"Journey in the Dark" by DJ Clawson First draft - 1/9/05 Final draft - 9/26/05 Edited by Rygar SCENE 1 - RED PLANET The planet is the very picture of a wasteland. There is red in every direction, across a totally barren plateau lacking any signs of life. A brownish haze covers the sky, obscuring the stars and the suns. A dust storm is kicking up. A black machine resembling a bug flies across the plateau, its long antenna out in front, waving back and forth furiously in search of the smallest signs of life. The incessant buzzing breaks into the fierce howling of a gust of wind. The snooper dies suddenly and at an angle, its tiny body sliced neatly in half by a blur of golden light. The two halves go flying in opposite directions and land inaudibly in the sand, next to the tall figure in dark robes who has emerged from his hiding place beneath the dust. The figure powers down his lightsaber and bends over to collect part of the bug. The wires and power cell mean nothing to him, so he tosses it aside with a muffled curse beneath the mask, which he retracts. Beneath the mask is FRITZ WARNER, not exactly looking his best. FRITZ Was that supposed to make me feel better? Because it didn't. (beat) And now I'm talking to myself. Great. Fritz kicks the smoking remains of the snooper as he passes. It provides no further resistance, and this only seems to frustrate him more. FRITZ What else is going to go wrong today? (beat) Tonight? Tomorrow? Fritz looks at his watch. The hands are spinning wildly. FRITZ Fucking shoddy expensive Rolex. Fritz continues on the path -- or the path he has made for himself in his mind, because the landscape is devoid of actual roads. He comes to a chasm separating him from the direction he wants to go. FRITZ Jump? I could jump it. (he hops a bit) What, am I crazy? I'm almost fifty. (beat, looking around nervously) I didn't want to do this. OK, no one see me do this. Dirt, I'm looking at you. You're not looking at this. With a sigh, a pair of white feathered wings spring out of Fritz's back, piercing his cloak. Their silvery brilliance is a beacon of light in the dull red landscape. With an anxious curse, he flaps his wings and soars across the gap as if he were weightless. The wings retract into nothing as soon as he hits the ground. FRITZ No one saw that. Fritz pauses, resting on the incline, which is the same color as anything else. VOICE Of course not. Fritz looks over his shoulder. Further up on the hill is a figure -- well, more of a wisp than a figure. A white, transparent ghost is perched on a rock, staring down with a gentle face. He is wearing simple robes and a cloak that might have been black, but the hood is pulled down to reveal the face of an older man, almost human but for purple growths on his forehead. He resembles Thoras Ignatius, Fritz's dead mentor, except that his face is wider, and he is balding and beardless. He leans on a scythe that is taller than he, and there is a lantern hanging from his belt -- but his accessories, like him, are transparent. FRITZ (mildly relieved) Quintis Aldin. (beat) Though that I can be found is probably a bad sign. QUINTIS I have been told that I am excessively good at tracking people who don't wish to be found. FRITZ How are you, Quintis? QUINTIS I haven't changed since you met me, so you may venture a guess. FRITZ How's Thoras? QUINTIS You want me to be honest with you? Fritz stands up, and begins to climb towards him. It was the way he was going anyway. FRITZ He's pissed at me. QUINTIS For any number of reasons. Fritz pauses thoughtfully. FRITZ But he sent you? QUINTIS Yes. FRITZ Why? Because he doesn't have the strength to berate me himself? QUINTIS Because he saw where you were going and wanted someone to go with you. Fritz turns away and decides to take this as a gesture of concern instead of an insult. He still hesitates, though. QUINTIS (reassuringly) He finds this quest rather admirable. FRITZ He would have done it for you. QUINTIS Yes, but that's not the point. It's a strength of character. FRITZ Strength of character? (laughs sickly, as he continues walking) This might be the only good thing I've done, and it's only because I did something really stupid before. I should have listened to Daffy. QUINTIS (following beside him) Regret meanings nothing; time ... FRITZ (finishes) ... only flows in one direction. I know. I listened, OK? I listened to Thoras. I didn't like him, because he didn't like me. But I listened to him. Fritz reaches into his robes and pulls out a golden pocket watch on a chain. It has no hands. FRITZ Father Time and all that. QUINTIS One of the hundred and nine blessed names of Fri ... FRITZ I *know*. (stops, and continues in a softer tone) Sorry. I didn't mean to get mad at you. (looks at Quintis's calm face) I'm under a lot of stress. I may have killed my best friend. And right hand. And Death. Whatever. (beat) Do *you* know where he is? QUINTIS Not any more than you do. Fritz stuffs the watch back in his robes and looks far off into the distance. FRITZ He's this way. Or it's a trick. Either one. (helplessly) I don't know which. But I have to go. QUINTIS Then I will go with you. Silently, a dirtied, harried rabbit and a ghostly Death move across the barren landscape. SCENE 2 - RED PLANET Some time has passed. Fritz, looking even more exhausted than before, halts in his path. FRITZ Stop. We have to stop. Lacking even a rock to sit on, Fritz collapses straight in the dirt. FRITZ Why am I tired? QUINTIS Because you've been walking for quite some time. FRITZ So why am I tired? QUINTIS Because you're in mortal form. FRITZ (like he can't believe he forget it) Right. Fuck. (beat) We have to stop. Quintis puts up no argument. Fritz sits cross-legged, unsuccessfully trying to meditate before giving up entirely. He looks around him. FRITZ What is this place? QUINTIS This is now a domain of Suran. FRITZ Now? QUINTIS It once belonged to Frith. It was once a place of order. FRITZ (semi-interested) What happened? QUINTIS Thoras once believed he could defeat Suran. So in his first years, he waged a war across the galaxies. FRITZ And what did you do? QUINTIS (with a smile on face) What else was I going to do? I was his right-hand man. I would have followed him to the ends of the universe. FRITZ Why? QUINTIS Because I was his friend. (beat) This was a long time ago, you understand. Not a lot was gained by the war. In fact, much was lost. Including this planet -- this whole dimension. Thoras mellowed a bit afterwards -- settled down. FRITZ So what you're saying is -- Thoras was the same inexperienced schmuck that I am? QUINTIS Interpret it as you will. (calmly) Behind you. Fritz whips his blade out and strikes a furious brown monster that has come out of nowhere. This hellbeast is a mess of teeth and horns, all of them pointed at Fritz. FRITZ Can you help? QUINTIS It depends. Quintis readies his scythe like a weapon to be wielded, but he's slower than the younger and more vibrant (and more alive) Fritz, who strikes the assailant first. The beast responds by ramming Fritz in the chest and hurling him with his horns. Thrown aside, Fritz collapses. The last thing he sees is Quintis disappearing in a burst of energy, taking the hellbeast with him. Fritz rolls over to the best of his abilities to face the awful red sky. It's the last thing he wants to see, so he closes his eyes for a bit, drowning it all out. SCENE 3 - RED PLANET A voice penetrates the darkness. FEMALE VOICE You should probably get up. Fritz opens his eyes, but it's all a red haze. FRITZ Yeah, I know. FEMALE VOICE You need help? FRITZ Maybe. (He shifts around a bit in the sand) Ow. OK, definitely. A paw takes Fritz's and helps him to his feet. Shambling about, his consciousness still somewhat in a fog, he opens his eyes to a female black duck, dressed in a very simple dress. There is something almost serene about the look on her face. FRITZ Sheila. (beat) You know you're dead, right? SHEILA WARNER nods, as if she has been expecting this question for a thousand years. FRITZ Jesus, I'm really going crazy. SHEILA (good-naturedly) Well, you *are* a bit of a mess, I have to admit. Fritz smiles wearily, to his own surprise. FRITZ So are you a ghost, or a reincarnation, or a figment of my imagination? SHEILA Does it really matter? FRITZ I'd like to know if I'm being tricked. No offense. SHEILA Now, why wouldn't you trust this place? (smiles gently) I'm not a trick. At least, not that I know of. FRITZ So I'm just crazy. SHEILA I wouldn't blame you if you were. Do you want to keep going? FRITZ If you'll come with me. Fritz and Sheila continue across the nothingness that the landscape offers them, two souls in the night. SCENE 4 - RED PLANET Some time has passed, though it's rather hard to tell. There still are no real identifying landmarks. The path Fritz and Sheila use is one they're blazing themselves, though Sheila seems rather oblivious to her surroundings. At a certain point, Fritz stops and looks around. All the directions look the same. SHEILA Do you know the way? FRITZ I think so. (beat) Do you? SHEILA I'm just following you. Fritz curses silently in frustration. SHEILA How can you tell where to go? FRITZ It's like ... (he gestures out in the distant) Like he's a point of light. Not visual. I can't *see* it. But I can sense it, if I close my eyes. (annoyed) I can do it better anywhere else. It's like -- my powers don't work as well here. They haven't worked so well since he was kidnapped. That's how I knew. I didn't know where he was any more. (beat) It's weird. It's like, all muted. Everyone I care about is off somewhere else and I can't tell where. Or if they're alive. SHEILA Like being mortal again. FRITZ Ja, like that. SHEILA Are you worried about them? FRITZ Who? Like, Bucky and Mimi? (beat) Wait, you don't know them. You died before I knew them. SHEILA That they're important to *you* is really all that matters. Fritz pauses, then smiles. FRITZ You always had the knack for saying just the right thing. You know that? SHEILA You told me that once, I think. Fritz turns his attention back to the quest. FRITZ OK, we were going the right way. Let's keep moving. By now, Fritz's robe is thoroughly covered in sand and beginning to show some wear. There are still splotches of blood on his inner robes, but they're not growing. SHEILA You didn't answer my question. FRITZ (thoughtfully) They can take care of themselves. (beat) I *hope* they can take care of themselves. SHEILA Can you? FRITZ Take care of myself? (laughs emptily) Who else was going to come with me? (beat) I mean, *other* than you. And Quintis. Sort of. And Jonathan I guess would come, if he didn't have a million other responsibilities. He always liked Daffy. (looks at her) But you don't know Jonathan, do you? Garfield adopted him. Good kid, a little schizo on the side. Not his fault. Spends a lot of time at Watership and nobody knows it, but Daffy always visits. (beat) Sorry if I'm giving you useless information, but it's nice to talk to you again. I'm really sorry we couldn't bring you back. It wouldn't have been good. You'd been dead too long. SHEILA I know. FRITZ Daffy was very upset about it. SHEILA I know. But it wouldn't have worked. FRITZ I hear Quintis did that, when he became Death. Resurrected his sister. She went crazy. She's the Great Mother now, or something. SHEILA He did it for Thoras. Cassandra was his wife. Fritz pauses in shock. FRITZ I didn't know that. SHEILA The dead tell a lot of tales, believe it or not. FRITZ (chuckles) I suppose they do. They pass on in silence again, Fritz moving tiredly and Sheila more easily. FRITZ I need to stop. (he kneels in the dirt) I need to rest. SHEILA I can wait. FRITZ The point is, I don't know if Daffy can. (tiredly) I guess he'll have to. Fritz plops down on the ground, resting his head on the incline. Sheila sits next him, and he watches her. FRITZ You don't have a cigarette, do you? You used to carry them around. For us. SHEILA I did. Sheila pats her pockets and finds a plastic bag with three cigarettes, as well as a box of matches. FRITZ I quit, you know. Fritz accepts the cigarette from her and strikes a match, with shaking paws. FRITZ I'm not addicted anymore. But it is nice once every few years. They say you don't go right back into addiction, like alcoholics do. (takes a long drag) Oy gevalt, das es gut. (frowning) I can't remember. Do you know Yiddish? SHEILA Some. Very little. Fritz closes his eyes. FRITZ I just had a thought. SHEILA Yes? FRITZ Is this some kind of test? Or some kind of challenge? Like the demon. SHEILA What do you mean? FRITZ I want to know if Suran is fucking with my head, is what I mean. (opens his eyes intently) First off, you're dead. Second, seeing you is really nothing short of traumatic for me. SHEILA If it is, you're taking it rather well. FRITZ (guiltily) Because I love you. SHEILA I know. Fritz straightens up sadly, playing with the slow-burning cigarette in his paws. FRITZ Why couldn't I have found someone like you? (beat) I suppose that's a horrible thing to think. Daffy needed you more than I did. SHEILA This isn't about who needs what. Life isn't like that. G-d doesn't assign people together based on their wants and needs. FRITZ Maybe. Fritz doesn't seem satisfied. He can't face Sheila now, so he stares down at the red earth. FRITZ I still feel bad about it. I think I'll always feel bad about it. SHEILA Have you ever told him? FRITZ Well, I didn't see *you* racing to, thank you very much. To this, Sheila actually has no response, shrinking back a bit. FRITZ I'm sorry. I just -- well, there was never a good time. He always seemed miserable enough. He doesn't need this in his life. SHEILA You're being dishonest. FRITZ I'm doing it for *him*, G-ddamnit! (recovering himself) I suppose I should tell him. But all he has is your memory, and me. Those are the only two things in his life. Telling him would wreck them both. I just can't do that to him. Sheila pauses before answering. SHEILA I always liked to give Solomon a lot of credit. I felt he deserved it. FRITZ (skeptically) He's crazy. He's bipolar. You were there for the diagnosis. SHEILA That doesn't mean he isn't an adult with adult feelings and adult maturity. That's what the doctor said. The only difference between him and "normal" people is that his emotions aren't always in his control. (sadly) Which I suppose could be said for us, too. FRITZ We were pretty drunk. SHEILA It was our decision to do that, in the first place. And, to be honest, nothing would have happened if there had been nothing to build on. Fritz frowns because he knows she's right. SHEILA If you tell him, you risk losing him. That's true. But that's your loss, not his. FRITZ Do you regret not telling him? SHEILA That's not a fair question. FRITZ (coldly) I suppose not. We haven't totally decided if this is really you or not. SHEILA I don't know the answer to that. How do I tell that I'm really the person I think I am? FRITZ (angrily) The point is, you died and left all the responsibility to me! Horrified, Sheila coils back, looking on the brink of tears. FRITZ (stammering) I'm sorry. That was a horrible thing to say. My G-d, I'm really sorry. I'm really tired, and I'm saying things I don't mean. SHEILA Do you want me to go? FRITZ (honestly) I don't know. (beat) I have to keep going. I feel like I'm running out of time. SHEILA How do you know? FRITZ I just know, G-ddamnit! (beat) Sorry. Again. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry; I can't deal with you right now. SHEILA I'll ask again -- do you want me to go? Fritz turns to Sheila tiredly. FRITZ Will I ever see you again? SHEILA You know where to find me. FRITZ That is true. (smiles) Good-bye, Sheila. SHEILA Good-bye, Moshe. Fritz hugs Sheila, albeit painfully, before turning away. When he turns back, she is gone. SCENE 5 - RED PLANET More time has passed. Fritz is resting on a rock, his pocket watch in his paws. The spinning noise is a loud hum against the wind. FRITZ Aren't I supposed to be Father Time? Can't I just speed things up until I get where I'm going? DEMON Not here, you can't. Fritz turns sideways, noticing now the armored DEMON with gigantic horns, mounted on a black horse, trying to look very imposing. He wields a glinting sword with an insignia on the hilt -- two concentric circles, one inside the other. Fritz is not impressed. DEMON Do you know who I am? FRITZ Don't be stupid. The demon responds by laughing. SURAN I could kill you now. This is my territory, and you aren't at full strength. You won't be for what, another year? Until you're crowned. FRITZ If you kill me, I'll just be reborn. The whole process will start over again. Another Potential will be anointed. (shaking head) This is stupid. This is a stupid process. You can't kill me and I can't kill you. Order and chaos are two halves of the same coin. This gives the demon pause. He lowers his sword. SURAN You're not talking very much like an order angel. FRITZ Then I was very poorly trained. But my comment stands. Now get out of my way. SURAN You really want to fight me now? FRITZ No. Fritz takes his lightsaber off his belt and tosses it into the sand. FRITZ I don't want to fight you. I've never wanted to fight you. I honestly don't care about you in all of your horrible demonness. I don't give a fuck about angels and demons and gods. I just want you to GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY. Fritz stands up wearily and begins to shuffle past the demon on the giant stead as if he isn't there. The demon huffs impatiently and raises his sword again, thrusting it into Fritz's bared back. It goes right through, and the rabbit drops to his knees. SURAN How does it feel, to be stabbed in the back by your own creation? The first Frith created me, and so I have returned the favor to him and every new one! Suran draws out the blade, taking a good deal of Fritz's blood with it. Fritz staggers back, dropping to the ground. The demon's horse kicks the ground, and Fritz's lightsaber rolls to his feet. SURAN Fight me! FRITZ Avodah zorah. SURAN *What*? FRITZ Idol worship. (shakes head slowly and painfully) I won't fight you. I kind of like being alive. SURAN Then you shall not pass. Suran rides his horse in front of Fritz, blocking passage. FRITZ You just ... don't give up ... do you? (beat) Shmuck. Fritz gets to his feet and attempts to shuffle around the horse. Suran quickly moves in front of him again, putting the tip of his blade against Fritz's heart. Fritz looks up at him wearily. He's barely on his feet as it is. FRITZ What do you want? SURAN What? FRITZ There has to be something you want. I'll cut a deal with you. All I want is passage and Kadaf. (beat) Do you want to kill me -- is that it? Will that really accomplish anything? SURAN (annoyed) You really have so little understanding of your place. FRITZ Fine. If that's what it is. My life for Kadaf's. Since it's all you seem to want. Suran halts, his horse neighing impatiently. His blade is still waiting to pierce Fritz's heart, but the rabbit doesn't waver. SURAN Your life isn't yours to give up! FRITZ Yes it is. I was Fritz Warner before any of this. This is my decision to make. Though I can't see why you would have such a problem with it. Fritz puts his paws up on the demon's blade, holding it in place. FRITZ So decide already. The demon lord hesitates, then slowly retracts his blade. SURAN Very well played. FRITZ (weakening) I wasn't playing. SURAN You may be a worthy opponent yet. (kicks his horse) We'll fight on your terms, if you wish. With that, Suran gallops off into the reddish darkness. Fritz falls to his knees and stares dumbfounded into the distance. FRITZ Wait -- how did that work? Fritz is too tired to really bother with it. He kneels over, blood soiling his robes, and his world dissolves into darkness. SCENE 6 - RED PLANET A giggling sound wakes Fritz. Not of a woman, but of little KIDS, as if they're scampering around him. FRITZ (thinking) KID Hey, mister, wake up! Groggily, Fritz gets to his feet and seats himself on a wooden chair pulled up to a table alone in the desert. Opposite him, sitting rather regally in his own chair, is KADAF WARNER. He is wearing a silk black coat and the tall, round fur hat of a Hasidic man. Ducklings scamper about while he sits proudly. FRITZ You look like your grandfather. KADAF Ja. FRITZ Am I interrupting something? KADAF No. You want to eat with us? Sheila made kugel. Fritz's ears perk up. FRITZ Sheila's dead, you know. I probably shouldn't be this harsh, but I'm bleeding out my sides here, so let's hurry this up. KADAF What do you mean? That's a horrible thing to say. She's in the kitchen. FRITZ There is no kitchen. This isn't real. (points behind him) See? Just empty space. Fritz is right; there's nothing there. The kids disappear. KADAF Don't be ridiculous. FRITZ I'm not being ridiculous. I'm being honest. KADAF You're terrible at being honest. That's why you're a politician. FRITZ (smiling) That's true. But it isn't real. KADAF I want it to be, so it is. FRITZ Now who's being ridiculous? The table falls away, as do the chairs. Fritz and Kadaf are now sitting on the ground. Kadaf is growing increasingly concerned. KADAF I WANT IT TO BE REAL! FRITZ (sadly) I know you do. But it isn't. KADAF (angrily) You lie to everyone else! Why can't you lie to me? Can't you be nice and just lie to me? (shoves him) Tell me this is real! FRITZ You know it isn't. KADAF LIE TO ME, G-DDAMN IT! FRITZ Daffy ... Kadaf falls to his knees in a half-sobbing heap. KADAF What's wrong with me? FRITZ There's a chemical imbalance in your brain. Something about neurotransmitters. It's not your fault. (sits down next to Kadaf) I wish this could be your life, but it's not. I wish Sheila was alive, but she's not. And I wish I could lie to you, but I can't. You're my best friend, so I should at least have the decency not to do that. Kadaf puts his head in his wings. KADAF I don't want to be crazy anymore. FRITZ And I don't want to be a thrice-divorced, failed politician who's had to lie to everyone he's met since the invasion of Noctur II. My life is shit, but I can't make up a new one. We have to play with the cards we're dealt. KADAF (quietly) I don't want to be crazy anymore. FRITZ And I don't want to be the next Frith. Fritz and Kadaf lapse into a tired silence, a rabbit and a duck sitting side by side in the dust. KADAF It isn't real. (Beat) I don't know what's real anymore. FRITZ Jonathan's the schizophrenic, not you. KADAF Same difference. FRITZ You've always had a better grasp of reality than me. Or anyone else. And that would make anyone crazy. Kadaf nervously scratches his head, under his yarmulke. Some feathers come out. KADAF (laughs sickly) You remember when I punched you? FRITZ (hesitantly) Which time? KADAF When I was dating Sheila. And you told her I was sick. FRITZ ... that's not how I put it. KADAF You fell into your pool. But there was no water. It was winter, I think. Even though it was in LA. It was in LA, right? FRITZ Yeah. I had that terrible condo. Sarah had just kicked me out. (beat) G-d, Sarah. I haven't called her in forever. KADAF You're still talking to her? FRITZ Are you kidding me? She's the only ex not on the alimony list. (thoughtfully) Jesus, I'm pathetic. KADAF Are you kidding? You're the statesman. The god-king. The guy dating someone half his age. FRITZ I don't think I will be any of those things when I get back. KADAF Back? (confused) Where are we? The last vestiges of Kadaf's dream fall away, leaving him alone with the backdrop, back to his normal self. FRITZ You were kidnapped. Do you remember? KADAF I remember ... it hurts. I don't think I want to go back to that. FRITZ And I can't let you stay here. So somehow we're going to have to compromise, because I won't leave you here. KADAF I'm staying. Why shouldn't I stay? You can handle yourself. I'm not your bodyguard. FRITZ You are. KADAF I'm not. You're the head-honcho. The badass. Always have been. You've never needed me. FRITZ (softly) No, I have. KADAF FUCK YOU! (gets up, pacing impatiently) You can lie to everyone else, but not to me. FRITZ ... that's not true. Kadaf huffs indignantly. FRITZ I really hoped there would be a better time for this. Oh man, this is really going to suck. (beat) Kadaf, I lied to you about something. Kadaf only raises an eyebrow in surprise. FRITZ It -- it was a long time ago. A decade and a half. You were in the Ford clinic, drying out. KADAF Heh. It took forever to get me in there. FRITZ Yeah, but that's not the point. Look ... Fritz looks for the best way to say this. Realizing there is none, he just goes for it. FRITZ Sheila and I had an affair. Kadaf stops pacing. KADAF ... what? FRITZ (stammering) Once. We were drunk and you were away. And we really felt bad about it. But then she got sick and she didn't want to bring it up and I didn't want to bring it up -- there was never a good time. (shakes his head) And then I didn't want to, you know, tarnish her memory. Or lose you. Kadaf says nothing. He stares at nothing, his body becoming rigid, his face expressionless. FRITZ Daffy? Kadaf leaps at Fritz suddenly. KADAF I'LL KILL YOU! Fritz has to hastily fend Kadaf off. With his wounds, he is at a distinct disadvantage. FRITZ (on the defensive) I don't want to fight you. KADAF I don't care what you want! This is what I want! Kadaf clocks Fritz in the head, knocking him across the sand. Fritz opens his eyes to the disturbing figure of Kadaf in his black death robes. His wings, unlike Fritz's beautiful white, are made of twisted bone. He leaps at Fritz, but the rabbit is ready this time and kicks him back. FRITZ I can only take so many beatings today ... Kadaf tries to punch Fritz again, but the rabbit catches it with his left paw. A burst of pain ribbons through him, and he has to release it. FRITZ Ow! Fuck! Ow! KADAF Fritz? FRITZ It's nothing. Continue beating me up. (waves his paw about) Motherfucker. OK, I'm not going to move this arm anymore. Fritz lets his left arm lie on the ground, motionless. The fight, it seems, has also gone out of Kadaf, who plops down next to him. KADAF I can't fight you anymore. FRITZ Well, that's good. KADAF I'm still pissed at you, though. FRITZ Well, at least you're being honest. KADAF This isn't real, is it? FRITZ I cannot honestly say what is real and what is not. Not here, not now. Fritz closes his eyes. There is no more talk from Kadaf. There is only silence for a while, until he opens them again. The scene has changed entirely. Kadaf is literally pierced on a sword, which pins him to the rock. It sticks out his shoulder. His feathers are caked in blood, and his eyes are half-open and dulled. It seems like he has been in this position forever. FRITZ Daffy? There is no visible response. Fritz walks around him, trying to figure out what exactly to do about this. As he assesses the situation, he notices the familiar two-circle design on the sword's hilt, though it's a smaller weapon than the one he saw earlier. FRITZ As much as I could do the King Arthur thing here, I don't want to kill you. (beat) My mother was right. I should have been a good son and gone to medical school. There is a soft mumbling beneath Kadaf's cloth. Fritz removes it quickly. FRITZ You there? Kadaf's eyes are a bit more open but remain unfocused. KADAF Bugs? Fritz smiles for the first time in what feels like forever and a day. FRITZ As happy as I am that you're alive, you're probably not going to want to be awake for this. KADAF (in Yiddish) Mah? FRITZ Hold your breath. I don't know why they say to do that, but you should probably try it. There is no visible response. Fritz braces himself and draws the blade out. Kadaf shudders and falls the remaining length to the ground, looking up at the terrible visage of Fritz holding up a sword with his blood on it. Horrified, Fritz tosses away the blade and carefully picks up Kadaf. FRITZ If you die on me now, so help me G-d, I will kill you. Fritz opens his wings and disappears into the sky. SCENE 7 - PALACE ROOM In a square room made of marble and stone, Kadaf is on a table, unconscious by all appearances. Fritz has pulled up an ornate chair of velvet and gold by the table and has actually slumped over, sleeping uneasily, one paw still clutching his wounded side. The other arm hangs limply at his side. VOICE Wake up. Fritz picks his head up in the direction of the voice. The door to the left has opened, and someone is approaching. It's THORAS IGNATIUS, in ghost form. He is wearing a golden crown on his head, but it's as transparent as he is. Quintis is protectively by his side, similarly non-corporeal. THORAS Are you going to stay here? Fritz is a little too tired to think of something witty to say back. He's also unsure how to interpret Thoras's tone. FRITZ ... of course. Why? THORAS It will take him time to heal. FRITZ I know that. THORAS You are aware of the events transpiring in the aniverse? Fritz looks up, a little taken back. FRITZ You're paying attention to the aniverse? Other than Nharnia, I mean. THORAS They seem to be in a bit of a bind. FRITZ I know. (sighs) I'm staying with Daffy. THORAS What about the vixen? FRITZ (angrily) Mimi has always been capable of taking care of herself. But I don't want to have this argument right now. THORAS Fine. Thoras bares a glance from Quintis, and softens his own. THORAS I thought it was ... admirable of you, to do what you did. FRITZ (distracted) Thanks. THORAS When you have a moment, I'll see you in the throne room. Thoras leaves. Meanwhile, Kadaf is stirring. FRITZ Daf? KADAF (hoarsely) Yo. [Hi.] FRITZ Vos hert zich bay aych? [How are you?] KADAF Fercockt. [Fucked up.] FRITZ I'm sorry. I should have listened to you. KADAF (confused) About what? Fritz shakes his head. It's not worth explaining. FRITZ Gay shlafen, Shlomo. [Go to sleep, Shlomo.] KADAF Are you staying here? FRITZ Ja. [Yes.] KADAF Gut. [Good.] Kadaf appears to go back into an uneasy sleep. Fritz leans back in the chair. It begins to occur to him that his shoulder hurts very badly, but he ignores it. His vigil continues as his eyes slowly close. SCENE 8 - THRONE ROOM Thoras is alone in a throne room, standing beside an empty golden throne. He is waiting eagerly, though he doesn't show it much, for Fritz, who enters at last. He has cleaned himself up considerably and is wearing pure white robes. He still moves stiffly as he approaches Thoras and the throne. THORAS Are you still wounded? FRITZ A little. Thoras touches Fritz's right paw, and to the rabbit's surprise, the ghost doesn't go through him. Instead, a warm and pleasant feeling flows through his body. THORAS Suran stabbed you in the back. FRITZ Trust me, I know. Thoras retracts, his face full of concentration. THORAS Make a fist for me. FRITZ What? THORAS With your paw. Fritz closes both his paws. The left one becomes a fist, but the right one remains half open, despite his best efforts. He wiggles his fingers, but the dexterity is decreased. FRITZ What I wouldn't give to be left-handed. When is this going to heal? THORAS Probably never. He severed the nerves that go all the way to your shoulder. FRITZ This is going to seriously affect my handwriting. You know how many documents I have to sign on a daily basis? Thoras, as usual, is in no mood for humor. THORAS You're at a disadvantage. FRITZ What, you think I could have taken him then? (beat) Do you think I care? I care more about the Toad Wars than I do about a chaos demon. THORAS Then what are you doing here? FRITZ (authoritatively) I'm here for Kadaf. THORAS While your dedication is admirable, your efforts could go elsewhere. FRITZ They'll go where I want them to go. To the people that I care about. THORAS You have a responsibility ... FRITZ I have a responsibility to my friends and the voting populace of the aniverse, in that order. Beyond that, I'm just a rabbit. (angrily) That's where we disagree. You think you're a god, but I've seen evidence to the contrary. THORAS What would you know about that? FRITZ (coldly) Cassandra. The Great Mother has been telling hares to massacre followers of her brother. Whose fault is that? This does give Thoras some pause, if a little. FRITZ There are laws to follow. The dead have to stay dead. Fritz turns away to stalk off, but Thoras speaks again. THORAS That's not always true. It depends how long they've been dead. (without ferocity) You, for example. Fritz stops, spinning back around. His wounded side weighs him down. THORAS You still don't think you were just in a coma when I dug you out of that grave? Fritz's eyes light up with surprise, despite his attempts to hide it. Thoras, reveling, straightens on his golden throne. THORAS I didn't tell you because I thought you couldn't handle it. Apparently, I was right. (continuing, unhesitating) In the grand scope of things, several hours is not really a significant amount of time to be dead. In my experience, it's not until the soul travels to the underworld that real cha ... FRITZ (defiantly) It isn't true. THORAS You would also know, with my experience, that the powers of an undead come as the necromancer wills it. Or so the mortals say, in their limited experience in the matter. Fritz approaches the throne, one paw unconsciously going to his belt. THORAS You may dislike me, you may even reject all of my teachings, but without me, you'd be nothing more than bones now. Only the illusion of otherwise has let you keep your pathetic attachment to the place you call the ... Fritz moves in a bolt of golden energy, his lightsaber in his paw. It swings weakly, most of his force gone with his injuries, his paw barely grasping the hilt. The blade still strikes the throne. Thoras raises a jeweled sword, which blocks Fritz's blade, light against steel. He deflects it with a flick of his wrist, pushing Fritz back down the stairs. Fritz lands painfully on the red carpet. He raises his eyes to Thoras hovering over him, a white figure weightlessly on his chest, yet crushing him all the same, the blade pointing at his face. THORAS I am but a shadow of my former self, and yet see how easily ... VOICE Thoras! Stop! Quintis enters from the side, his face gentle but forceful. QUINTIS Stop taunting him. Thoras hesitates, then retracts his blade, stepping off Fritz, who is still rather helpless. QUINTIS You're not accomplishing anything. THORAS He should know. (beat) He deserves to know. QUINTIS Perhaps this is not the best way to do it. Thoras huffs, but he listens. He storms off, leaving Fritz panting on the ground. Quintis cautiously glides over to his side. FRITZ Thanks. (sits up painfully) Am I really dead? QUINTIS Not anymore, no. It's not the answer Fritz was looking for. He curses and looks at the ground. FRITZ Why did he resurrect me? I don't want to be part of his little game. QUINTIS I will refrain from comment on the size of the game. (thoughtfully) Thoras is a man who makes decisions and sticks to them. You two have that in common. And only you can decide what is important to you. FRITZ (chuckles humorlessly at that) How's Daffy? QUINTIS He's awake. FRITZ (surprised) He is? QUINTIS I believe he's out on the terrace. I would approach with caution. FRITZ Good to know. SCENE 9 - TERRACE Kadaf is sitting on the steps, facing the beautiful courtyard. A trail of smoke rises from his right paw, and the area around him is littered with the expected cigarette butts. FRITZ Did they say you can sit up? Kadaf says nothing, barely acknowledging Fritz's existence. FRITZ If I sit next to you, will you kill me? Still nothing. Fritz takes the opportunity to sit down on the stairs. Kadaf still won't look at him; he stares out at nothing instead. FRITZ So you must be remembering things. The duck finishes another cigarette and fumbles for a new one. There are several empty packages on the ground. FRITZ It sort of goes without saying that I'm incredibly sorry. And that I should probably never expect for you to speak to me again. The silence says volumes. Fritz swallows and looks at his feet. FRITZ I should have told you a long time ago. There just was never a good time. I know that's a stupid excuse. There's never a good time for this sort of thing. So I was a coward. You can call me one if you want. (waits) Or you can say nothing. Also fine. You don't have to forgive me. I mean, it would be nice, but I know it's probably not going to happen. But Christ, I'm sorry. (beat) I'll stop running my mouth off now. Discouraged, Fritz waits for any kind of acknowledgement of his existence. When he receives none, he gathers his robes and starts back up from the steps. KADAF How did she look? Fritz stops in his steps, turning back to Kadaf, who is still facing away. FRITZ What? KADAF You said you saw her. How did she look? FRITZ She was imaginary. KADAF I don't care. How did she look? Fritz pauses, watching the plumes of smoke drip up. FRITZ She looked great. Like she always looked. There is silence again. Depressed, Fritz turns away again, though more hesitantly this time. KADAF (still not turning to look at Fritz) I know we could have brought her back. FRITZ Yeah. KADAF It would have been bad. Quintis did that for his sister, and she's a mess. Thoras's wife. Cassandra. I talked to her once. FRITZ (genuinely surprised) You did? KADAF Ja. She's around. Hard to find, but I can find anyone dead, or undead, or whatever she is. I talked to her a few years ago about it, and she was pretty messed up. Hard to talk to. (peers over his shoulder) The dead have to stay dead. We have to move on. To this, Fritz has no response. KADAF I can't get up on my own. My back -- it's really fucked up, isn't it? FRITZ Yes, it is. But it'll get better. KADAF It'll probably take forever, though. (looking at him expectantly) Help me up, would you? FRITZ (with a hesitant smile) Sure. With a great deal of effort, Kadaf is able to get to his feet, with most of his weight shifting to Fritz's shoulders. His webbed feet can only manage tiny steps as he shuffles back inside. They leave a smoldering pile of tobacco and ash behind them. THE END