explode. If this can be duplicated in a controlled way, we would have the ultimate weapon against warp-capable species, especially against that infuriating Bucky O'Hare. KOMPLEX Interesting. See to it, Toadborg. But realize that I have put up with your failures too many times. I will not accept another. Is that understood, Toadborg? TOADBORG Perfectly, Oh Mighty KOMPLEX. SCENE 2 - STATION IN ORBIT OF GENUS The Righteous Indignation is docked and being overhauled. CAPTAIN BUCKY O'HARE is standing behind a glass window, watching his ship being pulled apart and put together again. He feels somehow that it is his body going through the overhaul and not his ship. He does not see FIRST MATE JENNY come up behind him. JENNY What's got you down, Captain? BUCKY (spinning to face Jenny) Just thinking about how my ship is faring up to her overhaul. I've been with her through thick and thin. You don't go through that without becoming attached. JENNY (smiling secretly) I'd swear that you were in love with her. (beat, more serious) I do know what you mean. She's come through for all of us time and time again. BUCKY (shakes his head) I can't stand watching this anymore. Let's go get something to eat. Care to join me? JENNY (smiling) I *am* hungry. Bucky and Jenny turn around and walk down toward a halfway decent bar and restaurant, where they take a booth and begin looking at the menus. Bucky looks up to see GUNNER DEADEYE DUCK standing by the booth. DEADEYE Heya, Cap'n. How's the work comin' on her? Deadeye then sees Jenny and smiles ruefully. DEADEYE Sorry, Cap'n. Didn't mean t' interrupt ... BUCKY That's all right, Deadeye. She's progressing smoothly. Enjoy your liberty as long as you can, because when she's fixed up, we're back out toad croaking again. DEADEYE Aye-aye, Cap'n. I'll go find Bruiser and keep m'self occupied. Have a good time. Deadeye leaves. Bucky shakes his head and then looks over at Jenny. She is looking at him and smiling slightly. BUCKY Simolean for your thoughts? JENNY I was thinking about how much like a parent you are to our crew, especially Willy. BUCKY (smiles) They're a good crew, and she's a fine ship. They both just need a little direction once in a while. (beat) I'm glad we told Willy to stay home these past few days and concentrate on his studies. He does need to keep his grades up. Bucky stops as Jenny starts snickering. JENNY You're such a dad. (still chuckling) Speaking of which, I hope Willy is spending time with his family while he's away. I wonder what he's doing now. SCENE 3 - THE DUWITT RESIDENCE, SAN FRANCISCO, EARTH ENGINEER WILLY DUWITT and his mother, MRS. DUWITT, are sitting across from each other in the DuWitts' living room. WILLY (looking forlorn, thinking) (talking) Yes, Mom. I know I've been working late these past few weeks. MRS. DUWITT We've just been worried about you, honey. We haven't seen very much of you. WILLY I had to get my reports ready for when the ship went into dry dock for an overhaul. Captain O'Hare told me to stay home while the ship is being retrofitted. Now I have time to study more before my exams. MRS. DUWITT Your captain is such a nice man, allowing you time for extra studies and being with your family. Tell me, dear, how long do they plan to be in dry dock? WILLY (thinking rapidly) About a week, two at the most. MRS. DUWITT (smiling) That's wonderful. I know your job is very important to you, but we just haven't had any bonding time in so long. Maybe it's not healthy for you to work so hard. WILLY (slightly chiding) Mom, working's not bad for my aura, if that's what you mean. MRS. DUWITT Now, how about you and me going to the kitchen and making some dinner for your father? He'll be hungry when he gets home, and I want him to have a full stomach when we tell him the good news. WILLY (with a look of a trapped animal) OK, Mom. But you know cooking's not one of my strong suits. MRS. DUWITT But we see so little of you, and we'll be in India all summer ... (plays with his hair) Are you sure you don't want to come? WILLY (trying to wriggle his way out of his mother's embrace) No, I don't think the crew could spare me. Besides, there'd be nothing for me to do there. MRS. DUWITT Don't be ridiculous! WILLY (somewhat firmly) Mom, I don't really want to sit around and listen to my soul. I want to work. I enjoy it. Mrs. DuWitt looks as if she's going to say something argumentative, but it slides off her expression. MRS. DUWITT If that's what's important to you, honey. (kisses him on the forehead) But we want to see more of you before we leave, OK? WILLY Yes, Mom. MRS. DUWITT Good. (stands) Come help me make dinner. Your father and I have a poetry reading at seven, so we need to eat as soon as he gets home from the store. Willy reluctantly follows her into the kitchen. SCENE 4 - DINING ROOM, THE DUWITT RESIDENCE, SAN FRANCISCO, EARTH Willy, his mother, and his father, DR. DUWITT, are sitting down at a circular table in the DuWitts' dining room. There are various dishes being passed around the table. Some of the food appears to have been overcooked. DR. DUWITT Willy, thanks for helping your mother fix this meal. It's nice to have you around to talk to and to participate in this family more. By the way, are you thinking about coming with your mother and me to our poetry reading tonight? WILLY Not really, Dad. I need to do some studying. Finals are coming up. MRS. DUWITT OK, dear. Just be careful not to stay up too late. You know how hard it is for you to get up in the morning when you haven't had enough sleep. Your father and I should be back around ten, and I expect you to be in bed by then. WILLY (with a look of relief) Don't worry, Mom. I'll get enough sleep. DR. DUWITT Willy, you said your ship will be in dry dock for one or two weeks, is that right? WILLY Yes, Dad. DR. DUWITT (turns to look at his wife) I believe that we should cherish this time we have together, don't you, hon? MRS. DUWITT Why yes, of course. I was thinking of seeing a movie together or going to the museum. I know how much you like those museums, Willy. DR. DUWITT Since Willy is working on a ship, I was thinking about hitting the aquarium. Willy could show us how much he knows about marine life. WILLY Dad, I'm an engineer, not an oceanographer or navigator. My job is to make sure all the mechanical equipment is running at optimal condition. I don't have much time to stick my head out of the bowels of the ship. MRS. DUWITT (looking bewildered) I thought you had time to view the ocean while you were on the ship. I was hoping you would be able to find the calm and serenity that many people find when they gaze out into the water. What do you do when you have a break on your ship? WILLY I read and tinker with equipment. (thinks quickly) You know, mom, I feel most at rest when I'm working with my hands and my mind. It, uh, gives my aura stability and strength. MR. DUWITT (grinning) Good for you, son. I'm so glad you found a way to improve your aura. (beat) You know, you never mention any of the people you work with. Except Captain O'Hare. I would love to meet him and find out what he thinks of you and your work. Could you arrange a time where we could talk to him? A bead of sweat forms on Willy's brow. WILLY I ... I don't know. He's a busy man. MRS. DUWITT Well, I believe that your captain could find time to talk to the parents of his engineer once, at least. WILLY (thinking) (to his parents) I don't know if he will, but I'll ask him if he could find some time to talk to you. Will that work? DR. DUWITT That's all we ask, son. That's all we ask. (glances at his watch) It's time for us to go. Would you mind putting away the dishes, son? Thanks. Willy breaths a sigh of relief as his parents stand up from the table and get prepared to leave. MRS. DUWITT (sticking her head back into the kitchen) Remember to go to bed. Love you, Willy. Willy sighs again as Mrs. DuWitt disappears again. SCENE 5 - GENUS Bucky is talking with COMMANDER SIRIUS DOGSTAR. BUCKY According to the engineers, my frigate will be up and running in two days. It's being outfitted with the mark-5. Until then, it's up to you to keep the toads away from UAC space. DOGSTAR Is your engineer overseeing the installation of that device? After all, it's his invention, and if anything goes wrong, he should be around to fix it. BUCKY I told him to spend some time with his family. Besides, Blinky is fully versed in the accelerator and should be able to solve any problems that might arise. DOGSTAR Good, good. So you'll be up and running in two days. Hmm. In the meantime, I better get back to my ship and get back on patrol. Goodbye, Bucky, and good luck. BUCKY Good hunting, Dogstar. (chuckles, thinking) (thinks for a moment) Bucky turns around and walks back to his quarters. SCENE 6 - SAN FRANCISCO, EARTH Willy, returning home from school, enters the front door of the DuWitt residence. WILLY Mom! I'm home. MRS. DUWITT That's nice, dear. When are you going to work? WILLY Right after I change clothes. MRS. DUWITT Remember to relay our message to your captain. Willy says nothing as he walks up to his room. WILLY Well, let's see if the modifications I made allow me access to the aniverse. Willy starts to walk to the accelerator, then stops and thinks. WILLY Willy removes his hidden neural dampener from its hiding place under his hair. WILLY Must concentrate. Willy closes his eyes and relaxes. The handle of the accelerator swings down, and his room takes in the effect of being between dimensions. WILLY (pleased) Looks like it's fully functional. Willy crosses over to the accelerator and pulls the switch up. His room realigns with the universe, and he puts his cap on. WILLY (walking downstairs) I'm heading out, Mom. See you later. Willy heads out to the front door and opens it. Then he closes it without going outside and sneaks back to his room. His mother is sitting in the living room, knitting. MRS. DUWITT (mostly to herself) That's nice. I hope Captain O'Hare will talk with us. Willy sneaks back to his room and turns on the accelerator. SCENE 7 - ENGINEERING, THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Willy's doorway appears, and he steps through it. Bucky and the rest of the crew are waiting anxiously. BUCKY Willy! We thought that you couldn't make it through. We saw your door for a few seconds, and then it disappeared. What happened? WILLY I was just checking to see if my modifications were working. Nothing went wrong, Captain. BUCKY Good. Well, let's give this new engine a shakedown. Everyone, to your stations. All the crew move to their designated locations on the ship. BUCKY (over comm) Everybody secure? DEADEYE We're secure here, Cap'n. WILLY Ready, Cap'n. BUCKY (to Jenny) Take us out of the docks, Jenny. The Righteous Indignation pulls out of its dock and moves toward outer space. BUCKY Willy, are we go for mark-5? WILLY All systems go, Captain. BUCKY Punch it, Jenny. The Righteous Indignation warps out of the Genus system. JENNY (looking at the sensors) 80% ... 90% ... that's it. We've reached mark-5, Bucky. Shall I bring her out of warp now? BUCKY Please, Jenny. The Righteous Indignation drops out of warp. BUCKY Willy, are there any problems down there? WILLY No problems, Captain. The mark-5 is in perfect working order. BUCKY Jenny, scan for toads. Let's introduce them to our new engines. JENNY (smiling) Aye-aye, sir. Jenny turns to her console. After a few minutes, a lights begins flashing. Jenny pushes a button, and the VOICE of a frightened mammal comes over the radio. VOICE To all UAC ships, this is the ship Mukilteo. We are under heavy toad attack. We need help. I repeat, to all UAC ... BUCKY (over comm) Mukilteo, this is Captain O'Hare of the Righteous Indignation. Give us your position, and we'll be on the way. VOICE Thank you, O'Hare. We are sending our coordinates now. JENNY Got them. Warping us there now. BUCKY All hands, battle stations. Prepare for hyperspace. JENNY Here we go. The Righteous Indignation changes course and warps out. SCENE 8 - OUTER SPACE The Mukilteo is a lightly armed transport craft. What few guns it has are being used to divert the toad attack crafts from the ship. However, many places can be seem where plasma blasts have hit their mark and caused significant damage. In the distance, away from the fighting, sits Toadborg's craft. On the command deck, Toadborg and the toad scientists watch the battle. TOADBORG Are you sure you have the cannon properly set up? I want no slip-ups! A good part of our reserves have been thrown into this endeavor, and if you do not deliver, I will find another scientist that can give me better results. TOAD SCIENTIST #1 There is no need to threaten me, Toadborg. I gave you the report that we can now fire the gun and have it do one of two things. It can either cause a warp breach or a massive power drain. I still believe that we should use the power dampener setting, as it will give us a chance to take prisoners and to reverse-engineer some of their technology. TOADBORG That is why you are only a scientist, and I am in command. I give command decisions, not you. Now carry out my orders. There are no more shots coming from the Mukilteo. All its guns have sustained direct hits and are inoperative. The toads are now doing strafing runs, firing at the ship and hitting it, but not hitting any key systems. The Righteous Indignation warps in and begins to fire on the toad double bubbles. Many toad ships are destroyed in the first few minutes. In the background, the science ship moves into position to fire its cannon. JENNY Captain, that big ship is reading as a toad science vessel, and there aren't any maser cannons on it. Why is it here? BUCKY Good question. (over comm) Deadeye, care to take some potshots at that lumbering behemoth coming up at us? DEADEYE (over comm) Love to, Cap'n. The Righteous Indignation turns so that its forward gun can get a line of fire on the toad science ship. On the ship, Toadborg's eyes narrow. TOADBORG Power the cannon. TOAD SCIENTIST #2 The cannon is fully charged and ready to fire, Toadborg. TOADBORG Then what are you waiting for? Fire! The main cannon's lights flash, and a weapon begins to fire. The crew of the Righteous takes note immediately. BUCKY (alarmed) Jenny! What is that? JENNY Unknown, Captain. It isn't maser- or plasma-based, but it is fully charged and locked on to us. Beginning evasive maneuvers. Shields are at full power. BUCKY All hands, the toads have a new weapon locked onto us. Brace for impact. The Righteous Indignation begins to swing wide, avoiding the cannon. They do not move fast enough, though. The cannon fires, striking the ship right in its side. The crew blacks out. SCENE 9 - THE RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION Bucky is slouched over his command chair on the bridge. His eyes slowly open, and he groggily begins to pull himself together. BUCKY (thinking) Bucky gets up and looks around. All around him are strewn pieces of machinery and equipment. Sparks are being shot out of broken circuits as electricity is being sent through them. In the distance, the sound of escaping gas can be heard. Bucky's attention is directed toward Jenny's position. Small bubbles of blood float around the ruined console and smashed machinery. Realizing that the artificial gravity is inoperative, Bucky unbuckles himself from his chair and swims over to Jenny. He finds her slumped over her console, bleeding from a gash on her head. Bucky searches for a pulse and is relieved to find it. BUCKY (thinking) (rips a piece of his uniform off and makes a bandage) (looks over at Jenny's console) Bucky frowns, then punches a few keys. BUCKY (thinking) (taps a few more buttons) (speaks to an audio transmitter) This is Captain O'Hare. Damage report. BRUISER (over comm) This is Bruiser. Deadeye and I are floating, Cap'n. DEADEYE (over comm) Don't worry about us, Cap'n. We're basically unharmed, but me weapon is useless. I can't shoot. BUCKY I'm working on it. Bucky to Willy, Bucky to Willy. Are you there? Answer me! (beat) Bruiser, check engineering. In the body of the ship, BRUISER floats over to the hatch to engineering. Opening it, he looks in and then looks slightly concerned. He closes the hatch and pushes off the wall to the intercom. BRUISER Cap'n, engineering is filled wit' little red bubbles. A grave expression washes over Bucky's face. BUCKY Willy must be injured. Check on him and report back to me. (shuts off intercom and starts to push buttons again) The intercom beeps. BUCKY (over comm) How is he? DEADEYE He's hurt real bad, Cap'n. We need t' get him to a doctor as fast as we can. Blinky is offline as well, and he won't reboot. BUCKY (sarcastically, to himself) (over comm) Deadeye, do what you can for him. Bruiser, we may be boarded. You know what to do. DEADEYE and BRUISER Aye-aye, Captain. BUCKY (Returns to his typing) Now to get those sensors online. SCENE 10 - SPACE Toadborg and the toad scientist watch the cannon strike The Righteous Indignation in its side, and they see the ship's engines die. However, the scientist's body language shows that he is getting very scared. TOADBORG (picking up the scientist by his shirt collar) Where is the explosion? TOAD SCIENTIST #1 (struggling weakly) I don't know, sir. It is possible that the cannon was not able to do what we planned because The Righteous Indignation has a different type of engine than what we tested the cannon for. Toadborg drops the scientist, who falls to a heap at Toadborg's feet. He turns to the second scientist. TOADBORG What is the status of The Righteous Indignation? TOAD SCIENTIST #2 She appears to be suffering massive power failures. There seems to be just enough power to maintain life support on the ship. TOADBORG (turning to a toad sitting at a console) Get me in touch with those attack craft, *now*! The TOAD jumps and begins furiously pushing buttons and turning knobs. TOAD (hands Toadborg a microphone) They await your command. TOADBORG To all double bubbles. The Righteous Indignation is dead in space. Use your grappling hooks and tow it in to our hanger bay. TOAD ATTACK LEADER (over comm) Right away, mighty Toadborg. All remaining double bubbles close in on The Righteous Indignation and fire grappling hooks from their side armament. They turn and, as one, begin to tow the frigate to the toad science ship. On The Righteous Indignation's bridge, Bucky's ears stand up as the sound of grappling hooks resounds throughout the ship. BUCKY That's all I need. I think I might be able to get off one SOS, and then we'll only have enough power for life support. (pushes a button, over comm) This is The Righteous Indignation. We have been captured. Repeat. This is The Righteous Indignation. We are calling for assistance from any UAC ship. We are in Sector Nine. (shuts off the comm system) Now we wait. On the toad ship, the toad notices a blip on his console. TOAD Sir, they are sending out a distress call. TOADBORG (angrily) Then jam it! (turns to the second scientist) I heard you say that they had only enough power for life support. If they ... TOAD Sir, they stopped transmitting. TOAD SCIENTIST #2 (with a look of relief) They must have taken their life support offline to get the power for their communication systems. TOADBORG (turning his gaze to the toad) Were we able to jam it? TOAD I was just about to when they stopped transmitting. TOADBORG Did they give out enough information for the UAC fleet to find us? TOAD (gulps, weakly) Yes. Toadborg grabs the microphone. TOADBORG Toadborg to all double bubbles. Disengage your grappling hooks and open fire on the Righteous Indignation. The toad double bubbles disengage their grappling hooks and begin to turn to destroy The Righteous Indignation just as The Indefatigable warps in and destroys many of the toad ships within the next few seconds. Commander Dogstar and LIEUTENANT WOLF are in the cockpit of The Indefatigable. DOGSTAR (over comm) This is the UAC frigate The Indefatigable. You have invaded UAC space and attacked a UAC ship. You will surrender or be destroyed. The choice is yours. TOADBORG (over comm) It is you who will be destroyed, Commander. We will claim victory, and I will take your ships to our home world and present them as trophies to KOMPLEX. DOGSTAR I say, over my dead body! (over comm) Rumblebee, fire at will. RUMBLEBEE (over comm) Bzzz ... aye-aye ... bzzz ... Captain. The Indefatigable is attacking and destroying double bubbles, but the toad science ship is moving into position to fire its energy dampening cannon. Bucky notices this. BUCKY (thinking) (punches a few keys, then notices something) (punches more keys) (punches one last key) A rumble is heard as the ion missiles launch. BUCKY (thinking) The cockpit hatch slams open as Deadeye steps in. Bucky whirls and pulls a blaster from his side. Deadeye raises his hands. DEADEYE Stand down, Cap'n! It's only me. (puts his hands down as Bucky puts away his blaster) Cap'n. Me guns on this ship ain't workin', but I was thinkin' about the Toad Croaker. BUCKY (thinking for a moment) Good thinking, Deadeye. Prepare for launch. Tell Bruiser that I'll start life support when you have launched. DEADEYE Aye-aye, Cap'n. Deadeye turns around and closes the hatch as he leaves. Bucky turns back to the console and starts the launching process. As he is about to execute, he feels a wash of weakness come over him, and his ears perk up. He turns to see a gas leak. BUCKY (returning to the console, thinking) Bucky pushes a button, and the sounds of the Toad Croaker launching is heard. Bucky's fingers start flying over the console, and then a message appears on the console: "LIFE SUPPORT ONLINE." BUCKY That was close. I hope Deadeye can do what needs to be done. On the toad science ship, the toad notices. TOAD (looking up from his console) Toadborg! The Righteous Indignation has lost life support. TOADBORG (walking over to the toad) That's a few less mammals for us to worry ab- (stops as red lights flash throughout the control room) What is going on? TOAD (looking over his console again) The Righteous Indignation has launched an ion missile at us! (alarmed) We're doomed! What do we do? Toadborg slams the toad to the floor with a swing of his arm, then looks over the information. He calmly pushes a button on the console. TOADBORG (over comm) This is Toadborg. Abandon ship. I repeat, abandon ship. All the toads drop what they are doing and run to the nearest escape pods. Toadborg inserts a cable into the computer and starts downloading the information on the entire encounter. The download is done in seconds, and Toadborg then turns and runs down a corridor. Seconds after many small pods escape from the outside of the science ship, the ion missile strikes, destroying it entirely. The shock wave rocks The Indefatigable. DOGSTAR What's happening? WOLF (turns from his console to face Dogstar) It appears that Bucky shut off his life support to fire an ion missile. (turns back to his console as alarms go off) Now a Toad Croaker has been launched. Life support has been reinstated on the Righteous. DOGSTAR Get in contact with Bucky and that Croaker. WOLF Contact with the Croaker established. DOGSTAR (over comm) Commander Dogstar. Who is this? DEADEYE (over comm) Nice t' hear yer voice, matey. Let's forego the formalities and croak these toads. DOGSTAR (chuckling) Good idea, Deadeye. (turns to Wolf) Let's follow his advice. WOLF Aye-aye, sir. The Indefatigable and Deadeye start shooting the remaining double bubbles. Many of them are destroyed, but it is evident that they are sacrificing themselves to protect the escape pods. When the last one is destroyed, both ships turn their attention to the escape pods that are still around. Many fall to the firepower of the UAC, but most of them get away before the UAC ships get a chance to fire on them. When the area is clear of hostiles, the Toad Croaker docks with The Indefatigable. Deadeye disembarks, then climbs the ladder and begins conversing with Dogstar in the cockpit. DEADEYE (frustrated) I'm tellin' ye, matey. We was croaking some toadies when that big one shot an' severely damaged our ship. Willy is unconsciousness, and we barely had enough power for life support. We need to tow the Righteous back to Genus and repair her. DOGSTAR We've called in some tow ships; they should be here within a few minutes. All that concerns me is that the toads have the capability to build such a destructive weapon. I hope we destroyed the only one and they don't have the schematics for another. (beat) At any rate, let's get your crew onboard my ship. The Indefatigable pulls up alongside The Righteous Indignation, and the two dock. Bucky, Deadeye, and Bruiser carry Jenny, AFC BLINKY, and a bandaged Willy aboard The Indefatigable. That completed, the two ships disengage, and the tow ships arrive. They hook up The Righteous Indignation and the Mulkiteo. SCENE 11 - HOSPITAL, GENUS A badger DOCTOR in a medical coat steps into a waiting room. Bucky, Deadeye, Bruiser, and CHAIRMAN FRITZ WARNER stand up at the doctor's appearance. Fritz's bodyguard, KADAF WARNER, is in the back corner. Bucky, Deadeye, and Bruiser sport a few bandages, but nothing serious seems to be damaged. BUCKY (anxious) How are they? DOCTOR I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first? DEADEYE Give it to us straight, Doc. The suspense is killin' me. DOCTOR Very well. Both Jenny and Willy have suffered massive head trauma, as well as other serious contusions, lacerations, and puncture wounds. We were able to repair their bodies, but both of them have slipped into comas. We attempted the regular procedures to revive them. However, whatever caused their conditions also played havoc with their nervous system. Their brainwave patterns seem to have been scattered. I don't know if it would even be better that they stay in comas or come out of them. If they do come out of their comas, they may be vegetables for the rest of their lives. We will do all we can here, but I will be truthful with you. You might want to contact their family members. Everyone has a look of horror, shock, disbelief and pain on their faces. After what seems like an eternity, Bucky manages to speak. BUCKY (weakly, his voice hoarse) Very well, Doctor. But do all you can to make them well. DOCTOR (nodding understandably) You can be sure that they will get the best care available, Captain O'Hare. The doctor turns and leaves through the same doors he entered. The three remaining crew members gather together in a group. BUCKY I vote that we talk to Jenny's ... family first. We need to put off telling Willy's parents until we can figure out how to say anything to them. DEADEYE (sighs) I agree, Cap'n. What about you, Bruiser? (looks at Bruiser) Bruiser? BRUISER (distressed) I can't lose 'em, too. I already lost my brudder Bruce to those toads! Emotional, Bruiser turns and walks out a different set of doors. Bucky and Deadeye let him go. BUCKY (hesitant beat) We might as well get started. DEADEYE Aye ... FRITZ (walking up to Bucky and Deadeye) I may be able to suggest another course of action. The Artificers of Aldebaran might have some medical capabilities we don't, and there are many alternative resources available throughout and beyond the aniverse. I can make some calls, but you should talk directly to the Queen. (beat) The toads might have broken our codes, and if they find out what condition your crew is in, they might turn their eyes toward UAC space. With one third of our fleet down, I doubt we could hold off a major offensive. BUCKY (nodding, tries not to get his hopes up) I hadn't thought of that. I'll call the Queen immediately. Then I think Deadeye and I should head to Aldebaran to talk to her directly. Bucky turns and leaves the room, with Deadeye behind him. Fritz takes Kadaf to an isolated corner of the waiting room. FRITZ (in a low voice) Dallion. Get him. KADAF (expecting it) Duh. FRITZ (shaking his head) And don't stop for a smoke. Any moment lost might be a second too much. KADAF Ah, don't get so worked up. Kadaf shakes his head and then leaves. Fritz takes one last look around and then also leaves. SCENE 12 - ALDEBARAN The Indefatigable warps into Aldebaran space and stops just long enough for a Toad Croaker to be launched, then warps out again. Bucky and Deadeye are at the Croaker's controls. BUCKY (over comm) This is Captain O'Hare, requesting clearance to land. FEMALE VOICE (over comm, annoyed) Do you have a good reason to be here, Outsider? BUCKY I'm here regarding an injured Aldebaran. FEMALE VOICE Why didn't you say that before? I have given you priority clearance to land at the palace landing pad. I will inform the Queen of your arrival. BUCKY Thank you. We'll be landing soon. The Toad Croaker finishes entry and lands. Bucky and Deadeye get off and are greeted by a young female GUARD in the official uniform of the Queen's personal guard. GUARD Please follow me. The Queen will see you now. BUCKY That was quick. The guard turns around and walks back the way she came. Deadeye and Bucky look at each other, shrug, and follow the guard to the Queen's office. They are allowed in without confrontation. After they enter, the doors close behind them. QUEEN (looking up from her work at her desk) I assume that this is important, Captain O'Hare, for you to make an unannounced visit to my planet. BUCKY It is, Your Majesty. Jenny was severely injured in a recent encounter with the toads. The doctor says that it doesn't look good for her. I came in person to talk with her family. QUEEN (a look of concern) I had received a message from you that something was wrong, but why didn't you tell me when you were talking to me on Genus? BUCKY (softer) I felt that I should be here to tell you in person instead of leaving it for someone else. She is a member of my crew, and I am responsible for her current condition. QUEEN Nonsense! You said yourself that she was injured during battle with the toads. Now tell me what happened and exactly what is wrong with Jenny. Time passes as Bucky explains the encounter with the toads and Jenny's current condition. QUEEN Well. (sighs) This is serious. However, do not look so distraught, Captain. I believe that myself and a few of my Sisters might be able to help her. I shall assemble them promptly. In the meantime, I offer you one night's hospitality at my palace. If you will see my guard, I will get onto my task. Both Bucky and Deadeye salute and leave. After they leave, the Queen pulls out a stone from a secret compartment in her desk. She places it on her forehead. QUEEN (telepathically) TOMMY (telepathically) QUEEN TOMMY QUEEN TOMMY The Queen removes the stone from her forehead, chuckles, and shakes her head. QUEEN The Queen gets up and opens the door to her chamber. GUARD (saluting) How can I be of service to you, Majesty? QUEEN See that I am not disturbed. Usual rules. GUARD (saluting again) Understood, my Queen. The guard seems unfazed by these orders; it is apparent that they are commonplace. The Queen closes her door and returns to her desk. She writes some names on a piece of paper and hands it to the guard, with orders to have the aforementioned people ready to travel to Genus. She then pulls out some papers and continues what she was doing before Bucky arrived. However, her mind isn't on the report in her paw, but with the turning of her thoughts. QUEEN The Queen looks up as a familiar code of taping alerts her to the arrival of her son, TOMMY. TOMMY (stepping out of a secret door) You said it's important. What's up? The Queen brings Tommy up to date. QUEEN I believe that only you and a few of your associates might be able to help Willy. You know how important he is to the furtherance of the cause. We must do all we can to help him. What I propose is that I participate in the work on Jenny, and then I will tell you how to heal Willy when I have determined what happened to both of them. TOMMY (scratching his chin) That's a lot to digest at once, mom, but I see your point. I'll gather the gang and meet you on Genus. Look for me in the crowds. Tommy turns to enter his secret door as a knock is heard on the main door. Tommy jumps through the door as it closes behind him. At the same time, the Queen prepares herself to receive someone. QUEEN What is it? GUARD Sorry to interrupt you, but the new leader of the Thought Order is here to see you. Shall I send her in? QUEEN (to herself) (out loud) Send her in. The door opens, and TRISHA enters. She closes the door behind her, then talks loudly, not allowing the Queen a chance to interject. TRISHA I understand the Unclean One has been seriously wounded. I also understand that you are planning to take some Sisters to help Jenny. It would not be too hard to slip a few Assassin Sisters into your group and take care of him for good, while under the pretext of helping him. (continues on when she sees the Queen open her mouth) He has finished his creation for the UAC, and there is no longer any reason to keep him alive. I know that you will have no objections, being the proper Queen that you are. Now then, I will take care of the details. It is so nice talking to you and having you agree with me, considering your history with my Order. I will see you soon. Trisha gets up and leaves the room, while the Queen sits at her desk, still in shock. QUEEN (thinking) (pulls out the stone again) TOMMY (telepathically) SCENE 13 - WARREN DALLION is practicing various moves that seem to flow together like those of a martial-arts master. After a while, he stops, places his bare left paw onto the ground, and begins to meditate. As he meditates, his body begins to glow with a blue aura. Suddenly, his paws shoot forward, and tree limbs bend, the grass is plowed, and bushes rustle and then fall over. Dallion grins. DALLION (thinking) Dallion's head turns as a flash of light is seen. KADAF (strolling leisurely) Hello, Dallion. DALLION (sourly) What do you want? All I ever seem to do for you is take out your trash. I don't want to hear about it unless it has me killing toads. KADAF (shaking his head slowly) Unfortunately, no. DALLION (turning his head away) Why am I not surprised? I should have known that what we agreed on was not what I was going to get. (turns his head back to Kadaf) Well, what is it? KADAF During an altercation with some toads, Jenny and Willy were seriously hurt by a new toad weapon. My employer thought that you might have seen or heard about a new toad weapon before you left them. He was also wondering if you could help them. You do have access to energies that none of us have. DALLION (harshly) And what do you mean by "energies that none of us have?" KADAF (shrugging) Your race is known for having power over nature and life. Dallion assumes a fighter's stance, his metallic teeth and claws gleaming in the sunlight. DALLION (enraged) Do I look like nature and life to you!? I am a machine ... a cursed machine of war and destruction! I'm a killer, not a healer! I can't help them! (relaxes his stance, his tone dropping as well as his head) I'm ... useless ... Kadaf is silent, but only for a moment. KADAF So is that it? You're giving up that easily? Not even an attempt? Is that how you're going to repay those who freed you from the toads' control? Dallion looks up at Kadaf. KADAF Don't you owe Jenny your freedom? After all, she did short out that device in your brain. And Willy has always treated you with respect. You helped him out before; why not again? Don't they deserve at least a try? Dallion simply stares at Kadaf with venom in his eyes, but his expression is one of ponderance. Finally, he comes to a decision. DALLION (sighs) I guess that you're right. I suppose that I do owe them that much. KADAF (nodding as if he expected this) We will expect you at the normal rendezvous site. Kadaf walks away and shifts to return to Genus. DALLION (to himself) Why is it now that I am needed to follow my former life when I am an abomination to all that I stood for? (beat) Well, I cannot have my questions answered here. Dallion scoops up his helmet, attaches it to his body, and then jets off. SCENE 14 - GENUS Three days later, Fritz is standing on the roof of the Security Council building, with Kadaf smoking a cigarette nearby. A slight disturbance in the air above the Chairman and an increase in temperature are all that warn the Warners that Dallion has arrived. They both wait patiently as Dallion deactivates his cloaking device. DALLION (removing his helmet) You called me here? I was told by your friend there that I am needed as a witch doctor for a couple of Bucky's crew. Understand this, though: I'm doing this only because I owe it to Jenny and Willy, not because I believe that I can do it. Fritz senses the disgust in Dallion's tone. FRITZ You seem to have gotten the wrong impression, Dallion. I just want to give you the opportunity to practice. To continue to find your way back to the way of life you lost. DALLION (angrily) I CAN NEVER RETURN! I am an abomination. I exist only to destroy now. I am an assassin, a killer, a weapon. I can never be a Luporian again. Can't you two ever understand that!? Fritz glances about to see if anyone heard Dallion's outburst. FRITZ While it is true that your people might never take you back, that doesn't mean that you cannot return to your former way of life. I know that everybody has a need to believe in something greater than themselves. If you lose that belief, you become lost. I think that's what's happened to you, so you latched to the only thing you feel you still have: killing. And that isn't exactly a healthy thing to cling to. (beat) Use this opportunity to revive your lost faith. Heal them, and heal yourself. Dallion stands silent in thought for a moment. DALLION (finally) Why must you always speak the truth with such accuracy? FRITZ To keep you from running from it, Dallion. DALLION (beat) I guess it couldn't hurt to try. I have nothing to lose. (stands tall) Where are they? FRITZ Unfortunately, there are a few complications. One is the guards I posted to guard them, though I'm sure they pose no problem for you. The only major problem is that Queen of Aldebaran is on her way with quite a few of her Artificers to try to help them. I don't know if you wish to become involved with them or not. If not, I will try to keep them away from you as much as I can. DALLION I would appreciate it if you would. I have no desire to get into their affairs. FRITZ Understood. In order to keep our relationship with Aldebaran healthy, I need to give them some time to study what's happened to Jenny. I would stay away from her room until I tell you otherwise. Willy, however, you have free access to. (gives Kadaf a signal, who hands Dallion a piece of paper) I prepared a place for you to stay on Genus. Here is how to get there from here. I'll see you there. DALLION Before we part, I must ask. Are all of these guards necessary? FRITZ Always. Any time any member of this force is down and helpless, their enemies will take immediate advantage of the situation. DALLION Assassins? FRITZ Precisely. Fritz and Kadaf turn and leave through the roof access. Dallion turns on his helmet and activates his cloaking device. A few seconds later, his engines ignite, and the atmospheric disturbance that hides him is seen leaving. As Fritz and Kadaf exit the stairwell and enter a crowded hallway, a giraffe CLERK comes running up to them. CLERK (panting) I've been looking all over for you. I have very important news. (wheezing) The Queen of Aldebaran will be arriving in fifteen minutes. She was able to get priority clearance from the control center. FRITZ (under his breath) Damn. (louder) Thank you. I will go meet Her Majesty right now. SCENE 15 - GENUS SPACE DOCK A sleek Aldebaran ship comes to rest in its docking. Out step the personal bodyguards of the Queen, followed by eight Aldebaran SISTERS. Next off the ship is the Queen herself, followed by eight more Sisters and, finally, Bucky and Deadeye. Meeting them are Fritz, Kadaf, VICE CHAIRMAN GRIFF, and a few other dignitaries. They all move in on the Queen until the Sisters back them off with stares and stiff arms. Fritz steps forward, calm. FRITZ (as though reading from a scorecard) It is a great honor that you bestow upon us by your presence. I am Fritz Warner, Chairman of the Security Council of the United Animals Coalition. To my right is Vice Chairman Griff. On behalf of the Security Council, I bid you welcome. QUEEN (replying with the same formality) I am Katrina, Queen of Aldebaran. I accept your welcome and greet you with my paws up. May we find peace and prosperity from this moment hence. The Queen holds her arms with her paws face up toward Fritz. Fritz copies her motion. When their paws are next to each other, they both turn their paws so that their fingers are standing straight up in the air and then put their palms together, finishing the ritual of greeting. QUEEN And now, with the formalities over with, will you please escort me and my companions to your chamber so that we may begin discussions on what needs to be done. FRITZ (without losing a step) Of course. Follow me. Fritz turns and leads the Queen and the Sisters to the chamber of the UAC Security Council. Bucky and Deadeye watch the crowd disperse and then head over to the hospital. SCENE 16 ­ JENNY'S ROOM, HOSPITAL, GENUS The room is silent save for the beeps that come from the medical equipment that lines the wall to the left of Jenny's bed. Jenny lies silently herself. Her only motion is from her shallow breaths that fill her lungs and cause her chest to rise slightly. At the foot of the bed, Bucky looks down on her. BUCKY (thinking, sadly) Bucky looks at the bandages on Jenny's arms and head. He wonders how bad the rest of her body is, then thinks about whether he really wants to know. From under the simple hospital gown that she wears, monitor wires come out and run into the medical devices beside the bed. Bucky then sits down in a chair to the right of the bed. He slides the chair right up to the side of the bed. Once situated, Bucky takes Jenny's paw into his own paws. BUCKY (softly) Jenny, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but if you can, I want you to know that I'll never give up on you. I won't allow any of these doctors here to give up on you. So keep fighting and come back to us. Bucky gently squeezes Jenny's paw in hopes of getting a response, but there is no reaction. Bucky looks up into Jenny's face to see that all is still. No eye movement from under her lids; no twitching of her brow, cheeks, or lips. Bucky realizes that he almost never has the chance to just gaze upon her face. It also hits him that he rarely ever sees her without her Aldebaran headpiece. The absence of her armor also makes her look more delicate than he is used to. Without her headpiece, Bucky is able to see Jenny's ears. He admires their near-perfect triangular shape, but there is something else present. He looks closer into her right ear to see an intricate pattern tattooed on the inside of her ear -- a pattern of spirals, lines, swirls, and crisscrosses. Bucky's vision becomes distorted from tears that begin to fill his eyes. BUCKY (softly, attempting humor) That tattoo must have hurt, being put in your ear like that. (even softer) Well, I guess I kind of know how you felt sitting by my side after I took that shot for Willy. Bucky finally can't take it anymore as he buries his face into the bed beside Jenny's arm. SCENE 17 - CHAIRMAN WARNER'S OFFICE Fritz is leaning over a bar, mixing up two drinks. He finishes, picks them up, and walks over to where the Queen is lounging on a plush couch. Fritz hands out one of the drinks, which she accepts gingerly. She takes a sip and nods her approval. QUEEN I thought that session with the Council would last forever. Do they usually run that long, or was that just because I came to see them in person? FRITZ To be frank, that was one of the shortest sessions I've ever seen. However, we both know the real reason for your visit. (leans against his desk and sips his drink) Let's get down to business. The Queen sets down her drink on an end table and sits straight up. FRITZ You want to take a look at Jenny and see if you can do anything to bring her out of her coma? (continues as the Queen nods) I've arranged it so that, in between the unavoidable matters of state, you can visit her under the pretense that you are concerned about the recovery of one of your most courageous citizens. In the meantime, I will give your companions access to her with my guards under the pretense that they are specialists in these things -- which is partially true. QUEEN If that is the best that can be arranged, then I will have to accept. On the other hand, I noticed that you have not mentioned Willy. Why is this? FRITZ From some of the reports given to me by Bucky and his crew regarding the Assassin Squad, I thought it best to restrict access to him as much as possible. If you wish to render aid to him, please let me know so that I can clear it with the guards. QUEEN (nods) I will have to do that. Thank you for the drink and the use of your office. I will now retire to my quarters. FRITZ (stretches out his paw) I will have you escorted there right away. QUEEN (accepts the paw) Thank you. I will try to keep you appraised of any progress made. The Queen stands, smoothes her dress, and then nods for Fritz to lead. Fritz opens the doors to his office, and she walks by and gathers her entourage around her as Fritz takes aside a guard and talks softly to him. The guard turns and motions for the Aldebarans to follow him. Fritz watches them leave, then turns and returns to his office. SCENE 18 - JENNY'S ROOM, HOSPITAL, GENUS Jenny lays still. The Sisters stand around her, lost in a trance. The Queen is watching through a glass window. After a while, the Sisters come out of their trances and start shaking their heads. One comes out of the room and talks to the Queen. QUEEN What's the problem? SISTER Our delving has shown us what the doctors have already informed us. Her brainwaves have been totally scrambled. I have seen fifty-year-old ship circuitry more organized than her nervous system. In simple terms, she is a mess, and I don't know what we can do. Her body is unable to naturally discharge her excess magical energy. This is causing her body to suffer the classic symptoms of a magical overload. (beat) I have also studied the reports from the engineer on The Righteous Indignation as well as the medical records of the other crewmembers. It seems that the weapon employed by the toads was designed to disrupt energy flow, which it has done in Jenny's case. (beat) The worst part is that her brain patterns are such that if she is revived, then she will have no personality or memories. We could link with her and artificially drain off the excess energy, but unless someone comes up with a solution to her problems, it would be a futile effort. My recommendation would be euthanasia. A look of horror and loathing appears plainly on the Queen's face. QUEEN (barely controlling her emotion) Kill one of my subjects? I refuse to believe that is my only option. Hypothesize, speculate, *guess*. Find some other way to help her. She is important to me ... to all of us. We cannot simply give up on her because she has a condition we currently do not have a treatment for. I will await your response in my quarters. SISTER (her face pale) As you wish, Your Majesty. However, I have a thought. If we were able to study the engineer, we might find some similarities, and that might allow us to come up with a possible solution. QUEEN I will speak with the Chairman about this. The Queen turns and leaves. As she walks down the hallway, she does not notice Dallion hiding behind a slightly ajar door. DALLION (quietly) So that is what's wrong. The physical mind is damaged to the point that it is unsuitable for the conscious mind. I don't know much about this "magic overload" that they speak of, but it obviously complicates the matter. And to think that this was caused by a weapon that the toads have devised ... (growls to himself) Damn them all ... (thinks for a moment) But why need to examine the human? They know that her physical body is in need of healing before she can regain consciousness, and they seem to know how to drain this "excess magic." So, what do they hope to find in Willy? He is apparently in the same condition, so he will likely have the same symptoms. I will have to think about this. Dallion closes the door and then opens the window in the room, activates his cloaking device, and jets out. Back in Jenny's room, the Sister who was speaking to the Queen smiles evilly. SISTER (to herself) This will make my mission a lot easier to complete. We will take whatever information we can from the Unclean One to help our sister, and then terminate with extreme prejudice. SCENE 19 - GENUS The Queen is walking down a corridor in the capital of Genus. With her are four Sisters, as well as four bodyguards assigned by Fritz. As they are walking by, two people with the hoods of their cloaks up stop conversing and watch the procession. Then, the first nods to the second and scurries away. The second starts following the procession, far enough away that he won't draw attention to himself. As the procession continues, the first cloaked person begins talking to a group of engineers. Suddenly, loud shouting is heard from this group, and a scuffle ensues. While the guards are distracted, the second cloaked man moves. He runs past the Queen, pauses for the slightest of moments, and then enters the melee. He pulls apart the two combatants. The engineers grab hold of their friend, and the second cloaked man holds back the first. After a few seconds of staring at each other, they both settle down and go their separate ways. The engineers set off for a hardware shop, while the cloaked individuals move into the shadows. After the procession turns around a corner, the two cloaked individuals pull their hoods down. They are Tommy and BRIAN. BRIAN (panting) Did you deliver the message? TOMMY (smiling) I did. That diversion went off without a hitch. Have those engineers been paid? BRIAN (smiles weakly) Yes, they have. They thought this was just a stunt. They won't tell anyone about this. Now what do we do? TOMMY (drops his smile) We wait until nightfall and then head over to the spot where we're meeting. BRIAN In the meantime, can we go to a drugstore? I need an icepack and some painkillers. For an engineer, that guy can sure hit hard. TOMMY That's your own fault for deciding to fight with the rhinoceros engineer instead of one of the others. BRIAN Ha! He was the only one who would wrestle with me. Let's just go, please? Tommy is laughing while they walk out into the street. Unknown to them, eyes follow them. SCENE 20 - CHAIRMAN WARNER'S OFFICE Fritz is seated behind his desk. On the other side of his desk is the Queen. Fritz is leaning back in his plush chair, waiting for the Queen to arrange herself in the chair on the other side of his desk. Standing next to the door is Kadaf. QUEEN I have come to formally request permission for my Sisters to examine Willy. They believe that by examining him, they will be able to discover similarities that will lead to a treatment. And there is another complication. It seems that some of the sisters I brought with me are Assassin sisters. I do not wish to have Willy killed. FRITZ Hmm. That does throw a monkey wrench into the works. Those Sisters can change their body structure and are trained for infiltration and containment, right? I doubt the guards I have posted would be able to take on an Assassin Sister. (thinks) What if I made it so that the only time your Sisters could look at Willy was when you were with them? QUEEN Not an unreasonable thought. However, I am supposed to be here on a diplomatic mission, securing the future of Aldebaran and its relations with the UAC. If I must go to supervise my Sisters all the time, people might talk. FRITZ Hmm. How about if some of Bucky's crew is on hand? They might be able to handle an Assassin Sister or two. I'll arrange it so that there must be one of Bucky's crew for each Sister currently seeing Willy. QUEEN (thinking for a moment) That may be the best way to ensure Willy's safety while still allowing my Sisters access to him for medical studies. I will go inform them of your decision. (rising) It has been a pleasure doing business with you. FRITZ (also rising) The same. (takes her outstretched paw and shakes it) Kadaf will show you out. I'd do it myself, but I have to get some of this paperwork done. (smiles) I have reason to believe that all the previous Chairmen faked their deaths just to escape the paperwork. QUEEN (holding back laughter) If it is any comfort, I believe that all the previous Queens have done the same. I leave you to your worst nightmare, Chairman. The Queen walks to the door, which Kadaf opens. When the Queen steps out of the chamber, her bodyguards gather around her. As she walks away, she feels a piece of paper in her pocket. Being around her Sisters, she does not react. SCENE 21 - VIP QUARTERS, GENUS That night, the Queen is walking around the roof of her quarters. Stationed at various points are general soldiers scanning the skies for any sort of attack. As they watch, a cloaked and hooded figure walks by the housing with what appears to be a book. He finds a bench under a light post and opens the book as if he is starting to read. The Queen lies down on a lawn chair situated on the roof and appears to be looking at the stars. QUEEN (telepathically) TOMMY (telepathically) QUEEN TOMMY QUEEN TOMMY QUEEN TOMMY QUEEN The cloaked figure looks at his watch, gulps, closes his book, and starts running down the street. The Queen stays there watching the stars for a while longer, lost in the beauty of the night sky. After some time, she rises and heads to bed. SCENE 22 - WILLY'S ROOM, HOSPITAL, GENUS The next day, Willy is lying in a bed that fills one corner of the room. Most of the rest of the room is taken up by advanced medical equipment, including a respirator. There are also windows to the outside and to the hospital corridor. An Aldebaran Sister and Deadeye walk by the room. They stop and talk to the guards, who open the door. Deadeye and the Aldebaran enter the room. The Aldebaran walks over to Willy and starts reading the readouts of the various machines, taking down notes. After examining the readouts for a while, she taps the end of her pad with her pen and then turns to Deadeye. SISTER Would you step outside for a moment, please? There are some tests I would like to conduct that are not allowed to be seen by Outsiders. DEADEYE (shaking his head) Sorry, lass. I got explicit orders t' watch ye at all times while yer here with Willy. (raises an eyebrow) Besides, I remember a few of ye tryin' t' kill 'im a while back, so ye can't blame me fer bein' cautious. SISTER (clearly irritated) Then I guess that my examination is complete as I can make it. I must go talk with my associates about some of these readings. The Sister turns and leaves, a scowl on her face. Deadeye looks over at Willy. DEADEYE Don't worry, Willy me boy. We'll keep ye safe. Deadeye turns and follows the Sister. As he leaves, the brain monitor hooked to Willy shows a moment of increased activity, then returns to its previous readings. SCENE 23 - QUEEN'S SITTING ROOM The Queen is seen sitting in a plush chair, sipping a steaming beverage and reading from a sheet of paper. She looks up as the door opens and the Sister enters. She bows before the Queen, who sets her paper aside and nods in return. The Sister then sits down in a simple chair. SISTER Your Majesty, it is impossible for me to do a complete diagnostic on the hyoo-man. The escorts will not leave me alone with him so that I can conduct my magical delving. Without the data, we cannot conduct tests to find similarities between the hyoo-man and Master Jenny. QUEEN (takes a sip of her beverage) Hmm. Is there no other way you can get the information? No, no, if there was, then you would have utilized it. (taps her glass with one of her claws) This is a definite inconvenience. With us departing in another two days, that leaves us with few options. I will take care of it personally and turn over my findings to you. Dismissed. SISTER (rises from her chair and bows) As you wish, Your Majesty. The Sister then leaves the Queen in thought. QUEEN (pulls out a stone and applies it to her forehead) The Queen then puts away the stone, picks up the report she was reading earlier, and continues where she was before. SCENE 24 - VIP QUARTERS, GENUS The night is dark. The Queen stands on the roof, looking at the stars. A man with a coat on walks by the quarters. As he walks by, he holds his head and staggers as if slightly intoxicated. QUEEN (telepathically) TOMMY (telepathically) The "drunk" staggers on, not arousing the suspicion of the guards. SCENE 25 - OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL Two black-clad figures scale the wall, moving toward a window that shows Willy inside. As they continue climbing, they are unaware that eyes are watching them. BRIAN Tommy, tell me again why we are putting our fool necks in peril for this Willy. You know I hate heights. Isn't there any other way to look at him? TOMMY Not without being caught. Now pipe down and hurry up. We haven't got all night. Brian and Tommy continue climbing until they reach Willy's window. The eyes watch as a glass opener is pulled out. All of a sudden, the two Aldebarans hear an engine roar and feel something clamp around their necks. Then, the two seem to levitate to the roof, where they stagger back, holding their throats. TOMMY (hoarsely) What was that? (louder) What are you? Before Tommy and Brian, dust and wind form a vacuum around a defined area. As the two watch, Dallion disengages his cloaking device and steps forward. His claws are ready to attack, and his face is grim. BRIAN (wheezing) Ah! What is that!? DALLION (softly) I am your death. TO BE CONTINUED